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<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Pay up and leave the racing scene.

This whole scene needs more scammers, liars, self righteous thieves and those willing to pass the buck like Jenna Jameson needs another boob job.

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
first of all, since everyone knows teamsdh's position over paying for the gear, here are my reasons:

- its not custom like he's been saying. I have gotten a jersey with my last name on the back in iron on letters. other than that they were all standard stock items.

- some stuff was sent to me without my knowing it was being sent until it arrived on my doorstep.

- some stuff is still in its original packaging as I have told teamsdh. both unharmed and unused.

on the other hand I have been advised by local authority that this is a harassment case, and the best way to deal with it is to send everything back and wash my hands clean of it. There was no contract or formal agreement of any kind between tsdh and myself. There was no specific agreement and/or reparation breach.

with that said, any legal action that I will take against tsdh will be taken between us two. Many preach about responsibility and how immature I am, but online slander is apparently the high road to take.
You deserve a round of applause... for the great act you put on when you first contacted us to join. I say that because the person I met then is NOTHING like how you're being now. And how difficult it's been thus far to contact and deal with the situation at hand.

Oh yes the gear is custom and fitted to your sizing and they aren't "iron on" lettering, it's another process they use that makes them more permanent on the jerseys. In any case I worked hard to get you all that stuff and whats this about sending you stuff you didn't know about? WHAT? You knew about EVERYTHING because YOU... ordered it. And you painted those B-1 goggles a custom color so those for sure cant be returned, like I said just hold onto everything at the moment until we look into this further. If it's sent prematurely I'll have to deny it and have it sent back.

And I spoke to you about the team contract and mentioned I'd send one to you after I did the favor of getting the gear to you but thats when I couldn't et in touch with you anymore but you still agreed to it's terms I explained to you over the phone.
And good luck filing "harassment" just another loop hole you're trying to make to get out of this. And it's not harassment since the underline reason of family contact was to get to you and the info was given to me out of freewill not forced or hacked.
When you first started to avoid me did you really expect that things were just going to be forgotten and I'd say "oh well thats how it goes, better luck next time".

One last thing.... does everyone see how much information is in her posts well all this new info she's tell the thread right now... is also the first time I've heard it too. So why do you conform your posts like I know what you're talking about? Up until this point I had NO idea what was going on.
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SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
please don't jump to conclusions, I never said I would counter-sue. all I meant is that I wanted to keep his and i's business between us two. also that while you only had one side of the story you were quick to slander my name.
Good idea Chrissie, I did as well but this prolonged too far and left me no choice but to make this thread in the hopes that someone would get it touch with you then knew you. (The thread was made before I got in touch with you).

here is my official stance: I am sorry for how this deal went. its been dirty and no one wants to deal with that. I'm also sorry for losing communication with teamsdh. I never meant to hit and run you, so to speak. for that I am genuinely sorry.
I'll believe you in proof when action is taken to correct the matter. Also I simply cant agree with "losing communication" statement due to the scores of read but not responded e mails and phone calls as well as the myspace deletion when you received a message from me on there.

I also know that tsdh was very forceful with my mom. he made many threats. he did yell and was very intimidating to her. he looked up info on my whole family and has not in any way dealt with this professionally.
Another false statement, I was very calm with her and tried to make leeway but we ended up talking in circles because she didn't want to listen much to what I had to say and here's the kicker. She said she didn't want the family involved...ok. So I say "well then whats her new contact info"? "Oh no" she says "I'm not going to give that out at the moment" ok??? So you dont want to be involved but wont give me her info...great the merry go round keeps on turning. You're claiming all this because you got caught and owe, I could call once a month and you'd still claim "harassment". Like a bank robber claiming the cops "rough housed him". :plthumbsdown:

for that and other harassment issues I wanted to deal with this fairly but on his side there is only one way to go, to that which I disagree.

I am not self righteous, I don't believe I'm perfect. I accept and apologise for my mistakes but tsdh isn't perfect either. I never asked him for an apology, just that he would simply stop harassing my family.


Thanks for the heads up on not being perfect, I'll be sure to look into that sometime. :rolleyes:


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
In any case, no real written contract=no case. Sorry Chris, you're pretty SOL on this one. Ms. Pinney's motivation for paying you back should be to attempt to regain her reputation. There are some definite gray areas of he-said-she-said that will burn you, and the burden of proof is indeed upon your shoulders in a civil matter ('cause honestly, I'm not sure who to believe, and a judge would likely feel the same way).

Sorry to hear about the Mormons, Chrissie. I was in the same situation a few years ago, but in Utah. Work hard, pay your debts, and race bikes again...worse things can happen in life.

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
Hey chrissie, thanks for sending your dad to my work and requesting that i stay out of the issue.... hahaha

If only you knew....
Speaking of him... funny she should claim I'm being harsh with the mother when he called me the other day and had a fire bomb meltdown, yelling his head off at me for 5 minutes then calling me a %#$%^! before hanging the phone up. All this without me saying a complete sentence to answer any his absurd misinformed accusations about the matter. Not that it bothers me in as much as makes me ask WHY? It sure doesn't help her case out to blow steam off at me like that.
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A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
What this saga needs now is for someone to create a Chris Crocker-like youtube video. "LEAVE CHRISSIE PINNEY ALONE!!!"

Or better yet, take the original, and dub in "Chrissie Pinney" every time (s)he says "Britney".

That would be funny....


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
Well Chrissie is done for at least. Even if she does pay back her debt and everything is good with Chris, she doesn't stand a chance ever being a rider for a reputable team. She had her chance, and blew it. There is no chance for a court case here because there is no proof of any action besides this forum.

But Chris, get your money, and forget it. She is done for in the community.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
If there is one thing to learn from this damn thread from the orginal poster is that having an open "shout out" inviting riders across the country to join a team is a horrible idea.
I remember seeing those threads back in the day and thinking WTF.
I have been racing on or running a team since 2000 or so, and there is no way in hell, we would let somebody on our team that we did not personally know.
The douchebag + racer ratio is way too high for that risk.
I am counting the douchebags right now just in our area here, and I have already run out of fingers.
I learned along time ago that if you have one stoolbag on your team,
then everybody else is associated with it, and it takes a few years to get that crap off your shoe.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
Chris's idea was not bad, but not the best. He is spreading his team nation-wide which IMO is super cool, but you're right, you will get some d-bags trying to join. Chris doesn't let people just on the team, I've spoken to him on the phone for at least two hours as a interview a few years back. He gets to know the person before hand, but in Chrissies case, she just screwed him over.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Been lurking in this thread for awhile...wondering when the requests for nekkid pics would come, offers to track her down etc...
I also thought an open call for racers was a touch odd. Is that the norm in the DH world? As an XC guy with a fairly limited race experience, it seems a little off. I kinda thought about the old "Caveat Emptor" episode on the Brady Bunch.
SpeeDH, I hope you get your kit or $$ back, this chick sounds like a mess you dont want racing in your colors anyway...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Has anyone contacted sponsorhouse about her? They might not want their name attached to her either......
"Anyone" should only be Chris, and only if he thinks it's appropriate.

I'm not removing the thread, but I'm also not going to try and make this my personal vigilante issue.

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
One more question you might have is why I made this thread and the answer is, it was done as "the last straw".

The last straw was you deleting me off myspace after I sent you the message about this. This thread has nothing to do with attacking you or trying to "slander" you which like others said would be consider libel but it's not even that. It was to get your attention so you'd get in touch with me, the same reason I HAD to contact your family... I had no other option of getting in touch with you after the myspace issue.

I think you expected to just walk away from this no questions asked for whatever your reasons might be and do yourself a favor by READING all of my responses to your posts, it will help clear up any questions about the matter and not jump to conclusions.

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
"Anyone" should only be Chris, and only if he thinks it's appropriate.

I'm not removing the thread, but I'm also not going to try and make this my personal vigilante issue.
Mike my friend you need to read my posts more closely.
Both sponsorhouse and Decline have already been notified of the situation a little while back. And again it wasn't to bash on her it was to report what had happened between us so others could know. Because at the time I had not heard from her in three months and had no idea what was going on. As far as we were concerned it was a hit and run type situation and turned out to be mostly true.

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
TSDH, it could have been much much worse.


sorry to see what damage a little greed has done to an otherwise promising American racer.:disgust1:
Yes I wish we knew about that thread when she first wanted to join, I would have asked her more details about that. I wonder if she raised most of the money but not all and couldn't attend would all sponsoring parties get their money back? But thats for another time.

Anyways yes, as the thread starter and Team owner I request this thread stay open. I need it and the info contained in it for my case.
Thank you

Team SDH


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC

There's one single appropriate response to this thread. Only one.

"You're right, I completely screwed up. There will be a check in the mail right away."

That's it. Nothing else.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I would print it out. BV can you stop edits and or deletions?
No, edits can't be managed on a per-thread basis. I can, however, see a full edit and delete history for all the posts so if there's ever a question about it, Chris is welcome to contact me.

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
No, edits can't be managed on a per-thread basis. I can, however, see a full edit and delete history for all the posts so if there's ever a question about it, Chris is welcome to contact me.
Excellent, if I have any questions I'll be sure to contact you and yes printing this thread out is a good idea for sure.


Nov 22, 2007
Damn just pay him the money and move on!

There is no way that you can possibly put the blame on an honest team leader looking to support a young racer, a leader who now is just trying to receive compensation, yes, COMPENSATION, for the gear that you STOLE.
he doesn't want the gear princess, AND HE'S NOT HARASSING YOU.
If i were you i would send him a letter with a fat apology and twice what that gear was worth IN CASH.
i say cash because i can just see one of your checks bouncing as soon as he tries to cash it.

the way i see it you have two options,

1. Pay him
2. Pay him and a lawyer.

its up to you to make that decision

Go ahead, reply to this post, or write us all a sob story about how you couldn't possibly do anything or call anyone, we don't care, really, i don't give a ****, it will only confirm our beliefs that you are dishonest, immature, and not able to to own up and take responsibility for the problem THAT YOU CREATED. did you hear me? THE PROBLEM THAT YOU CREATED BY BEING DECEITFUL AND DISHONEST. was that clear enough?

Step off of your high horse, pay him the money, and stay away from this sport, there are enough selfish young riders like you already.


Nov 17, 2006
In the KY (jelly) E-town
Damn just pay him the money and move on!

There is no way that you can possibly put the blame on an honest team leader looking to support a young racer, a leader who now is just trying to receive compensation, yes, COMPENSATION, for the gear that you STOLE.
he doesn't want the gear princess, AND HE'S NOT HARASSING YOU.
If i were you i would send him a letter with a fat apology and twice what that gear was worth IN CASH.
i say cash because i can just see one of your checks bouncing as soon as he tries to cash it.

the way i see it you have two options,

1. Pay him
2. Pay him and a lawyer.

its up to you to make that decision

Go ahead, reply to this post, or write us all a sob story about how you couldn't possibly do anything or call anyone, we don't care, really, i don't give a ****, it will only confirm our beliefs that you are dishonest, immature, and not able to to own up and take responsibility for the problem THAT YOU CREATED. did you hear me? THE PROBLEM THAT YOU CREATED BY BEING DECEITFUL AND DISHONEST. was that clear enough?

Step off of your high horse, pay him the money, and stay away from this sport, there are enough selfish young riders like you already.
AAAAmen, brother!!

Red Rabbit

Picky Pooper
Jan 27, 2007
The saddest thing is that she believes everything she has written here.

She will never believe she is at fault.

Or that she owes the money.

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
The saddest thing is that she believes everything she has written here.

She will never believe she is at fault.

Or that she owes the money.

Looking back over the past month I've realized what I'm dealing with. The fact that the family considers a few phone calls to an address that was provided to us in order to get in touch with is "harassment" and her posts on here twisting around everything I say shows whats really going on.
And the claim about me knowing what was going on and sent you gear you didn't know about is also bogus... if I knew what was going on and you had gotten in touch with us... why would I have bothered made this thread? Not to mention the confirmation calls about the gear as well. Think about that for just a moment.
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Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
I'm not removing the thread, but I'm also not going to try and make this my personal vigilante issue.
No, of course not. After running this site I realize you have know idea or responsibility over the jackels who would scavenge this thread. You're pure as rain and a noble moderator who promotes class............. and of course responsibility. Good job.


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
No, of course not. After running this site I realize you have know idea or responsibility over the jackels who would scavenge this thread. You're pure as rain and a noble moderator who promotes class............. and of course responsibility. Good job.
How you can side with her is a mystery. Official RM word as of now is this thread stays.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005

Looking back over the past month I've realized what I'm dealing with. The fact that the family considers a few phone calls to an address that was provided to us in order to get in touch with is "harassment" and her posts on here twisting around everything I say shows whats really going on.
And the claim about me knowing what was going on and sent you gear you didn't know about is also bogus... if I knew what was going on and you had gotten in touch with us... why would I have bothered made this thread? Not to mention the confirmation calls about the gear as well. Think about that for just a moment.
I can't believe this thread is still alive. Pat yourself on the back, I believe you have actually beaten an 18 year old girl in the intellect of sponsor responsibilities. I don't even know this chick, but you reach a hand out willingly with no contract and then try to destroy her?? Good job.

Oh, and lets not overplay the victim role, you wanted a rider 3000 miles away because she was already in Decline and you wanted the next article to mention your name and team. I just raced MT Snow and there are plenty of fast women in New England who could use some team sponsorship, so forgive me if I don't nominate you for sponsor saint hood.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
I can't believe this thread is still alive. Pat yourself on the back, I believe you have actually beaten an 18 year old girl in the intellect of sponsor responsibilities. I don't even know this chick, but you reach a hand out willingly with no contract and then try to destroy her?? Good job.

Oh, and lets not overplay the victim role, you wanted a rider 3000 miles away because she was already in Decline and you wanted the next article to mention your name and team. I just raced MT Snow and there are plenty of fast women in New England who could use some team sponsorship, so forgive me if I don't nominate you for sponsor saint hood.
I understand what you're saying, but really it all comes down to the girl doing the right thing. If Chris is being 100% honest, which I'm sure he is, put yourself in his shoes. I bet you would be doing the same thing because the girl is pretty morally off.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
How you can side with her is a mystery. Official RM word as of now is this thread stays.
I'm not siding with her, I'm just not agreeing with grown men trying to hold 18 year old female bike riders responsible on the internet in this manner- e lynching of teenagers by adults has NO CLASS. I don't have to live with it, it's not my site and I actually thank you for letting me voice my minority opinion.


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
I'm not siding with her, I'm just not agreeing with grown men trying to hold 18 year old female bike riders on the internet in this manner- e lynching of teenagers by adults has NO CLASS. I don't have to live with it, it's not my site and I actually thank you for letting me voice my minority opinion.
Her responsibility in this matter is to admit wrong doing, send back less than 500 dollars, and maybe *GASP* include an apology - that is what is expected here- and you call that a lynching?


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
and you call that a lynching?
Punch her name in a google search and you tell me. Obviously I'm the only one who doesn't believe it's just in how it may affect her future.

The older I get the more I see life is a balance of Justice and Mercy. I'm not even religious, but this thread is just rediculous.


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
Punch her name in a google search and you tell me.
If she cared about that at all she could just........

Her responsibility in this matter is to admit wrong doing, send back less than 500 dollars, and maybe *GASP* include an apology
But apparently she just doesn't care. I'm not going to reward that kind of behavior with a free pass.

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
Punch her name in a google search and you tell me. Obviously I'm the only one who doesn't believe it's just in how it may affect her future.

The older I get the more I see life is a balance of Justice and Mercy. I'm not even religious, but this thread is just rediculous.
You're kidding right? You really think this thread is to beat her up or make her look bad? Do you think we as a team like going through nonsense like this when we could be focusing on more constructive things in the industry?
The thread was created after her last attempt of avoiding me, so I could get to the bottom of what was going on.

And once again I'm answering questions that have already been answered before in the thread and that is that she came to us not us to her. She agreed to the terms to ride for one year and keep the team updated with events she does in that time. I went over all the terms and conditions with her over the phone as I do with all new riders. Also like other riders, she was to check in at least three times a month, for being on a sponsored team thats not too much to be asked. When I joined this team as a rider in 2000, I was in contact with the team manager on a weekly bases and didn't mind a bit because I was glad to be sponsored. But it's a different scene now and this and other incidents like it are proof for that.

Ridiculous? No, whats REALLY ridiculous is her and her families response to the matter blaming it on us and wanting/expecting to walk away scott free with nothing more being said after disappearing for three months, avoiding contact and me using my extra time to track her down to see whats going on. Then to be put on the merry-go-round for more weeks at a time about how to resolve the matter and claiming harassment and other things that just add to the road blocks already in place.

THATS ridiculous. And THATS what keeps this matter going like it is.
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