
Big dogs living with little dogs.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
My wife wants to get another dog to keep out other dog company. We like big dogs. The last pup we got was a mix shep-rott... the thing is she is 7 months old and really not very big, we are guessing she will max out at about 50-55 lbs. ANyway, in our search for another dog we found at a Great Pyrinese (sp). They grow to be monster dogs... 85-100 lbs.

Will they get along because of the size difference, i.e. will they still play together and whatnot? They are the same age give or take a month or two.

I posted a pic of a GP below next to an old woman to show how huge they are.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
size not really an issue. put a great dane with a chihuhua and the chihuahua will DOMINATE every time. Its all about the breed and temperment.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
golgiaparatus said:
search for another dog we found at a Great Pyrinese (sp). They grow to be monster dogs... 85-100 lbs.
I think sirknight6 has one of those mongrels if I recall.

He could probably tell you how they get along with other dogs.


Nov 28, 2005
I had a 130lb German Shepard since he was 7 weeks old up to three month ago...still miss the pain in the butt...but he lived with my Siberian Husky [60lb] just fine.....


Starting out as a pup with it, fine. A grown Pyranese is a crap shoot. I have seen them so docile it will amaze you. I have seen them so mean that they had to be trapped to get in the pasture to work the sheep. It's all about how they are raised. I have seen way more in the 125 lb range, but some are smaller. Their hair can be nasty and they drool a ton.

That said, raised from a pup, they are really great dogs. I don't like them here because it's cruel with the heat.


May 5, 2004
Woodland Park Colorado
We have an 80+ lb Lab, a 40+ lb English Setter, a 30lb and still growing German Shorthair and a 6 lb Toy Fox Terrier and despite the massive size differences, ages and temperments they all get along.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
loco said:
Starting out as a pup with it, fine. A grown Pyranese is a crap shoot. I have seen them so docile it will amaze you. I have seen them so mean that they had to be trapped to get in the pasture to work the sheep. It's all about how they are raised. I have seen way more in the 125 lb range, but some are smaller. Their hair can be nasty and they drool a ton.

That said, raised from a pup, they are really great dogs. I don't like them here because it's cruel with the heat.
Crap they drool a lot :( The wife is dead set on it. I have tried to veto her based on the hair. Personally I'd rather have a dane or a large shep if we were going to have a big dog... anyway, the drooling might seal the deal. I can do huge and I can do hair (I have shears), but I dont do drool.


golgiaparatus said:
Crap they drool a lot :( The wife is dead set on it. I have tried to veto her based on the hair. Personally I'd rather have a dane or a large shep if we were going to have a big dog... anyway, the drooling might seal the deal. I can do huge and I can do hair, but I dont do drool.
They can be great dogs, but I have never seen one over 1 years old that wasn't a faucet. Like I said, they are gentle giants though.


Mar 1, 2005
Here's a good example of big dogs living with little dogs( well sorta). My wife has a lab/cocker spaniel mix which weighs about 30 pounds. Not exactly a big dog. My wife usually walks her dog along with our neighbor who has a big dog on our street. I'm not sure what kind of dog it is but it is relatively large, probably bigger than a german shephard and definiltely packs a lot of muscle. Fortunately both dogs got along quite well and actaully get excited when they see each other.

One day my wife and her neighbor friend were walking the dogs aloong on our street and passed the local white trash/drug dealers house.
Their Rotweiller/boxer mix was not on a leash and came charging at my wife and neighbor. The white trash dog picked the smallest victim
out of the group, my wifes dog. As the rotweiller was ready to lunge for our dog, my wife instinctively yanged our dog behind her at the last moment and the the rotweiller overshot his target. He then proceeded to run around the other side of my wife. At this point, the white trash dog made two fatal errors. One, he picked on big dogs bud and two, white trash dog turned his back on big dog. Big mistake!

My neighbors dog chomped down on the rotweiller by the scruff of his neck and proceeded to drag the rotweiller back down the driveway from where he came. Big dog finally let the rotweiller go and it ran back to his house. Big dog then returned to the group like nothing ever happened. When he returned, it was apparent that he drew blood. Big dog got some major attention the rest of the day.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
I've got a 7:1 ratio going right now.
70# pitbull
10# dachshund

They are still trying to figure out how to play together. I think it will get sorted soon.


Dec 6, 2001
My wife and I have an 85 pound hound mix and he's great with any dog that doesn't act aggressive in his direction. My Mom has Basenji that weighs about 22 pounds and they get along great.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
loco said:
Starting out as a pup with it, fine. A grown Pyranese is a crap shoot. I have seen them so docile it will amaze you. I have seen them so mean that they had to be trapped to get in the pasture to work the sheep. It's all about how they are raised. I have seen way more in the 125 lb range, but some are smaller. Their hair can be nasty and they drool a ton.

That said, raised from a pup, they are really great dogs. I don't like them here because it's cruel with the heat.
Pretty generalized comment on the breed dude...:rolleyes:

Put it to ya this way, they're referred to as the "Gentle Giant" and are great with kids.

Pretty level headed dogs. As with any pup, they tend to be stubborn when they're young, so a firm bu loving hand is certainly the order for the early months.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Anyone have any experience with Great Danes? I have always wanted a giant dog and am seriously thinking of getting one before the end of the year. I don't have any experience with them though.


sirknight6 said:
Pretty generalized comment on the breed dude...:rolleyes:

Put it to ya this way, they're referred to as the "Gentle Giant" and are great with kids.

Pretty level headed dogs. As with any pup, they tend to be stubborn when they're young, so a firm bu loving hand is certainly the order for the early months.
Did you not read my post, bro??? I said they are mostly docile, but I have seen some that are just down right ferocious. Even the most gentle will kill a coyote or a wild dog when turned out with sheep, so keep that in mind when putting a grown Pyranese with just any ol' dog. Like I said, all in all, they are great. They certainly weren't meant to stay in a backyard though.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
2 experiences with this.
Couple years ago a friend had a Great Dane and a Jack Russell, they played VERY well with each other and were always chasing each other around the yard (farm actually). It was a bit scary when they first got the Jack Russell b/c the Dane, who was young but almost full sized, would pick him up in his mouth and run around with him. But when he set him down the Jack would jump up and give chase. VERY funny to watch!

The second is my current situation - one roommate has a rat terrier/pit mix, probably about 25lbs and about 6 or 7 years old. Other roommate, who just moved in 2 months ago, has a huge Rotweiller. Not sure how much he weighs, but on his hind legs he is about 5'6" tall. The Rot is much younger than the terrier…maybe a year and half old? They still play very well together and have only had one real fight. It was when the rot tried to take the rawhide from the terrier… age defeated size in that battle. Since then, no problems.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I agree with the rest that it's not the size, it's the temperment. My 90lb. black lab mix used to go flying around the house chasing or chased by my 7-8lb. cat.

Our neighbors had a 40lb Golden Retriever mix that they used to bring over and play with him all the time.

My godmother had a couple 9lb Jack Russels that would play tug o' war with him all the time.

My experience is that a happy, good natured dog will play with just about any animal that crosses its path.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
MtnBikerChk said:
Our greyhound plays with the Jack Russell at my cousin's house all the time.

60lbs vs 20?ish

Totally the dogs and their personalities.
and should a fight break out, the jack russell would totally kick our dog's ass.

Good thing they are buddies.



Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
loco said:
Did you not read my post, bro??? I said they are mostly docile, but I have seen some that are just down right ferocious. Even the most gentle will kill a coyote or a wild dog when turned out with sheep, so keep that in mind when putting a grown Pyranese with just any ol' dog. Like I said, all in all, they are great. They certainly weren't meant to stay in a backyard though.

The last statement rings oh so true. A secure back yard is a must.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Ciaran said:
Anyone have any experience with Great Danes? I have always wanted a giant dog and am seriously thinking of getting one before the end of the year. I don't have any experience with them though.
Great Danes are great dogs, like any pooch it's all about how well you train them. But once trained they are very gentle and freindly. Plus they fit right in at the Renn. Fair.:thumb:


Feb 24, 2004
i have a jack russel and a heinz57...(rot-lab mix) they get along pretty well. gotta feed them outta seperate bowls though.
Getta german shepherd. Look at my young 6 months old german shepherd. His big teeth just came in 3 weeks ago too. You can already see how big they are. He is the size of a regular dog right now. The vet said he'll probably get up to 120 to 125.

this is my buddy holding Achilles. my buddy is 6ft 4in 250



Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Ciaran said:
Anyone have any experience with Great Danes? I have always wanted a giant dog and am seriously thinking of getting one before the end of the year. I don't have any experience with them though.
Neighbors growing up had them. One was especially protective of the daughter (toddler), but never in an aggressive way. She would simply walk in between the stranger and the little girl, and lay down. The little girl would kinda fall onto her and just look at you while leaning on the dane. It was very cute.

When the girl was upstairs playing, the dane would be positioned at the top of the steps - laying down to block her from going downstairs.

BillT said:
One of the sad things about Great Danes is that their lifespan is short relative (average lifespan is under 10 years with 12-13 years considered to be ancient) to other breeds.
Isn't that true for most big dogs, or are Danes the exception?


Let me just point out that those teeth + you putting your arm in that dog's mouth = you are a dumb ass.

loco said:
Let me just point out that those teeth + you putting your arm in that dog's mouth = you are a dumb ass.

he's just playing, he looks really crazy when he gets mad. He just barely bites then but when he is made his tounge and spit is going everywhere. It's something you dont wanna mess with when he's really angry. Special not putting arm out like that.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Sounds like a Great Dane is the dawg for me. Yes they do fit in at the renn faire very well. :D I started wanting one after I saw this girl at our medieval events who had two of them. Huge, gigantic beautiful dogs that were trained to follow hand commands. It was almost beautiful to watch her and her dogs. They moved effortlessly together and it was great watching her silently control the dogs with movements of her hands.

I think all large dogs have a short life span. It's a bummer, but I think it's something you accept if you want a big dog (which I do).

Now the next question: Does anyone have any experience training dogs, or can anyone recommend some websites or places to start researching? I would love to have a very well trained dog, especially if it can follow hand commands. I have had dogs and been around many dogs and the ones that were the most enjoyable to be around were the ones that had been well trained. If I am going to have large dogs I want people to be able to not be afraid of them. And I want to be a responsible owner... I don't want to be "that guy" with the unruly dogs that he can't control.

Thanks for the info folks!


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Getting them to obey hand commands is no harder than getting them to obey voice. You just use the hand signals when you are training them, they will eventually respond to either version.

I used to have a golden that would obey hand signals... great trick to do from across the yard. I could get her to go to a certain person, sit and raise a paw... great way to meet chicks!


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
I've got a yellow lab and a little white POS that live together fine. The lab is about 90 pounds and the POS is about 30.
My dog (achilles) is getting better on commands but I notice he response to hand commands better then verbal. I know other dogs the same way. Achilles is really good with people and other dogs just because I take him everywhere with me to be social. But- he has a temper only when you get around bones or any kinda treat. Other than that, he is really good with people. Oh yeah, he is starting to become protective of me and my mom, but only if it seems your trying to hurt us.

Training Dogs, best to start as early as 8 weeks after they have all their shots. Most training sections will be like 1 hour for a week but they'll give you home work to do with your dog like 10 minutes a day and being consistent. You can go online and search somethings you wanna teach your dog and just work with him by yourself. It will be good though for your dog being around other training dogs just because he'll notice the other dogs doing what their suppose to do and it will let him know whats up.

Do some of those things and you shouldnt have to worry about people being scared of your dog. There will always be those people though always scared of big dogs. German Shepherds more than likely probably the most feared.

Sucks tho like what the guy said above. Big dogs equal short life spand. Shepherds live to max 14 yrs but most commonly 10 yrs or so.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
jamasonbmbry said:
My dog (achilles) is getting better on commands but I notice he response to hand commands better then verbal. I know other dogs the same way. Achilles is really good with people and other dogs just because I take him everywhere with me to be social. But- he has a temper only when you get around bones or any kinda treat. Other than that, he is really good with people. Oh yeah, he is starting to become protective of me and my mom, but only if it seems your trying to hurt us.

Training Dogs, best to start as early as 8 weeks after they have all their shots. Most training sections will be like 1 hour for a week but they'll give you home work to do with your dog like 10 minutes a day and being consistent. You can go online and search somethings you wanna teach your dog and just work with him by yourself. It will be good though for your dog being around other training dogs just because he'll notice the other dogs doing what their suppose to do and it will let him know whats up.

Do some of those things and you shouldnt have to worry about people being scared of your dog. There will always be those people though always scared of big dogs. German Shepherds more than likely probably the most feared.

Sucks tho like what the guy said above. Big dogs equal short life spand. Shepherds live to max 14 yrs but most commonly 10 yrs or so.
Awsome, thanks for the info. I think that when I get the dog we'll be starting an obedience school as soon as we can.

As for people being scared of big dogs, well look at the pic of your sheperd baring his teeth. YOU know that he's playing, and we all know that because you told us, but without knowing anything about the photo the dog looks like he is a vicious dog about to bite somone.

I feel that as dog owners (Yes, I currently have a dog I am caring for... long story) we have a responsibility to remember that not everyone likes or understands dogs, and that some people have genuinely had bad experiences with dogs. Not everyone is just a "pvssy" that should "suck it up" as some believe.
Ciaran said:
Awsome, thanks for the info. I think that when I get the dog we'll be starting an obedience school as soon as we can.

As for people being scared of big dogs, well look at the pic of your sheperd baring his teeth. YOU know that he's playing, and we all know that because you told us, but without knowing anything about the photo the dog looks like he is a vicious dog about to bite somone.

I feel that as dog owners (Yes, I currently have a dog I am caring for... long story) we have a responsibility to remember that not everyone likes or understands dogs, and that some people have genuinely had bad experiences with dogs. Not everyone is just a "pvssy" that should "suck it up" as some believe.

yeah, when you do get him into training. Make sure you get the shot where your dog wont get any sickness from other dogs. they said its like having a really bad cough like people get. It's strange but its worth getting. Mention to the vet that your going to put the dog in obedience classes and they should know to give them the shot.

Also, achilles showing those teeth biting the arm. It's a teeth puppy shepherds goes through when young is biting. When he was young he would bite the **** outta me with his baby teeth now when we play he barely nips at me or never bites down like he did when he was 9 to 12 weeks old. It's strange too that when shepherd bite they show their teeth like a great white shark. It's intemedating looking but it's how they do it. I would never play with him in public like that b/c it would freak someone out. It was only for show. Turned out to be a good picture. Also lets people know not to mess with ya. HAHAHA


Mar 8, 2006
i have a 60 pound mutt, a 100 pound shepard collie lab mix, a 10 pound pug and 10 pound ****zu.

all get along great, share the same food bowl and often the last three all sleep together in one big K9 clump.

the 60 lb is about 13 years old and pretty slow so she is the loner of the group all the rest are under 3years old.


Why don't you have a seat over there?
Jan 27, 2005
Rockland said:
I've got a 7:1 ratio going right now.
70# pitbull
10# dachshund

They are still trying to figure out how to play together. I think it will get sorted soon.
One day your pit's gonna walk up to you and say "Next time you go to the store would you mind picking up some hotdog buns and some spicy relish?" I'd love to see those two playing...I bet it is a riot.

One of my uncles has a Black Lab and Dachshund and they get along great. Highly entertaining.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
moff_quigley said:
One day your pit's gonna walk up to you and say "Next time you go to the store would you mind picking up some hotdog buns and some spicy relish?" I'd love to see those two playing...I bet it is a riot.
Please don't eat me. :rofl:



Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Well, hell, since this thread is still going... we got the dog. She is 4 months old and currently about 50lbs. Huge feet, head too big for body right now. I'm predicting about 110-120 lbs when full grown, but thats just my semi-educated guess. She's really gentle and doesnt really care about much. Above all she likes to sit in the middle of our backyard and sniff up into the air... if she hears another dog barking she wil return the bark 10 fold.

Just yesterday she was sitting in the middle of the yard barking and the other dog was running insane circles at top speed around her... I swear it was something right out of a cartoon.