
Bidens Presidency...


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Twelve years ago I was filled with hope and optimism. Happy that a man whom I despised had been replaced with one I felt I could respect and admire, a man who to me, truly epitomized the "American Dream." He lasted 8 years. Eight relatively drama and controversy free (Excepting Mom jeans and a tan suit...) years. I didn't agree with everything he did as POTUS, hell, if I was POTUS I wouldn't agree with everything I did- but for the most part he was spot on in my estimations. Mock controversies and conspiracies dogged his every step, but he persevered and did mostly good things for America and the world.

One of the problems that emerged during his terms was the simmering, lingering undercurrent of racism in our society. He and his wife were attacked in every way, shape and form because they dared to succeed as people of color in a white mans world. Perhaps this helped lead to the last 4 years of idiocy in which the mouth breathers of this country elected atruly ugly person to the highest office in the land who has failed at literally everything he has ever done- marriages, businesses, board games, serving his fellow man, reproducing etc. His only success to date is earning the revered status of worst POTUS ever, and further inflaming the mouth breathers of this country to believe in his utter bullshit. It is no secret how much I despise this man. His position in the public eye has worsened my depression and caused me to re-evaluate my place in our country and our world. Life is too short to even be associated with such people.

But I digress.

Today we welcome to the Oval Office a new/old guy who already knows where the bathrooms are and where the bodies are buried. Although he is a career politician, I trust him and welcome his VP. She fills me with hope and optimism for the future and gives my daughter and granddaughter a positive role model to look up to in one of the most high profile and powerful positions in the world.

You have the ball now Joe, dont screw this up...


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Twelve years ago I was filled with hope and optimism. Happy that a man whom I despised had been replaced with one I felt I could respect and admire, a man who to me, truly epitomized the "American Dream." He lasted 8 years. Eight relatively drama and controversy free (Excepting Mom jeans and a tan suit...) years. I didn't agree with everything he did as POTUS, hell, if I was POTUS I wouldn't agree with everything I did- but for the most part he was spot on in my estimations. Mock controversies and conspiracies dogged his every step, but he persevered and did mostly good things for America and the world.

One of the problems that emerged during his terms was the simmering, lingering undercurrent of racism in our society. He and his wife were attacked in every way, shape and form because they dared to succeed as people of color in a white mans world. Perhaps this helped lead to the last 4 years of idiocy in which the mouth breathers of this country elected atruly ugly person to the highest office in the land who has failed at literally everything he has ever done- marriages, businesses, board games, serving his fellow man, reproducing etc. His only success to date is earning the revered status of worst POTUS ever, and further inflaming the mouth breathers of this country to believe in his utter bullshit. It is no secret how much I despise this man. His position in the public eye has worsened my depression and caused me to re-evaluate my place in our country and our world. Life is too short to even be associated with such people.

But I digress.

Today we welcome to the Oval Office a new/old guy who already knows where the bathrooms are and where the bodies are buried. Although he is a career politician, I trust him and welcome his VP. She fills me with hope and optimism for the future and gives my daughter and granddaughter a positive role model to look up to in one of the most high profile and powerful positions in the world.

You have the ball now Joe, dont screw this up...

Never forget: The single most disqualifying trait for an american to be president is the fact that that person wants to be president.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Sounds like Doug Emhoff got to choose his 2nd Gentlemen moniker. Seems like a wasted opportunity considering Doctor Apocalypse is still available.