
Call a friend and a cop picks up. Ummmm???


Turbo Monkey
Nov 5, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA
So, ya...I go to call my friend and co-worker who's a really good friend (but crappy employee) to talk to him about work tomorrow. Well, somebody who picks up the phone and says this is ____ with the SBPD can I help you?

So I ask what's going on and she says "he has been pulled over and is currently being questioned about things." I tell her I'll call back later. The funny thing is I know he does not do drugs (he's trying to get a job with the CHP), does not drink and drive and rarely speeds.

Anyone else ever have something like this happen???


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
No, but back in my days in SLO, we used to visit SB on a semi-regular basis. One night down at the bars, a friend of mine gets a number from a cute girl. He goes to call her the next day, and guess who answers: the SB Police Dept.

Laughter ensued.


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
I had a similar story. Day after St.Pattys I was hungover and wlaking to the store to get a soda. Didnt have my wallet, just had cash. I stepped into the crosswalk before it was my time and there was a cop turning left across the lanes I was crossing. I saw him look at me and immediatly turned around knowing I was gonna get a jaywalking ticket. It was a 4 way stop, he was in the left lane to my right turning left, i had 2 lanes and a center to cross before I even got to the lane he was turning into fyi

Cop is a ****ing twat, he starts with boy do you know how close I came to hitting you? Well considering I was still in the lane next to the curb not only were you about to hit me but you were going to head-on the lane of traffic. Of course I did'nt say that, I just do speak politely and answer any questions. About 10 minutes into the jaywalking ticket cop car #2 comes up. This cop was the kind that wears swat gloves at all times if you know the type. He grabs my arm and forces me to the ground to ****. At this point im like what in the **** is going on, I jaywalked, have no record. Super swat cop starts asking about the tattoos and if they are gang and what gang im in. Ok, I have full sleeves and they are lowbrow art. One arm is ****ing bigfoot an owl and crazy ass squirrel. The other is a birdman hold a boombox with a 4 finger ring that say's word. I tell him that im a collector, yadda yadda yadda. No gang meanings. I remember asking him, if early thrity year old white guys in a affluent neighborhoods were typically a gang problem for them

Then cop three shows up and they start back in with how wreckless and dangerous my behavior is. They say I smell like alcohol, which I agree. I just woke-up from a long night of being out with friends. I guess cop three is there to get my I.D. They ask where my ID is, I tell them its on my desk, the door is unlocked but my roommate is there. So at this point the cop goes off to my house and the others start giving me the sobriety tests. Which was the standard walk the line etc.

Suddenly I see my roommate running up freaked out. He tries to come over and they tell him to go away. I tell him i'll be back home soon and tell him what's up. Wrap up the session with super cops. I pass sobriety tests and get my jaywalking ticket.

I get back home and he tells me that the cop just walked into the house, no knock and neil was pretty much like excuse me dude you cant just walk in. Cop honestly tells him, your roommate just got hit my a car on the corner and we need his ID. Neil just ran out of the house and up to the corner. Thats where we briefly talked. When Neil walked back to the house the cop was inside going through my room, and had the wallet in his hand. Neil asked that if he had the wallet he could go ahead and leave as he had no right to search the house.

Now, of course I didnt see any of it so i'll have to take neils word and he's never lied or given me reason not to believe him. He was super pissed the way they handled **** and tried to get me to file complaints against the cops involved. I declied as it's only going to make **** worse for me. So I paid the ticket and moved on.
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resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
cops liked pulling me over for a time in colorado.

2 feet of hair...full beard...60's aircooled vw....always had a k9 unit involved.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I had a similar story. Day after St.Pattys I was hungover and wlaking to the store to get a soda. Didnt have my wallet, just had cash. I stepped into the crosswalk before it was my time and there was a cop turning left across the lanes I was crossing. I saw him look at me and immediatly turned around knowing I was gonna get a jaywalking ticket. It was a 4 way stop, he was in the left lane to my right turning left, i had 2 lanes and a center to cross before I even got to the lane he was turning into fyi

Cop is a ****ing twat, he starts with boy do you know how close I came to hitting you? Well considering I was still in the lane next to the curb not only were you about to hit me but you were going to head-on the lane of traffic. Of course I did'nt say that, I just do speak politely and answer any questions. About 10 minutes into the jaywalking ticket cop car #2 comes up. This cop was the kind that wears swat gloves at all times if you know the type. He grabs my arm and forces me to the ground to ****. At this point im like what in the **** is going on, I jaywalked, have no record. Super swat cop starts asking about the tattoos and if they are gang and what gang im in. Ok, I have full sleeves and they are lowbrow art. One arm is ****ing bigfoot an owl and crazy ass squirrel. The other is a birdman hold a boombox with a 4 finger ring that say's word. I tell him that im a collector, yadda yadda yadda. No gang meanings. I remember asking him, if early thrity year old white guys in a affluent neighborhoods were typically a gang problem for them

Then cop three shows up and they start back in with how wreckless and dangerous my behavior is. They say I smell like alcohol, which I agree. I just woke-up from a long night of being out with friends. I guess cop three is there to get my I.D. They ask where my ID is, I tell them its on my desk, the door is unlocked but my roommate is there. So at this point the cop goes off to my house and the others start giving me the sobriety tests. Which was the standard walk the line etc.

Suddenly I see my roommate running up freaked out. He tries to come over and they tell him to go away. I tell him i'll be back home soon and tell him what's up. Wrap up the session with super cops. I pass sobriety tests and get my jaywalking ticket.

I get back home and he tells me that the cop just walked into the house, no knock and neil was pretty much like excuse me dude you cant just walk in. Cop honestly tells him, your roommate just got hit my a car on the corner and we need his ID. Neil just ran out of the house and up to the corner. Thats where we briefly talked. When Neil walked back to the house the cop was inside going through my room, and had the wallet in his hand. Neil asked that if he had the wallet he could go ahead and leave as he had no right to search the house.

Now, of course I didnt see any of it so i'll have to take neils word and he's never lied or given me reason not to believe him. He was super pissed the way they handled **** and tried to get me to file complaints against the cops involved. I declied as it's only going to make **** worse for me. So I paid the ticket and moved on.
ah, the old "bad cop retarded cop" routine


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Wow for jaywalking!

Of the places I've lived, NYC you'll just get hit by a taxi, everyone on foot in New Orleans is drunk, and in SF, drivers are ticketed if they fail to yield to pedestrians.


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
Hungover yes, still drunk no. It all happened. Don't tell me I'm the only guy to encounter a Rambo cop. The sobriety test wasn't a surprise since I did jaywalk and smelled Luke alcohol. Those cops just thought they got the Mario bros bonus coin level.

I think the ticket took about 2.5 hours.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 20, 2008
Beech Mtn Definitely NOT Boulder
wheres Manimal when you need him? He works with a bunch of dick cops. They answered my buddys phone while we were stopped. He pulled us over for "not staying close enough to the curb during a right turn" :confused: assumed we were drinking, searched the car, found our leftover beers from the weekend and gave us all poss. of alcohol tickets (we were 17-18 at the time) My friend's mom called while they were searching the car and the cop took the phone and answered it. :think:


May 11, 2008
Scottsdale, AZ
you're obviously unfamiliar with the concept "public intoxication" :rolleyes:
Oh, I'm VERY familiar with it, friend. Familiar enough to know that SFSTs (like walking a line) have nothing to do with determining public intoxication.

I still want to know what "SWAT gloves" are.

It's all good, enjoy your story.


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
havent you ever seen the one cop, that wears gloves all the time, like he's some kinda special teams player. I use swat, because well it's like he wants to be special.

As for your opinion about FST's and determining public intox, the courts recognize them as well as giving PC for a officer to arrest. Thanks for being this threads douche.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
... Thanks for being this threads douche.
We're only on page 2 and you proclaim this? RM douche awards should be handed out sparingly. Give others a chance here.;)

As for the jerk cop, I have been "harrassed" as you put it plenty back in high school and college. Even was unlucky enough to have a gun pointed at me during a "miscommunication". Every single time, whether I was being a prince or a punk, the cops were within their authority to mess with me.

The gun pointing? Well, 3 of us went to a bar. Glock40 owner guy drove tattoo artist guy and instigator guy (me) in tattoo artist's car so we could drink and he could DD as he wasn't feeling up to drinking.

Glock40 guy gets to feeling better, kicks into the booze and tattoo artist guy (car owner) feels ill and doesn't drink. Tattoo artist guy and instigator guy head home while Glock40 guy shakuh shakuh shimmies.

When we get in the car, cops pounce with guns pointed telling us to get out of the car. Tattoo artist guy is terrified, drops keys in the floor to a "CLINK" sound. Cops rip doors open yelling "He's got a gun and we get the super hug from the blue team.

Tattoo artist gets face planted, knee to spine, cuffed and I get "tussled and lectured" we'll say.:think: Come to find out Glock40 (what a pal) left his piece in the floor board in sight of a Mag Lite.

Did the cops give us the kid gloves? Nope. We got loved on like Cujo loves a leg. Was it warranted? Hell yeah. It was a gun and they thought he was going for it.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
wheres Manimal when you need him? He works with a bunch of dick cops.
no...it's more like we have to deal with a bunch of snotty-nosed emerywood kids who think that underage drinking is as cool as thumping gangsta rap in a subaru..or..posting pics of said underage inebriation on facebook for all to see :rofl: (btw..one of the kids in your spring break drunk pics is a cops kid...that did not go over well :rofl: )

and yes, i told your SRO to mess w/ you about your drunken spring break story that you posted here...he was more than happy to oblige :D

most teens test the waters of the alcohol river, but most of them don't brag about it online and then get all "eff da police" when they get caught (after the police leave of course...because, in my experience with trust-fund kids, it's all "yes sir/no sir" and "please don't call my mom" to our face but "that cop was such a fascist prick" when we leave)

and blackohio: were the "swat gloves" like this? ....'cause, that might not have been a cop ;)


Turbo Monkey
Nov 5, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA
Cops scar me :P EVERY TIME I've gotten pulled over it's by the SAME cop (on a moto) and I've been in different cars every time. Mort the moto cop, haha...I have bad luck when hes around.


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
Cops scar me :P EVERY TIME I've gotten pulled over it's by the SAME cop (on a moto) and I've been in different cars every time. Mort the moto cop, haha...I have bad luck when hes around.
Got another great cop and tattoo story from when I worked at MagnaFlow. Im about 34 at the time this took place, my boss (jim) was 38 and the guy driving(chris) was 26 or so. My boss, whose an amazingly talented graphic designer is kinda a rock-a-billy guy full sleeve tattoo's as well. I at the time was steady rocking the Mike Watt look and the dude driving sorta looked like your typical UFC fan, we called him Tiny Ortiz. We worked in Rancho Santa MArgarita and decided to go to Chik-fil-a for lunch in Irvine. Because of the time it would take to get there we decided to take it back to the office.

We're driving down a 4 lane road, coming up to an intersection that has cutout right turn lanes. Chris is driving his modded WRX.

Were doing at or slightly above the speed limit coming up to the intersection. Were getting ready to turn right and Tiny Ortiz say's "Looks like a sweeper"
I said huh?? and before I knew it he's pinning it through the turn. Im holding T.O.'s drink between my and mine and out bag of food between my feet, Jim's in the back holding his stuff. The center of the intersection there's a bunch of dudes working on the street. T.O. is pushing the **** out of his car through the turn and its at this point the car starts to crabwalk across all 3 of the lanes he's turning into, we cross the center and go all the way across the other 3 lanes and into the grass. T.O. straightens it out and shoots back to our side of the road. While this is happening Jim and I are yelling.

Jim turns around and laughs and said there's a cop at the intersection. I see him hit the lights and rocket through towards us. I tell T.O. that he's going to jail and we'll drive the car back to the office. Jims confirms my belief. Irvine cop pulls up and pulls T.O. over. as he's walking up T.O. is freaking out about going to jail.

This is where **** gets well weird.

The cop says all the standard "you know why I pulled you over and license and reg ****. Chris says he sorta lost control of the car. Meanwhile Jim and I are just sitting there is the most non-threatening way possible. I had set the drinks down and put my hands on the dash and jim had his on T.O's seatback.
Cop asks T.O. whats hes doing, T.o.s says were just going to lunch, Cop says that a bit far for lunch. This is where T.O.'s rockhead comes into play. T.O. responds with "we had the munchies." I remember looking over at him like "are you ****ing dumb?"

Then the cop says "what about you" Of course I had no idea he was talking to me so I didnt answer right away. When I says in a more angered tone I finally was like, "what about me what? Im holding lunch sir? He asked if I'd ever been to jail. I said no, and said im not sure what the problem is since I was a passenger. He makes mention of the tattoo's again. He asked for my ID. I gave it to him.

He then asks Jim the same question and where Jim was from. Jim said Orange. The cop says what? Jim again say's Orange. The cop says whata gain Jim again say's O-R-A-N-G-E. The cop takes out ID's and heads back to his cruiser.

Jim and I were like "how in the **** do you drift across 7 total lanes and he asks you one question, we have food in our laps and get sweated. Jim and I begin laughing and say to chris again how he's going to the klink.

The cop comes back to the car and looks like he's got somewhere better to be, he's looking around outside the car. not looking over the car, but like he's looking for hidden cameras or some ****. Hands us back our ID's and says have a nice lunch.

None of us had any idea what was going on. For a minute I thought as soon as Chris starts the car that cop is unloading his clip into this tincan. But no, he walks back towards the cruiser and we just start the car and drive off.

the rest of the drive back was pretty much more of the same how the **** did Jim and I get more **** than T.O. talk. T.O has 8 lives now. This is a condensed version of the entire story im far to lazy to type out but the cop really didnt say **** to T.O. and spent about 5 minutes talking to each of Jim and I.

That was one lucky asshole.


Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
cops liked pulling me over for a time in colorado.

2 feet of hair...full beard...60's aircooled vw....always had a k9 unit involved.
If it walks like a duck...

From the above with the beard though, it could have been the "I brake for Al Qaeda" bumper sticker. :ph34r:
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Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
I'm thinking we all need to get "Cool Story Bro"ed up right about now.

I was lucky as a teenager. I grew up 20 minutes from a stop light at the county line of 3 different counties with tons of gravel roads in every direction. I worked at a time share resort in the mountains (Lake Lure) the whole time during the HEIGHT of Dirty Dancing & The Last of the Mohicans. We were smothered by tourists for a good 4 years and the cops were too busy to worry about local kids.

It was a blessing because we did more stuff to go to jail than most kids would ever dream of doing. But we had no money and the tourists were easy marks, so it was overlooked. :thumb:

We had some fantastic times and insane stories. Growing up in the city must suck. :D


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
One time I got pulled over right after watching fear and loathing (not a good influence) so I put my blinker on and sped up for a mile, then pulled over.

The trooper comes up all excited "Why didn't you pull over immediately?!?!"
"I was looking for a safe place to pull off."
"The road is level for a mile in both directions!"
"Looks safe to me."

I got several tickets, but it was worth it.