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SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
I'm not sure at this point what exactly is going on. From what I understand she does have a job and I'd imagine living at home there's no rent so based on that... it shouldn't take too long to pay back whats owed. But you're right there could be more then meets the eye and time will tell but I do hope things resolve quickly as I hate to be in these situations.
Besides this now I have to "start all over again" to find replacement riders in the middle of the season already... which is never really fun since most elite riders sign onto teams or sponsors by this time so it's slim pickens but I'm positive something will work out.


Apr 4, 2008
Virginia, USA
I do....
What I cant understand is how built up she was and great she was at first and then vanished without hardly a trace shortly after.
Why throw all that away? Why not stay on it and keep working at it, especially after getting a full page article in a well known mag?
Because teenagers are stupid.

Seems to me, no matter who's side of the story you look at, her parents don't support her decision to be a professional racer.

Without that guidance and support, she was left to her own devices so she could screw people over.

As a parent I think it's pretty lousy to pull the "Well, she's an adult" line when your kid is still living in your house, and turn a blind eye to the fact that she's scamming people while enjoying the roof you provide for her.

I hope you get that bitch.
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Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2005
As a company owner and race supporter seeing this kind of thing really pisses me off !
But on the flip side I now dont feel so bad for not giving Chrissy some cash to help get to too Scotland .. I mean if you qualify 3 years in a row dont you think you would remember to save up before hand and not ask the RM peeps to help pay EVERY year ?

The masses might not understand how hard small companies have to work to make money these days and IF were so inclined to help support a up and coming racer they should for one live up the the obligations of the contract .
You see people asking why bike racing is dying out , my answer ?
Once "professional athlete's " start acting like professional athletes again then maybe just maybe we will start seeing the support we have all be looking for again .

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Okay, I'm leaving the thread open because future updates are important to a situation like this but please refrain from the personal attacks... it's getting a little bit extreme.

I cleaned up a few - no more.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Jeez, she's in CONCORD? I was in Walnut Creek until January...would've been glad to pay a visit for you...


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
This is just a thought...

If 2100 and some folk have seen this thread, I would go so far as to say this isn't as good for her career as it could be.

Nothing for nothing, but I would at least respond with something to save my ass. I guess Ride Monkey is good enough to mooch funds off of, but not so much when my accountability is called to the floor.

So Chrissie, why are you so special? Did the article in Decline make you above reproach? Justify it to the group, I think you owe those who you "represent" that much.

And make me a pie...

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
To answer more questions here... she lives on the opposite coast as I do so it makes it more difficult to know what's going on. Everyone keep in mind that this thread wasn't meant to douse her in gas and light a match. Merely a warning to others in case she tried other teams or other ways of getting stuff.
When we do talk in e mails they're very short and frank with little info on what's really going on. As of now she's told me she'll repay what it owed so until other wise I'll take her word on it. But I'm not here to game play, at this point I just want re payment and to call it a day.

In my view, if she learns to take more responsibility for her actions and is more goal oriented then I think she'd have a future if she chose to continue to pursue riding. But that takes growing up and growing up simply takes time... however at this point that's time I simply don't have. I need people that are ready NOW and understand the importance of riding on a sponsored team.
Other riders especially female riders viewing this thread... take it as a good lesson to choose careful what you get involved in, like other industries the bike industry is not here to give free hand outs only for you to go on your merry way and think nothing of it. In other words...
Take responsibility for your actions/choices.
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Jul 4, 2008
do like me guys cod only. I buy something I have shipped cod, makes ups the money collector. its like 8 bucks more . and even thought the ups guys not supposed to i reach in the box and make sure its not a box of rocks before handing over the money order. If im selling They can pay me paypal or usps money order.
trust no one!!!!!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
do like me guys cod only. I buy something I have shipped cod, makes ups the money collector. its like 8 bucks more . and even thought the ups guys not supposed to i reach in the box and make sure its not a box of rocks before handing over the money order. If im selling They can pay me paypal or usps money order.
trust no one!!!!!

Read the thread. Then post.

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
If I were you that would be my primary motives.

People = Sh!t
If not then my mistake, but it seems your "sure" is in a sarcastic tone. If thats the case, what I said was true. I'm not trying to slander her in anyway, the proof is by just reading the thread itself. The point is to make public knowledge of what transpired between us and for others to keep an eye out in case they see her again.
As far as her personal situations go is a different matter, I just want the repayment so we can move on.
On that note, if anyone knows her or is friends with her and has anymore info on whats going on please PM me and let me know.

And for the record it's people that are bad... it's what they do that makes them who they are. No one puts a gun to peoples head and tells them to go ride a bike.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
I just think its wrong to steal, which is what she did at the end of the whole equation.

Some folk are good. Some are bad. Some take short cuts and think the world owes them something.

I run a much smaller team of misfits. However, the one thing I would never tolerate is someone begging because of riding. Have some pride in who you are, don't tap the collective to be a "representative" if this is how you're going to repay those who you're supposedly carrying the mantle of.

But that's just me. I hate thieves, and I hate them even more if they trade on a name that so many around them helped them to build.

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
Well at this point it's more e-mails and phone messages but no responses as of yet from anyone. Hopefully my messages will get through and some action/contacting will start to happen. Situations like there where the family doesn't want to bother with it are always difficult because you end up playing cat and mouse trying to figure out whats going to happen next. I'll give it a little more time to see what comes of it.
On the + side I have a few things in the works to keep things going for the season and on the right track.
By the way if my posts are starting to sound like a blog it's because they some what are. And as back up in case so everything is documented properly. Binary my friend, when the issue is resolved I'll post it officially and you can lock the thread later on as they'll be no need for further posts.
Thanks and no one wish any evil on her!.... I need my repayments. :D
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
SpeeDH Team Manager,

Much props to you for not wanting to bring the authorities into this right off the bat. However, you have made contact with her, she has assured that you would receive your payment. Since then you have gotten nothing but a runaround. At this point, I would get in contact with the authorities. Because now not only has she stolen your money, she is also stealing your time. If I was in your position, I wouldn't want this to drag on any longer. You have better things to be doing with your time.

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
I'm just looking to get this all set so I can move on, it amazes me how some people come across so honest only to pull a 180 soon after and leave you holding the bag.
Do any members here have any contact with her or live close by to give her a shout?


Sep 20, 2004
In My '09 WRX STI
I'm just looking to get this all set so I can move on, it amazes me how some people come across so honest only to pull a 180 soon after and leave you holding the bag.
Do any members here have any contact with her or live close by to give her a shout?

I've been watching this thread for awhile.....try msdhw.com It's a bay area bike forum. Good Luck.


Apr 13, 2006
Auburn, CA
This thread is out of hand to be sure. Sorry you tired to help a young rider and it did not work out. Bashing her on a thread may not be the best forum when she obviously needs a little more help to continue racing. Chrissie has been out there as a junior female rider when very few young female riders were willing to take the risk. Her dad a former shop owner has given much to the junior riders of the Bay Area for many years asking little in return. He suffered a major injury riding last year which probably is contributing to her lack of available support. I checked and she is not even in the rankings this season.

As far as the not son subtle threats made by some of the other posters, do not threaten teenage girls! It is not appropriate, especially over something this petty.

As a father and rider who works hard to develop our sport , lets all bring it up a few notches.

RM I would appreciate you removing any threatening emails to women and possibly minors from this thread as it is at best unacceptable.
This thread is out of hand to be sure. Sorry you tired to help a young rider and it did not work out. Bashing her on a thread may not be the best forum when she obviously needs a little more help to continue racing. Chrissie has been out there as a junior female rider when very few young female riders were willing to take the risk. Her dad a former shop owner has given much to the junior riders of the Bay Area for many years asking little in return. He suffered a major injury riding last year which probably is contributing to her lack of available support. I checked and she is not even in the rankings this season.

As far as the not son subtle threats made by some of the other posters, do not threaten teenage girls! It is not appropriate, especially over something this petty.

As a father and rider who works hard to develop our sport , lets all bring it up a few notches.

RM I would appreciate you removing any threatening emails to women and possibly minors from this thread as it is at best unacceptable.
Excuse me sir?
Are you her dad?
I too have been following this thread and teamspeedh has been insanely cool and calm about helping a rider and getting ripped off AND made to look bad to the sponsors.
Not sure if your bashing him (who i don't personally know) or the other posters.Every time he comes out trying to take the high road which is quite hard to do.

If her dad ( you?) has been so great to bay area up and comer racers then surely he knows what what fvuck job his daughter and he has done to the team by ignoring the mess.
In real terms the $450 in lost(stolen) product is small beans compared to the embarassment teamspedh has incurred from Chrissies missed appearances and the awkward mess of having to make excuses for her and replace her midstream.

If anyone deserves some slack it is certainly teamspeedh and not Chrissie who DID scam his program .
Her dad says she's 18 so back off on the teenage girl crap and let a young adult handle her own mess.
Apr 11, 2006
S.F. Bay Area
Thank's to the individual(s) who brought this situation to my attention, I am cc'ing this out to the respective members at our place of online play, and asked that they look into this and see what the issue is, and what actions, if any are to be taken on our part to ensure this is not a representative action of those of us at MSDHW.

I wish to assure everyone that most of the riders/members are generally wonderful to deal with, and hopefully there's some sort of logic here as to how and why, and that it, again, I would hope, will not reflect badly on the rest of us.

I post this here in the hopes that a resolution can be found, and a polite reminder, I am only a senior member, that may not translate into much personal empowerment, just the ability to pass things along. I am not going to partake in anything further as it does not directly involve me or any influence or further help I can provide.

Personal favor here, mods, please monitor the thread, as it could go out of hand, and would not look good.

Obi.. a lowly senior member@MSDHW.
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Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
female riders were willing to take the risk.
Risk? Of what, getting free stuff and then having to live up to your end of the bargain?
As a father and rider who works hard to develop our sport , lets all bring it up a few notches.
As you're a father and a rider working hard to develop the sport who obviously shares a connecting with her, I'm a little disturbed that you're more concerned about preserving her reputation as a racer than with correcting her behavior.

Physical threats are, however, not appropriate, here or off the board, and I agree with you 100% on that.
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Apr 13, 2006
Auburn, CA
Thanks MikeD, good point, Chrissie if your read this square up, or at least communicate often. Better communication probably would of saved a lot of unneeded stress on both sides.

SpeedH is rightfully frustrated and I get that.

I am not her dad nor do I know how to in contact with her. That said hope you guys work things out.

I have my own issues today, namely getting 2 bikes in 3 boxes which the airline won't say look "bike” and charge me $200 extra each way. I have all of the boxes down to under 50lbs and have trimmed them as small as I can. While I still don't think they are within the size limit (62"), I think I am close enough to argue the point.


SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
This thread is out of hand to be sure. Sorry you tired to help a young rider and it did not work out. Bashing her on a thread may not be the best forum when she obviously needs a little more help to continue racing. Chrissie has been out there as a junior female rider when very few young female riders were willing to take the risk. Her dad a former shop owner has given much to the junior riders of the Bay Area for many years asking little in return. He suffered a major injury riding last year which probably is contributing to her lack of available support. I checked and she is not even in the rankings this season.

As far as the not son subtle threats made by some of the other posters, do not threaten teenage girls! It is not appropriate, especially over something this petty.

As a father and rider who works hard to develop our sport , lets all bring it up a few notches.

RM I would appreciate you removing any threatening emails to women and possibly minors from this thread as it is at best unacceptable.
There's nothing out of hand here at all. Keep in mind this has been going on for MONTHS before this thread was even created. Months of e-mails, phone calls, messages to her on other boards ect, all to no avail. On that note, it was created for the sole purpose of exposing what was going on and that some CA members post here and might be able to provide more info. After some time we finally tracked down contact info and I spoke with family members about the matter.
Yes her dad is a former shop owner and as such (in my view) he should have jumped on this the moment it started happening. The answer we keep getting from family is that "well we'll try to have her contact you, but oh she likes to do her own thing".
I understand people are busy and have lives, but it's going on four months now and thats simply unacceptable.
Think of it this way... if someone stole a $500 bike from their bike shop, how fast do you think they'd be on the horn with the police to get it back?
If she couldn't ride or represent the team like she agreed to, she should have not applied or just not have accepted the gear and stepped down. What I find funny is she had no "communication problems" when it came to ordering all her stuff, but then soon after, she vanished without a trace.

In other words...

I don't blame people for their mistakes, but I do ask that they pay for them.

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
One more thing to new comers on this thread from MSDHW and other area's, READ my original posts on the first page BEFORE responding so you know what it is you're actually responding to.


Team SDH


Apr 4, 2008
Virginia, USA
As far as the not son subtle threats made by some of the other posters, do not threaten teenage girls! It is not appropriate, especially over something this petty.
hy·per·bo·le [hahy-pur-buh-lee]
1. obvious and intentional exaggeration.
2. an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally.

Sorry you tired to help a young rider and it did not work out.
It sounds to me like he was trying to hire someone to race and make appearances with his sponsors and she decided not to work.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
As far as the not son subtle threats made by some of the other posters, do not threaten teenage girls! It is not appropriate, especially over something this petty.
#1) She is 18. She is legally an adult. Whether or not she chooses to behave like one makes no difference in a court of law.

#2) Petty? Breach of contract and actions that ultimately amount to theft are petty? If your child did this would you consider it petty? Conversely, if you were in TeamSpeedDH's position would you consider it petty?

#3) Her behavior (at least what TeamSpeedDH has communicated to us via this thread) is questionable at the very least. Infrequent and brief responses, an obvious lack of race results (which prove the breach of contract). At this point I think it's safe to say that many people who have chimed in on this thread would have taken legal action by now.

Yes, there are some mildly inappropriate responses to this thread, but also a substantial amount of actual content. But to call it out of hand is laughable. If you wanna see out of hand go hang out in the Lounge for a while, and ask what a Tallahassee Dump Truck is.


It sounds to me like he was trying to hire someone to race and make appearances with his sponsors and she decided not to work.
bingo. When you sign a contract to a race team and their sponsors, its basically like getting hired for a job. Choosing not to race is like skipping out on work and not calling your boss. Eventually you get fired.
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<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Why is it someone always has to come along and get their panties in a bunch over things?

Chrissie is way in the wrong on this, and deserves all the crap that's being flung her way. For someone to attempt to step up and defend this poor excuse for a human being to me is asinine at the minimum, and insulting to the entire community of riders she so vehemently begged to support her.

Peddler, why is it you think that any excuse could justify this? I'm really sorry her life is in disorder, but when you make a deal you see it through. You think that just because back in the day that due to her father maybe giving a few kids a chance she deserves some sort of "pass" from the commitments she makes? Let me guess, you voted for George Bush, didn't you?

In a small community where reputation is everything, you honor your promises. When you burn someone who was looking to help you out, you deserve everything you get in the process. This thread is dead on where it should be, and in my opinion has gone too light on her.

To TeamSpeed: File a small claims suit. Its gone on too long at this point, and its obvious to all around that she's going to ignore you, with the help of her family, until such a time that you make it a priority by taking her worthless ass to court. If you can find proof that her family had a hand, take them in as well. In CA there is a triple damage statute for just such acts of deception and fraud. I know you're a good guy and you don't want to throw the book and the kitchen sink at her, but the reality is that unless you take this all the way this "morally bankrupt skank" will continue to do this her entire life.

Drop the hammer man, drop the hammer.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Why is it someone always has to come along and get their panties in a bunch over things?

Chrissie is way in the wrong on this, and deserves all the crap that's being flung her way. For someone to attempt to step up and defend this poor excuse for a human being to me is asinine at the minimum, and insulting to the entire community of riders she so vehemently begged to support her.

Peddler, why is it you think that any excuse could justify this? I'm really sorry her life is in disorder, but when you make a deal you see it through. You think that just because back in the day that due to her father maybe giving a few kids a chance she deserves some sort of "pass" from the commitments she makes? Let me guess, you voted for George Bush, didn't you?

In a small community where reputation is everything, you honor your promises. When you burn someone who was looking to help you out, you deserve everything you get in the process. This thread is dead on where it should be, and in my opinion has gone too light on her.

To TeamSpeed: File a small claims suit. Its gone on too long at this point, and its obvious to all around that she's going to ignore you, with the help of her family, until such a time that you make it a priority by taking her worthless ass to court. If you can find proof that her family had a hand, take them in as well. In CA there is a triple damage statute for just such acts of deception and fraud. I know you're a good guy and you don't want to throw the book and the kitchen sink at her, but the reality is that unless you take this all the way this "morally bankrupt skank" will continue to do this her entire life.

Drop the hammer man, drop the hammer.

Disclaimer: DirtMcGirk, unlike the crack smoking, whore mongering, welfare scamming rapper from whom he took his name, is really just an angry, opinionated lawyer who pretends to mountain bike in his free time. His other interests include shuffleboard, knitting, skeet shooting, and Alabama Hot Pockets.

All joking aside, I agree with him here. Its time to take legal action. Don't let her continue to besmirch the reputation of you, your team, and your team's sponsors. You have given her ample time to deal with this of her own accord, and she has failed to do so. It's time to pay the piper.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Disclaimer: DirtMcGirk, unlike the crack smoking, whore mongering, welfare scamming rapper from whom he took his name, is really just an angry, opinionated lawyer who pretends to mountain bike in his free time. His other interests include shuffleboard, knitting, skeet shooting, and Alabama Hot Pockets.
I will respond to these allegations one at a time to give them the credit due:

Whore mongering: Wait, who doesn't like whores?
Crack Smoking: I needed to blend in New Orleans.
Welfare scamming: Its free money, like Toshi's free internet.
Rapper: I have hellza flow.

Angry: Yea, you've got me on that. I am a pissy little princess.
Opinionated: You're just mad because I am always right.
Lawyer: That's not a nice thing to call people.
Pretending: I break fewer bones and parts in fantasy land.
Mountain Biker: Hey, I lived in the south, we have no mountains.

Shuffleboard: I am getting in shape to retire.
Knitting: The wife looks good in knit bikinis, who am I to get in the way?
Skeet Shooting:

Who doesn't like to skeet, skeet, skeet...
Alabama Hot Pocket: You sir are out of line, and I challenge you to a duel. Claiming I am the lone lover of the AHP on RM is an outrage and a lie. I demand satisfaction.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 20, 2008
Methuen, Mass. U.S.A.
i agree with DirtMcGirk.. ( i can't believe i just said that!) but he is right (what the hell is going on with me?!?) it's time to take it to court. she's 18 and it's time she gets a dose of hard, adult reality (please, i didn't mean it in a porn way!) TeamSpeed, you did your best with trying to find a peacefull alternative to court, but your still getting nowhere. and it seems her parents are use to this behavior from her with their remarks about how she likes to do her own thing. so take her ass to court and get what you deserve. if enough people are aware of what she did to you i can imagine her not getting any kind of sponsorship in the future and she only has herself to blame for that.

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
The problem is I'm on another coast so I would have to have someone appear in court on the teams behalf armed with the info of her team record and given items. I did contact the small claims court and it's $30 to take out a claim and also my job to send the info to the family.
Currently the biggest problem in this whole situation is hearsay and communication or lack there of. She has one story, the family has another and when I do get communication it's very brief however I'm pretty sure the parents knew she was on the team but never paid much attention. Family conversation between them and us is mostly telling us that shes an adult and to talk to her...well fine, if she'd respond that is.

It becomes a rock and a hard place when the person avoids you and the family tries to wash their hands of it at the same time.
Again I recite the example of someone stealing from their bike shop and what they would do about it.
Also while the amounts are owed I keep track of some of her online activity and I see that she logs in just about every day so that proves she knows whats going on but wont take action.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
In CA you can get triple damages for just this sort of thing. A bit of a dick move my some standards, but in this case I think it would be justified to ask for it. Sometimes you have to kick people square in the ass to smarten them up a little.

You seem like a hell of a restrained guy, but Ms. Pinney needs to be aware of the fact that 99% of the world is not like you. Time to take her to court. She logs in, she knows what's going on, and she's ignoring you. She got you to send gear under false pretenses, and that has to be dealt with.

The problem is I'm on another coast so I would have to have someone appear in court on the teams behalf armed with the info of her team record and given items. I did contact the small claims court and it's $30 to take out a claim and also my job to send the info to the family.
Currently the biggest problem in this whole situation is hearsay and communication or lack there of. She has one story, the family has another and when I do get communication it's very brief however I'm pretty sure the parents knew she was on the team but never paid much attention. Family conversation between them and us is mostly telling us that shes an adult and to talk to her...well fine, if she'd respond that is.

It becomes a rock and a hard place when the person avoids you and the family tries to wash their hands of it at the same time.
Again I recite the example of someone stealing from their bike shop and what they would do about it.
Also while the amounts are owed I keep track of some of her online activity and I see that she logs in just about every day so that proves she knows whats going on but wont take action.
I have a friend in the area who if you explained it all to her would take all of this in for you. She might want a percentage, but it would be low and worth the price.

I am not at all sure why you have to go to her family. She's an adult, get a process server and jam a summons down her well cared for posterior.

Get your proof together, have someone bring it to court on your behalf. $1300 will put a hell of a dent in her obvious sense of entitlement.
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Sep 6, 2004
Pacific Northwest
Everyone has an opinion; some people speak up and others don't. But most times out of ten, there are usually more ways to look at a picture than you can imagine. That said, I mean nobody any disrespect and i do not want to come across as judgmental or like I'm supporting anyone's misbehavior; this is just my opinion and I'm sharing it.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, I work with people for a living; most of the time, I try to help or negotiate better outcomes. In my work, mistakes and misbehavior are simply part of a process / progression. When you have standards that most people follow, deviation from the norm tells you there's something different going on than what most people experience.

Most people are not psychopaths, they have the capacity for caring. I don't have a clue how all this went down, but if it's part of a pattern you've seen taking place over time, then you know you're looking at significant disorganization. But if I'm reading this thread correctly, (I hope I am) this sounds like a one time incident that came as a surprise to everyone; did I get that right?

In my line of work, the focus isn't on right or wrong, it's on process. In time, she'll come around and work this out; that's what most people do who make mistakes. From what I see in this thread, I get the impression you thought she was good peeps. Guess what, she probably still is, but she's got something else going on and as all of you know, she isn't the first and she sure as hell won't be the last one to screw up. I'm not saying not to file a complaint or whatever it is you need to do.

But after seeing the same theme pop up in the last seven pages, its starting to sound like you want vengeance or "justice" and that honestly scares me. I've seen enough eye for an eye justice and vigilantes to last a life time; believe it or not, there are other ways of resolving problems. Put away your white robes and burning crosses; at 18 years of age she obviously hasn't matured into a responsible adult, like it or not, she still thinks like a kid because she is:shocked:.

I sincerely hope she's able to come back and work things out with you, I bet she will if you're open to the idea. My guess is that ripping you off the way she did says way more about her than anything, she probably didn't steal from you because she hates you.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I too have followed this thread since the beginning.

... at 18 years of age she obviously hasn't matured into a responsible adult, like it or not, she still thinks like a kid because she is:shocked:.

I sincerely hope she's able to come back and work things out with you, I bet she will if you're open to the idea. My guess is that ripping you off the way she did says way more about her than anything, she probably didn't steal from you because she hates you.
I'm curious, what is your line of work Turtle One?

Again, her age is no excuse for her actions. I do agree with you, she IS not a responsible adult, but she is an adult nonetheless.

SpeeDH has shown from the start that they are open to the idea of Chrissie Pinney coming back and working things out, and she did not. Any reasonable person could agree that time has long passed. WHY Chrissie Pinney ripped off the team is 100% irrelevant, this is not an arguement about stealing a loaf of bread to feed a family.

The only thing Chrissie Pinney can do at this point is to return the gear and/or pay the total amount and offer her apologies to the Team. WHY she choose to do this doesn't matter.
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Sep 6, 2004
Pacific Northwest
I too have followed this thread since the beginning.

I'm curious, what is your line of work Turtle One?

Again, her age is no excuse for her actions. I do agree with you, she IS not a responsible adult, but she is an adult nonetheless.

SpeeDH has shown from the start that they are open to the idea of Chrissie Pinney coming back and working things out, and she did not. Any reasonable person could agree that time has long passed. WHY Chrissie Pinney ripped off the team is 100% irrelevant, this is not an arguement about stealing a loaf of bread to feed a family.

The only thing Chrissie Pinney can do at this point is to return the gear and/or pay the total amount and offer her apologies to the Team. WHY she choose to do this doesn't matter.
No arguments from me Nick; I agree with everyone, the best way to go is to work it out with the team. I just don't like to see so many people take turns hammering on her or anyone else. At the same time, the issue hits home for a lot of people who love sports.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
In a lot of ways this thread shows what's going wrong with America these days.

No longer are keeping your word or at least bowing out of a commitment with some sort of integrity considered to be a core value. Now its a culture where everyone is a victim, especially those in the wrong.

For those standing up for this flake, are you kidding me? Do you no longer value the importance of someone's word? Back just a generation before mine if you made a promise you kept it, a person's word was their bond. Now its "oh well, its not a good time for me, screw you, I'm keeping mine!"

Makes me sick when I see people jumping up to justify a thief, a liar and a con artist.
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