
Brittany Murphy Dead at Age 32


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
.... Addiction is an illness not a character defect douchebag...
maybe so but it is an illness that is not put into play until someone starts doing the things that they become addicted to which in effect still leaves the ball in their court to experiment with highly addictive substances. If in fact she did die from an overdose (which NONE of us know for fact)then the original decision to do the drugs was HER decision from the get go. You can not be addicted to something if you never do it to begin with.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
maybe so but it is an illness that is not put into play until someone starts doing the things that they become addicted to which in effect still leaves the ball in their court to experiment with highly addictive substances. If in fact she did die from an overdose (which NONE of us know for fact)then the original decision to do the drugs was HER decision from the get go. You can not be addicted to something if you never do it to begin with.
but but but their DNA said to do it


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
ohhhhh yeah i forgot about that IH8Rice. Dont get me wrong here people....it is unfortunate she dies. Is it any more unfortunate than someone i don't know dying...or my the guy next door dying? no. not really. people just make it out to be because she was famous. people die all the time and we aren't inundated by for days on end. I am not speculating what killed her...maybe it was the flu or something....maybe it was narcotics. either way it is the circle of life. people die.


took the red pill
Hey, I don't feel sorry for these fools, they've graduated Earth. It's the loved ones left behind that suffer, like JD said.

What gets me is this. Lots of people die everyday. Fools put these Hollywood fools up on a pedestal, like Tiger Woods. Then they find out that they are human "OMFG Tiger Woods likes Pills and hookas, OMFG" and they act surprised.

Everybody is running from something. Everyone. Mostly from a feeling in the past that you don't like and probably aren't even aware of.

Most of us will do anything possible to get away from that feeling. For some it's booze, some it's drugs and for some scratch tickets and or hookers.

For me it was pills. Oxy's, and anything else in the beloved opiate family. I abused them for years and eventually came to the conclusion that the buzz is not worth the price. Every buzz has a price. So instead of being a F'N baby and going to rehab, I did my week of pain, learned about diet and amino acids and brain chemicals and instead of going on zoloft or that other crap, I supplemented my brain to hell till my natural feel good chemicals came back. I used lots of vegetables, protein, tryrosine, GABA, 5htp, Tryptohpan, B-complex and other things to get my brain back on track.

As far as depression, most don't realize the connection between opiate and other drug abuse and depression. It's as simple as this. If your numbing your mind constantly with whatever (insert vice) your brain eventually stops doing the work (producing serotonin, dopamine, etc...) So when you suddenly stop using, do you think your brain instantly picks up where it left off? Not so. So the usual therapy is prozac and or any of the other RUBBISH that IDIOTS dispense for a problem that can be fixed naturally. But don't listen to me, I'm not a fuc**ng doctor, so I know nothing. I didn't read books and memorize words for 8 years.

After that it's figuring out where this feeling arises inside that we run from. It takes some time and some digging. I used EFT for this and it's the single best thing I've ever utilized. I managed through the use of EFT to dig into my subconscious and magically, the feelings that I had, I found were associated with traumatic memories that I never put to rest. These things will poke and prod you and make you feel like death, till they are dealt with and rectified.
Nikki Sixx explains this well, he understands it. Most psychotherapists spend their life trying to fix people with pills and they are just a band aid. Often, through the use of EFT, one will find other things will resurface as needed and you clear them.

You go through every single f*****g thing that ever happened and clear it. What is left is a true you. Innocent (maybe not) and free of emotional sh*t. Now there is not need to anesthetize these feelings with drugs or beer or any of that other sh*t that drags you down. All you need is food and water folks. I find joy now in the simple things, like playing with my 2 year old daughter. No one ever sets out to be an addict, with me it was about getting rid of a feeling.

It's nice to be able to remember things now. I mostly do not have any memory of the first 38 years of my life. I've been buzzed every single day since I was 16 on one form of mind altering substance or another and remember literally nothing.

So EFT to me is the single best thing I've ever used. Most will say it's rubbish and bull**** and you'll never know till you learn it and apply it to yourself. So I speak these words as a former junkie for all other junkies that have had enough of it, whether it's pills, beer, or whatever.

Knuckle fixed? Whooda thought! Well not quite.

I still have a deep seeded hatred for people, which I like. So I've chosen not to rectify that.
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Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
HOLY $HIT!!!! A clear and concise post from the knuckslam with little hate for all man kind. Well done sir.

To make up for a pretty normal post can you please tell us your opinion on Obama and the healthcare reform?


took the red pill
HOLY $HIT!!!! A clear and concise post from the knuckslam with little hate for all man kind. Well done sir.

To make up for a pretty normal post can you please tell us your opinion on Obama and the healthcare reform?

First off EFT is no spam. It's free and it works.
Obama and Health Reform.

If people weren't FUC***G idiots they would educate themselves on what proper health is, learn about diet and exercise. Instead, they pollute themselves with the chemicals in the SAD (standard American Diet) and run to the doctor when their arteries have turned to thread, for a pill.

Grandma Jones drank milk all her life and didn't realize that she was robbing calcium from her bones by drinking large quantities of milk, therefore inducing osteoporosis. But again, I am not a doctor and did not read books and memorize words for 8 years, so I have no idea what I'm talking about. Anyhow she has to have a hip replacement and who's paying? MEDICARE.

Medicare is paying for the millions of other decrepit old fools who did not know how to take care of themselves. Now the system is in a shambles and everyone is very worried. Now listen and listen carefully. Instead of finding ways to EDUCATE people and instill KNOWLEDGE, we're wondering how we can resurrect a FU*****G FAILED system. It's failed folks.

Here's what I would do, no matter the consequences. This is the short list.
1. Get rid of high fructose corn syrup
2. Get rid of all corn based products except real corn that you EAT.
3. Get rid of all hydrogenated oils.
4. Shut down permanently any company that violates the above.
5. Educate people in masses about proper diet and nutrition. Even nutritionists have no idea about food. Healthy Choice Dinner anyone? Yeah, eat this, you'll be healthy.
6. We are alive folks. If your eating out of a box, your dead. Spiritually and mentally. You don't have the mental capacity to deal with stress and the response to it comes out as fear and all the variants of fear, mostly violence.
7. Chemical based drugs are a thing of the past folks. We're trying to modify an energy based system with Chemicals and it's not working. Side effects may include stroke, virus, brain tumor, etc..... Great ha? Phizer and Abbott FTW!!!!
8. Introduce community based food groups that work and donate time to producing a self sustaining society (as mentioned in another post on RM recently) so that communities can work together and be self sufficient and produce and harvest real live foods, rich with enzymes and nutrients and vitamins. What a fu*****ng concept ha? Live foods? Where's my Ramen noodles?
9. Hospital costs and supplies are ridiculous, and this is another reason the system is in shambles. Every itemize the costs on an emergency room visit?
$30 for a gauze wrap? Etc....

See where I'm going here? Most will be unable to follow the logic, because they've been brainwashed by the beliefs of conformist society, education and media. Most will never understand what I speak of in 1000 years.

Problem, Reaction, Solution = Ailment > Doctor > Medicine.

Motto for a new world?

Education/Knowledge > Prevention

As far as Obama? He's just another Bush. But you fools keep contributing to a failed system. All in hope that your vote matters. NOW LISTEN UP. Have you noticed? Have you noticed, THINK DAMMIT. Have you noticed that it has nothing to do with who's in the White House? Republican or Democrat? It's not the president who runs the country. IT'S THE MONEY. Ask yourself, who's got the money?

So let me get this straight. You voted for this fu****g idiot Obama. He signs a bailout to bail out the banks that are fu****g you over with criminal interest rates. So they take the bailout money and distribute 6 figure bonuses amongst all the greedy executive filth. Big cigar and BMW's right?

But you F'N morons will go out and vote for the next guy with his big promise. Hey, I don't vote, I have every right to complain. I didn't contribute to the mess, you did.

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Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
It was not my intention to ridicule the struggles of addicts, so I apologize if it seemed that way.

I was criticizing the price of fame.

There was a character by Neil Gaiman named Foxglove, a very attractive woman with an unique look.

She had gotten wrapped up in the fame of being a singer and she eventually stepped away to be with her family.

All she had to do was change her hairstyle and put on a pair of eyeglasses and poof, disappearing rock star.

When I see Murphy's husband, I know he is a f***ing enabler. Probably a huge addict himself.

It is hard to move away from that kind of life, but the downside is obvious.


took the red pill
sounds like a pyramid scheme :think:
It's got nothing to do with money. It's about helping people help themselves.

For me it's as simple as this. John's father told him when he was 16 "you'll never amount to anything John"

So, John went to college, got a good job, got a wife, had kids, bought a house and a BMW. But John was still not feeling good about his accomplishments. No matter what he "got" nothing was enough. Sound familiar?

Now what John does not realize, is that driving force to succeed and have it all is based on a feeling that never went away. The feeling of being verbally beat down by his father when he was 16.

Now if John does not put this unresolved feeling to rest, it will eat him till he's 99 years old. So, in EFT terms, this is basically an energy blockage in the body. Energy is naturally flowing, nobody can disagree with that. This is how cells communicate with each other. Some might say with chemicals, yes, but what is the underlying force that controls the chemistry? Energy.

So when something traumatic happens such as your dad making you feel like sh*t, this energy temporarily stops and a blockage is created. This will create a feeling, coupled with a memory and most often the feeling will not really resurface for a while. But eventually it will and that's when most fall asleep and start reaching for things like extra marital affairs, drugs, booze, etc....

So in a nutshell, by tapping on energy meridian points while focusing on the feeling you feel inside, other stuff will resurface. Like "BAM" all of a sudden another memory that you completely forgot about will be in your face. So you remember how that felt and TAP on that feeling and so on and so forth.

Look. I've had a horrific upbringing. I've been to psychologists, therapists, psychiatrists. I've been on every single type of psychoactive medicine there is, save for Thorazine and anti-psychotics. I was not psychotic but did have severe depression and major panic attacks for years.

EFT is the only thing that has helped me. Period. I spent a good 6 months, 45 minutes a night working on it. It's not easy but persistence is key and the willingness to devote the time.

So there are many options for those with issues.
1. Therapy - "bla bla bla bla" been there done that
2. Drugs - they are ok to get over hurdles but not a long term solution
3. Alternative therapy like EFT.

I chose EFT? Is it the save all? I don't know, I know what hasn't worked for me and what has worked. I figured I'd try it. If it can help Vietnam Veterans, it can help me. Many psychotherapists use it as well with good luck. It has a good and proven track record. Do the research before you condemn it.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I stopped using but I never stopped being an addict. That realization has been the hard part for me. I am broken and always will be broken. I am starting to feel things for the first time in my life now. I used for 30 years. This buzz kill just reread some of the stuff I wrote. Sorry for the name calling on my part. This post has helped me immensely. Thanks guys! Good job on the post knucks...


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
It's got nothing to do with money. It's about helping people help themselves.

For me it's as simple as this. John's father told him when he was 16 "you'll never amount to anything John"

So, John went to college, got a good job, got a wife, had kids, bought a house and a BMW. But John was still not feeling good about his accomplishments. No matter what he "got" nothing was enough. Sound familiar?

Now what John does not realize, is that driving force to succeed and have it all is based on a feeling that never went away. The feeling of being verbally beat down by his father when he was 16.

Now if John does not put this unresolved feeling to rest, it will eat him till he's 99 years old. So, in EFT terms, this is basically an energy blockage in the body. Energy is naturally flowing, nobody can disagree with that. This is how cells communicate with each other. Some might say with chemicals, yes, but what is the underlying force that controls the chemistry? Energy.

So when something traumatic happens such as your dad making you feel like sh*t, this energy temporarily stops and a blockage is created. This will create a feeling, coupled with a memory and most often the feeling will not really resurface for a while. But eventually it will and that's when most fall asleep and start reaching for things like extra marital affairs, drugs, booze, etc....

So in a nutshell, by tapping on energy meridian points while focusing on the feeling you feel inside, other stuff will resurface. Like "BAM" all of a sudden another memory that you completely forgot about will be in your face. So you remember how that felt and TAP on that feeling and so on and so forth.

Look. I've had a horrific upbringing. I've been to psychologists, therapists, psychiatrists. I've been on every single type of psychoactive medicine there is, save for Thorazine and anti-psychotics. I was not psychotic but did have severe depression and major panic attacks for years.

EFT is the only thing that has helped me. Period. I spent a good 6 months, 45 minutes a night working on it. It's not easy but persistence is key and the willingness to devote the time.

So there are many options for those with issues.
1. Therapy - "bla bla bla bla" been there done that
2. Drugs - they are ok to get over hurdles but not a long term solution
3. Alternative therapy like EFT.

I chose EFT? Is it the save all? I don't know, I know what hasn't worked for me and what has worked. I figured I'd try it. If it can help Vietnam Veterans, it can help me. Many psychotherapists use it as well with good luck. It has a good and proven track record. Do the research before you condemn it.
doesnt matter if it is a save all...it worked for you therefore it is the appropriate treatment for you and I am glad you are finding happiness without being intoxicated.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
It's got nothing to do with money. It's about helping people help themselves.

For me it's as simple as this. John's father told him when he was 16 "you'll never amount to anything John"

So, John went to college, got a good job, got a wife, had kids, bought a house and a BMW. But John was still not feeling good about his accomplishments. No matter what he "got" nothing was enough. Sound familiar?
i was joking about the pyramid scheme.

John should have gotten a Mercedes.

Austin Bike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 26, 2003
Duh, Austin
When you are elevated up by fame, you put yourself in another circle. Just as you want attention for your life, you get attention for your death.

Thousands of people die from drug overdoses every day. None gets attention. But if you are famous and everyone knows who you are, then you are going to get attention.

Live by the sword, die by the sword. Every time I hear a celebrity say "I just want to be left alone" I truly wish they would get what they want. To be left alone. 2 weeks without being covered by the press would send any celebrity into a tailspin. They crave the attention, which is why they are in that business.

If you don't like the insides of airplanes, don't take my job. If you don't like the attention, then don't choose the celebrity life.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
When you are elevated up by fame, you put yourself in another circle. Just as you want attention for your life, you get attention for your death.

Thousands of people die from drug overdoses every day. None gets attention. But if you are famous and everyone knows who you are, then you are going to get attention.

Live by the sword, die by the sword. Every time I hear a celebrity say "I just want to be left alone" I truly wish they would get what they want. To be left alone. 2 weeks without being covered by the press would send any celebrity into a tailspin. They crave the attention, which is why they are in that business.

If you don't like the insides of airplanes, don't take my job. If you don't like the attention, then don't choose the celebrity life.
Being an actor does not necessarily mean you are a publicity hound.

Take Ewan McGregor. That guy is more famous than Brittany Murphy and Ashton Kutcher combined, and when you watch Long Way Around, the guy is camping out for weeks before reaching towns where they barely know what Star Wars is.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Does he count in the 2 celebs that need to die along with Dio?