
Bicyclists should not be allowed on roads.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
This is not by any facet, my opinion. A friend of mine mentioned this article to me yesterday on a ride, and I thought some of you monkeys might be interested in reading it and responding.

I know this kind of attitude infuriates me.

Here's the link...


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by aragorn
He's an A$$
Agreed. He's a dipsh!t in so many ways, I don't even know where to begin disagreeing with him... do I start with the factual inaccuracies, the self-important/self-righteous attitude, the blind Rush Limbaugh-isms, the pisspoor grasp of the laws of the road, or his ugly mug?


Aug 22, 2001

I've been riding and driving for 24 years and have notice that most drivers have no problems with passing cyclists on the road. Could it be because unlike you they know how to drive. Maybe if you'd put down your Big Gulp and Pork Rinds and watched the road you might not have these problems.

Email I sent


Wow what a tool.

I hate to say it but....... I love this country but sometimes I hate it too. This is the mentality here. Its all about big cars and testosterone driven sports. Cyclists will never gain mainstream acceptance :(

Cars themselves are a problem. Our local corridor between Denver/Boulder and the mountains (I70) has become so gridlocked with traffic on the weekends that a lot of us opt to just not ski anymore cuz its not worth the trouble. An initiative was put on the ballot to approve funds for a study of a monorail between DIA and Vail. This would have been one of the most progressive transportation initiatives this country has ever seen, but of course it got voted down. I guess people would rather sit in gridlock than ride a fast train to the mountains.

Americans and their cars....... BAH!


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
I tried to send this idiot an email, and it was returned by the system administrator stating that the recipient name was not recognized.

Maybe they fired him? ;)


Strangely intrigued by Echo
Oct 30, 2001
Charlotte, NC
Originally posted by Spud
What's anybody going to say to this tool that would pursuade him? Nada.
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides with the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon those with great vengeance and with furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know that my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."


Oct 30, 2001
i can see how a motorist, especially a non-cyclist, could really get frustrated with many bikes on the road. it IS an aggravation to have to drive a car at 15-25mph and endanger lives when attempting to pass. frustration is the motivation fer this guy, but he sure does come up with short-sighted conclusions.

1st, our gov't has been trying to help control the greenhouse gas thing for a number of years now by 1st encourageing volunteer local efforts, then forcing (laws) local cooperation. much pushback with a cost/loss of profits perspective. bicycles are a portion of transportation goal to reduce motor vehicle traffic/emissions. some of the motorists fees/taxes he mentioned are because of the polution.

2nd, has to do with fitness. (must cut it short -have to go)

3rd, etc etc...

anyways, ther guy's entitled to his opinion and the expression of it, but it'd be nice if the counterpoint had, at least, the same quantity of airtime.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
He's old and his testicles probably hang so low they would get caught in his chain ring. Who cares what this old fart has to say he probably forgot he even wrote this peice by now.


May 28, 2002
Littleton, CO
The thing is, motorists have to treat bicycles like any other vehicle. They must not realize that we could ride right in the middle of a lane legally.

I've had some pretty terrifying experiences with motorists, and I'm sure some of you guys have too. I guess there's not much we can do other than throw rocks through their windshields (and I do, by the way, stuff some rocks in my jersey before I go for a road ride) :)


Oct 7, 2001
the man stated that we cyclist act like my own the road, when we dont pay any of the taxes to have the roads built/maintained. is this man a moron. does he think that all we have is a bike, that this is our only mode of travel. what an a$$. i happen to own two vehicles and i pay my fair share of road fees and at times more than my own. so yes i do own the road, just like any other tax paying citizen. what an A$$ how would anyone let such dribble be put into print, but if to take up space. he more than likely jealous of our " baseball sized" calf muscles. Because he has chicken legs. bawk baagawk