
"Cannabis use linked to psychosis"


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
On average, the study found that young people using cannabis have about a 6 percent increased risk of developing psychotic symptoms, compared with non-users. Among those vulnerable to the condition, the risk jumps to 23.8 percent.


"Cannabis use moderately increases the risk of psychotic symptoms in young people but has a much stronger effect in those with evidence of predisposition for psychosis," concluded the researchers.
there is some uncertainty about the meaning of the results. from http://www.healthypages.net/newsstory.asp?newsid=4725 we find this quote:
Although a link between marijuana use and psychosis is well established, the direction of the association is unclear. That is to say, while cannabis use may cause psychosis, it is also possible that people predisposed to psychosis are simply more likely to use cannabis -- a theory called the self-medication hypothesis.
for those of you inclined to read the study itself instead of the reuters summary of it, the british medical journal has helpfully posted the article as a pdf, available here. i'm too lazy to actually read it tho: http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/rapidpdf/bmj.38267.664086.63v1 .

in any case this is new evidence that might suggest that marijuana isn't as harmless as some of you make it out to be.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 21, 2004
Los Osos
It's still pretty darn harmless. A 6 percent increase towards the risk of developing psychotic symptoms is pretty marginal. I'm sure alcoholism is much worse. In all reality, if people respect the drug, and refrain from extreme use, it's not gonna be too bad for ya. 24% increase doesn't mean much for those who are already vulnerable, as alcoholism is probably a bigger threat there. Maryjane does no good for you, as I'm sure we can all agree, at least while we're sober. This survey really doesn't mean much to me, and it's definetly not going to scare anyone away from the drug.


Turbo Monkey
Could it be that the type of people that use canabis are just more likely to get a psychosis because they are a "type of people" and not because of the marihuana?
Maybee they would have become psychotic even if they would not have smoked?
Just a theory, not saying it cant be true or anything but I wonder if the researchers took this into considaration. I think most research thats done just doesnt consider all options and because of that gives a wrong image of things.
I havent actually read all of they above due to lazyness so I could be talking crap.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Kevin said:
Could it be that the type of people that use canabis are just more likely to get a psychosis because they are a "type of people" and not because of the marihuana?
Maybee they would have become psychotic even if they would not have smoked?
Just a theory, not saying it cant be true or anything but I wonder if the researchers took this into considaration. I think most research thats done just doesnt consider all options and because of that gives a wrong image of things.
I havent actually read all of they above due to lazyness so I could be talking crap.
i blame pot for making you lazy. :oink: (what you wrote is in the middle of my first post :D)


Turbo Monkey
Mar 2, 2004
Back in Hell A, b1thces
That study doesn't prove anything except that there is 'some kind' of link between marijuana smokers and psychos-i (es?). It doesn't prove that marijuana causes psychosis, only that psychotic people like to smoke marijuana. Kind of like all my ADD friends who like to drink. NTTAWWT.

How about a psychotic w/ ADD? I think i dated her last year.


Turbo Monkey
Toshi said:
i blame pot for making you lazy. :oink: (what you wrote is in the middle of my first post :D)
Dammit I knew I should have read the whole thing :P
Havent smoked in years tho. Used to smoke a lot and then I just lost interest.
Allmost everybodey I know smokes. May have to do with the fact Im from Holland... but as far as I know no one has become psychotic from smoking pot.
Im really more concerned about how much money was waisted on this and every other useless research thats been done every day...


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Toshi said:
in any case this is new evidence that might suggest that marijuana isn't as harmless as some of you make it out to be.
i don't find this as accurate in the degree of actual psychosis. Severe abuse of other drugs like Cocaine, Methanphetamine, LSD, MDMA, Psylocibyn, Alcohol, sure, i've personally seen it. But really i've never experienced even chronic users to become totally out of touch with reality that they completely lack social function, impaired yes, but a state of pyschosis i wouldn't agree with.....


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Reading that definition of psychosis...it sounds like N8 to me, man. Reality disorted, paranoid or delusional beliefs, lack of insight.

Conclusion? N8 must smoke a ton of pot :D


Turbo Monkey
Jul 3, 2004
Vashon, WA
When my dad was a kid it was a low level of THC, now it is a very high level. I read an article on a study which found the purity to be like 10 times higher now than it used to be. Hence it is more like whiskey than beer.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
Up to a point of weed use it becomes bad. :dead: and isnt fun, so it regulates itself quite nicely, and your wallet! :nuts: