
Can a Killswitch be raced effectively?


Nov 3, 2009
Westchester, NY
I am currently thinking about buying a blackmarket killswitch frame, my only reservation is that because the frame is a concentric pivot it might not pedal well. I would be using the bike to race 4x/slalom so the inability to pedal well would defiantly raise some red flags.

If you have any knowledge on the subject or have raced a killswitch your advice it is welcome.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 25, 2005
In the Northwest.
It's such short travel and you'll want to run it really stiff for racing anyway that the pedaling efficency wouldn't be an issue. The more important thing would be geometry.



Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
I ownded an Arrow DSS3 for a while, and while the bike was amazingly fun, pedaling was not it's strong suit. I imagine it would helped out immensely by an SPV band-aid shock. Otherwise, try not to pedal. That being said, the concentric pivot blasted into and out of corners, and the bike jumped surprisingly well. I imagine the killswitch would be very similar in almost every aspect. For what I sold the arrow for, I wish I could buy it back. It would have been amazing at a place like highland, which didn't exist at the time.

You MIGHT be able to get away with the killswitch as a racer if you crank the air pressure up. That might help with the bobbing. Otherwise, build it up singlespeed and rip all day at your favorite park.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
that bike would be perfect for indycross or for courses like hellion and happy hour and alpine. DS might be tough because it's so pedaling and sprint focused, but last time I rode IX I thought it was tight enough that you won't get much more than a few strokes, or none, in between corners. The BB concentric pivot LOVES corners and berms.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
The BB concentric pivot LOVES corners and berms.
Or at least it feels like it does. The same issue as low vs high pivot in dh.

Imho I'd be more inclined to run something like the rampant. Better pedaling efficency means you can run lower pressure and get more rear traction. Also it will feel better pumping. Though Im more worried about a dj geo on the blackmarket. I may be spoiled by my dj bike but for racing Id want something slacker than my dh bike.

Though having said that I rode a very similar bike to the killswitch and it was lots of fun. Just wanted it to be a bit more stable


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
the geometry looks pretty similar, and I wouldn't necessarily discount a steeper HT for this purpose specific frame. I think the arrow's HT was the same, and it handled very well on flatter "BMXish" courses. I think the HT is pretty aggressive, vs. slack and relaxed. I'm not sold on slacker angles for non-DH bikes (duh) vs. the razor sharp handling available on shorter travel steeds. I thought most BMX bikes were way up there, and that's essentially what this is emulating. Plus, the BB pivot puts more of your weight on the rear wheel, so it'll probably slack out a fair amount.

I don't really know anything, all I can say is I wish I had my arrow back! I swear I'd rip down happy hour all day and be a very happy boy!