
Bouldin Creek Jumps Update - Austin


Jul 19, 2001
Austin, TX
A few months back Jason Sunday and some other BMXers were arrested for building jumps in Bouldin Creek Greenbelt. Since then, the city and neighborhood association have been holding meetings with the guys with the goal to get legitimate jumps built there. The city recognizes the need for more jumps than just 9th St.

Here's the outcome of today's meeting:

The placement of the jumps has been decided by Jason with agreemnent from the Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Association, which has been very helpful in the matter. The city plans to GPS the route within the week, and then the permitting process will take place. One of the city planners is going to walk the permit through to help expedite the process.

Tentative ground breaking could happen during the first week in June. The city would like to have a grand opening event with food, soft drinks, etc.

The downside to meeting some of the city's requirements is that the chosen routes do not provide as much shade as the original jumps. The city is willing to help landscape the area by planting trees that can provide adequate shade in warmer months. They also tentatively offered to bring in appropriate dirt to use in building the jumps.

I cannot stress enough the willingness the city has shown to meet the needs of everyone involved. Their efforts are much appreciated. I'll post more as information becomes available.
