
Can't BunnyHOP :(


Sep 26, 2005
Vancouver, B.C
i cant do a bunny hop on my full suspension bike :(
i can do a wheelie
a front wheelie
and standing jump (both tires off the ground at the same time)
im strugglin learning to bhop.


Oct 11, 2005
well just lean over ur front tire a little and basically jump like u would for a standing jump. then as you advance you should get to be able to bhop anytime.


Aug 31, 2005
Throw your weight back and lift the front like a manual, when the front tire is up point your toes down and push back with your calves while jumping up and "rolling" your wrists and pushing the handlebars forward and tucking your legs up. All that has to happen almost at once, takes practice.


Sep 24, 2005
well, are you trying to learn a bunnyhop, or a bronco? bunnyhops are easy to learn the principal, but hard to learn the technique. just crouch down with your head over the bars, push up with your arms and legs, then as you are moving up, just pull the bike up towards you. i can get about a foot of air, thats about all, then again i have a hardtail. :) [note: you want both wheels to leave the ground at the same time, as well as land]

broncos on the other hand are really easy to master (i think they are a cheaters bunnyhop), you push then pull up on the bars (a preload), like when you start a wheelie, then as your front wheel is at its peak height, you lift your feet up, pull the bars a little towards you and down as fast as you can. imagine doing a front flip, same basic movement.

dont worry if you can do em, when i was first doing them i made myself look like a total jackhole, i did a massive bronco and forced the front down super hard, the front wheel went too far and rolled under me, my freinds said that it looked like a half front flip. my face, shoulders, and knuckles felt that one!


Aug 31, 2005
clandestine said:
whoa thats alot to comprehend.
this trick is gonna involve alot of thinkin for the first part.
is it harder on full suspension?
Yeah it is a lot to figure out. I've been working on my bunnyhop for about 4 months now and I can just barely link all the movements together for a 6-10" hop. I have found that practicing so much has really helped my ability to go over logs/log piles in the trail. Even if you never get off the ground going through the motions smooths out the bike and lets you go faster than just pulling the front tire up and plowing into the log with your back tire.

You can find the best hop tutorials on BMX sites, it's the same thing only way harder on a mtn bike.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
basically you pull the front end up, and as its coming up point your toes downward and pull back and up with your feet in one fluid motion. (re stated from someone elses post)

its best to try learning the b-hop over small objects that wont stop your fwd motion. start trying to hop things like twigs or shoes. small cardboard boxes work well too, cause they just collapse under the bike if you dont get over them. It took my tons of practice to learn. I also learned on a bmx bike. Which is much easier to hop than a full squish mtn bike.

sorry for the redundant post but maybe it helped


Turbo Monkey
Try bunny-ing over holes vs things that stick up. This is to just get you used to the movements by NOT letting your rear wheel drop into the hole (ie manhole cover depressions). Once you're confident w/ that, move to things like speed bumps (rounded things where you won't eat handlebar if you screw up). 2x4s aren't bad either.
As for the full squish, the shocks will definitely eat up some of your energy, especially on the big DH bikes set up to race soft. But on the trail bikes, the suspension should be in the medium to stiff (depending on terrain and your weight). Clipless helps w/ the pull up on the rear.
Just FYI, on trail rides, in most instances you'll be moving at a pretty good clip so to have the front up before the rear is kind of a moot point. Plus, to totally clear something w/ a dualie might not be necessary. Sometimes when you hop up, you'll want your front to clear, but your back to come down at the top of the obsticle or just a tiny bit before the top so you can use that to control your speed (ie clearing something w/ a downhill landing that has a turn in it) and let your suspension to mellow things out. Admittedly this is getting pretty advanced...


Sep 26, 2005
Vancouver, B.C
how do you propell your back wheel (pic 2)
or another way to put it, whats the transition from pic 1 to pic 2, like what do you do.

and yes thats the visual i was lookin for lol


Turbo Monkey
Oct 3, 2004
Cary, NC
As some people were describing, you can see I am rotating my wrists foward and angling my feet foward as i push my front tire down. Its kinda complicated to explain.


Oct 1, 2004
Central Va.
Hardtails are easier to bunny hop. Try rolling along and rotate forward on your grips while shifting your weight forward and getting the rear wheel to rise up several inches. Once you get the feel for this pull up on the bars like the other post talk about and then make this motion. For a while your front wheel will drop until you get the hang of it as far as the timing goes. You gotta practice a lot just like any other trick. Good Luck!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
Bellingham, WA
once you get the motion down, work on it every ride!! go higher and higher!! ( your rists make a sidways j motion pulling up and towards you then up and away, and then more away, this motion pulls the rear wheel up)

and the old you can hop higher on a hardtail is mostly true but i could hope my DH bike over 3ft and have yet to go any higher on my hardtail...


Aug 16, 2002
Santa Barbara, CA
The sequence of 2,3 happen at the same time.

Practice compressing the bike first, and pulling the bike straight up. go over small objects first (sticks, potholes, whatever). Then work your way to a curb.

You have to practice a lot.


Mar 7, 2005
once we have a good "can't bunnyhop" thread, it needs to get stickie'd...

this has to be one of the most popular questions on this thread.