
Black forest/Switzerland


Terrified of Cucumbers
Nov 12, 2006
The old world
Todtnau is great (http://www.mtb-fun-park.de/) and only 30 minutes away, while Bad Wildbad is 2,5 hour drive (http://www.bikepark-bad-wildbad.de/) but totally worth it. Then again, you're pretty far south already, so you might as well go to the alps, Morzine is only 3,5 hours away....

Both of the webpages are in german only, let me know if you need any translations or further info.

Edti: oh by the way, if it's not only lift assisted riding you're after you can't go wrong down there, you'll be surrounded by mountains and forests.
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Short One Marshmallow
Sep 7, 2006
French Alps
....you might as well go to the alps, Morzine is only 3,5 hours away....
Yep, come and see me.

Here's a shopping list:

Tui-mato sauce
Whitlocks Tomato Chutney
Pineapple Lumps
Beef,Beer&Bacon Pie from that shop in ChCh that won the best pie award
Fish & Chips (Brown Owl Dairy in Palmy)
Chocolate milkshake (also from the Brown Owl Dairy)- "Longest Drink In Town"
My HLAH collection (this is a tricky one as they were all stolen back in '99)

If you could grab one of my surfboards from the rafters at my Mum's house - the 6'4" would be fine.

I think that's it. If there is anything you think I need, then feel free to bring that with you as well.

Cheers, see you soon. :biggrin:


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Thanks for that guys Todtnau looks perfectly placed for me. :D

Damo, I def plan to ride the moto over to your place, whats the rental bike scene like down there?
heh heh interesting wish list you have for me..... Will see what I can squeeze in (probably only a Tequila teaspoon for you to snort). ;)

Just been checking out flights for my impending run for it to a non extradition country.
And I have to say I'm amazed at the price differences in economy fares...... from $3,250 all the way up to Cathay's $14,317.28 (not including taxes)! :shock:

Yes $14,317.28 FOR CATTLE CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Think I'll go with British Airlines who can (for $3,600) take me from 5 mins down the road from my place to Basel 30 mins down the road from my final destination.

Oh and the Cathay one is only Auckland to Zurich which leaves me stuck several hours away Basel......


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2007
Champery, Switzerland
Zurich is pretty close to Basel and there are train stations inside the airport. I wouldn't worry about the distance between the two, too much. I am on the other side of the Portes du Soleil from Damo and I aslo think you should come here.

Hey Damo, are you guys open next weekend as well?


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
lol ok Champery has been added to the list. :D

Next question for you guys, for that time of the year (September) what tyres would you recommend for my hardtail? :)


Short One Marshmallow
Sep 7, 2006
French Alps
Ben : We are open now. I only got back from travelling/racing last night, so haven't picked up my liftpass yet...

Dave: If you are looking at coming in September, you should be bringing XC tyres as the lifts are closed... There will be shuttle runs going however. Any tyres will work, it's not racing. HighRollers/Minions are the main choices, but my all time favourites at the moment are cut-down WetScreams.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2007
Champery, Switzerland
Over on the Champery side we are still riding the lifts in September and there are also the cog trains and mini trams to shuttle but it can be very muddy like Damo said. I am also running Wet Screams most of the time.


Short One Marshmallow
Sep 7, 2006
French Alps
What goes up must come down... Just remember that when you choose your tyres.

High Rollers seem a good choice to me. Choose grip over rolling resistance.

Don't forget to bring me my Holden HQ...

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Is that burnt old bastard Andy still running the pub in Todtnau? If so Davo that's a pretty good place for a brew or 20.


Short One Marshmallow
Sep 7, 2006
French Alps
First time I rocked into Todtnau, we saw a pub with a 'Bikers Welcome' sign in the front window.

We thought that was kinda cool until we went inside...

A dozen or so leather-clad, moustached men turned as one to look at us.

It was like walking into a YMCA scene...

<...backing out slowly...>


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
I think I have a new plan for Swizerland! :D

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ZCCrpVB5bFc&hl=en"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ZCCrpVB5bFc&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Edit why won't the bugger embed???????????

Ahh sufftit.... Here's the youtoobe page.......
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Short One Marshmallow
Sep 7, 2006
French Alps
Here y'go NooB :biggrin:

...and as gay as I thought that would be after the rollerblade start, it was pretty damn awesome. Crazy ****.

Hows the travel plans going?


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Ah well flights are booked, new passport has arrived. Just need to sort out a new riding bag and get those tyres (before I seriously injure myself up makara), and then the spending money....... Fvcking bills! :rant:
Might have to sell the motorbike after all. :(


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
I've been a slack bugger in posting in this thread since getting here. :(

Damo you and the misses rock, brilliant food great company and one hell of a location!:thumb:
Folks if you are ever in the Morzine area you'd be well advised to book into Damo's place, it's fantastic.

Right now I'm back at annete's place in Brombach (just outside Lörach) bags are packed I'm sitting here getting pissed on stunning euro beers...... How the hell can they be so cheap?!?!?!?!
roughly 0.70 euro's each for 500ml bottles and the selection and quality is outstanding!
I am drinking my way thru the bottles in the pic from right to left while I wait for Annete to get home and take me to the airport (fly out of Zurich at 10:45pm for Singapore, should be able to sleep on this flight ;) ).
Beers are;
Erdinger Kristal, Erdinger Urweisse, Erdinger Dunkle, Rothaus Pils, Pauliner Oktoberfest bier, Pauliner Salvator, Lasser Premium Pils, Rothause Pils, Riegeler Felsen Pils.
Just finishing the Pauliner Oktoberfest bier now (will leave the 7.9% Salvador till last and have the Lasser Pils next).

Dammit I don't want to go. :(
I really mean that.
I do I do I do. :(



Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
heh if it wasn't for the fact that I was on an 800cc motorbike the petrol companys would have made a fortune out of me..... I clocked up 2,462km on that bike all over the alps, black forest and the Alsace (Parc national des Ballons mainly)...... so a hell of a lot of that was with the throttle opened right up! such beautiful roads for bike, they are an absolute jewel in Europes crown..... Endless S bend and hairpin infested uncrowded roads with views to die for!

heh pity about the foot pegs on Annetes bike.... they got scraped on so many corners I swear the bike must have shed a few pounds in weight!