
Cell phone usage....


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
You're an extremely irresponsible driver, then.

Even if you DO use a bluetooth device.


I hate that mentality. I think cell phones are SAFER than having other people in the car! If I have my headset in my ear, I'm just talking. If I have my wife in the seat next to me, I'm talking, and glancing over at her every once in awhile just to make sure she knows I'm listening. When someone is there, you have to make eye contact with them. If you are on the phone, you can keep your eyes on the road!


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I hate that mentality. I think cell phones are SAFER than having other people in the car! If I have my headset in my ear, I'm just talking. If I have my wife in the seat next to me, I'm talking, and glancing over at her every once in awhile just to make sure she knows I'm listening. When someone is there, you have to make eye contact with them. If you are on the phone, you can keep your eyes on the road!
Sounds like you should ignore your wife in the car. :monkey:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I guess this all started from me wondering if the shear volume of communication has added to our lives in a way that has actually made us smarter or more efficient.

During class occasionally I'll log onto Wikipedia if I have additional questions about the material being taught. First off we're not allowed to veer of course during class time so I don't ask questions. Yeah I know it's retarded and I feel like they try to slam everything down our throats. Secondly I'm not allowed to use my phone so I do it in secret but I find it to be a huge advantage while the teacher rips through the material.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
It's really just a convenience thing for me. I live in the middle of now where, about 20 minutes from anyone or anything that I care about, so it's nice to be able to check on things/call people from my car (i.e. not have to go home to call a buddy to find out what's going on that night just to have to turn around and leave again).

I also like being able to text so I don't actually have to talk to people.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
I guess this all started from me wondering if the shear volume of communication has added to our lives in a way that has actually made us smarter or more efficient.
I'm not sure anything that has happened in the last 20 years has done that. I could make an argument for the Internet, but for every good piece of info that's out there, there are 100 pieces of drivel, so...


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
i sometimes hate internet, and cell phones. everyone has short deadlines now. it used to take a week to get something mailed across country now if its not there in 5 hours its the end of the world. same with cell phones. where it used to be home was for family work was for working. now you can bring work home with you. on the plus side, you can now communicate with people across the country easily, and stay in touch with family and friends.


Mar 29, 2007
I used to like to think I didnt need my cell phone until I lost it the other day. I was completely lost, I didnt know how to call anyone to ask them if they had my phone cause I dont have a home phone. I had to get up early the next morning but I didnt have an alarm cause I always used my phone. I find it sad that I depend on a piece of technology that much.