
Colin Powell to resign.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Looks to me like @ 66 he may not serve based on the fact that he wants to retire.

As far as Bush's 2nd term. Lets just see that there isn't one. I'd vote for a chimp before I'd vote for Bush.

Seriously, Ill be voting agains bush unless the opposing candidate is a Nazi or a mental retard. Hell, even if he is a retard I might vote for him anyway, uncontrolable drool or not.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Originally posted by golgiaparatus
I'd vote for a chimp before I'd vote for Bush.
I'd rather vote for a chimp too, especially because I want to see a president fling poo at Congress during a state of the union address.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 25, 2002
Hangin' with Riggs and Mertah
where are you guys getting all of this. this morning the papers here were reading that it was a hoax that Powell was leaving.

he said he was going to stay around for another term.

now the story has vanished or something.

i even went to cnn and there is no trace of it.

is this going to be on the 6 o'clock news or something?


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
I hope he does leave....

I also tend to follow in my father's footsteps and have wrote Powell in on the last election (bout as good as voting for Mickey...but at least I said my piece!)...

Someday I wish we'd have some no nonsense person run for office that wasn't a politician, and didn't pander the media...and wasn't necessarily photogenic....and actually got good things done during their term....

Sigh....Utopia...isn't that how this whole American dream crap got started...was in pursuit of Utopia? When's the next political model going to come out so we can see how badly that one gets messed up...:)

Lovins y'all...I'm just being cynical and bitter and an overly capitalistic company today :D Personally, I keep trying to decide:
Go be a hermit in the mountains for the rest of my life and give society the finger....
Throw my heart and soul into society and work to make my piece of the world that much better....That being said...someone I admire a lot told me not too long ago in response to my whining about some such thing
That there was no point in whining, or complaining, and really I had no right to do the whining or complaining unless I was willing to roll my sleeves up and get dirty trying to affect a change. Of course, he also said that if you have the ability to affect change, or do good in your society, then it was your moral obligation to do it...
After making me feel sorely guilty...I woke the next morning and continued with my job, affecting change there, and continued lobbying working towards legal Freeride trails in the area...
back to work junior...back to work


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by Drunken_Ninja
where are you guys getting all of this.
from the links I posted:rolleyes:

The Post broke the story, and the whitehouse has been backpedalling and covering up since then. No one is denying, only giving half-answers. That's the same as confirming it.

He'll have to make up an excuse about how it's for his wife or family... but at this point everyone knows the truth. No one retires from his position at 66, especially not when you're as active and involved as he is.


Want fries with that?
Jan 4, 2002
ummmmm i wsa hearing on the radio this morning that he was quoted as to saying that now of thsoe reports were true.....
Mar 27, 2003
At first Powell seemed to be the only voice of disent in the Bush Administration conserning the Iraq situation. Then came his UN speech comlete with pictures of the WMDs.

My guess is he realized he was played and wants the hell out.


Want fries with that?
Jan 4, 2002
Originally posted by Damn True
Um, Powell already said that the story about him splitting if there is a second Bush term was false.
thanks for not reading what i said dip shiet :rolleyes: :D :devil:


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by Damn True
Um, Powell already said that the story about him splitting if there is a second Bush term was false.
If you check my last link, you'll see I acknowledged that. Like I said, they're backpedalling. He can't acknowledge it, or it would defeat the purpose of him staying on until then...

Read the news and the quotes a little more carefully. He did say it, and both he and the white house are choosing the words of their denial very carefully to avoid embarassment when he finally does leave.

(that was for you too, Indieboy, just so you don't feel left out...)


Want fries with that?
Jan 4, 2002
Originally posted by ohio
If you check my last link, you'll see I acknowledged that. Like I said, they're backpedalling. He can't acknowledge it, or it would defeat the purpose of him staying on until then...

Read the news and the quotes a little more carefully. He did say it, and both he and the white house are choosing the words of their denial very carefully to avoid embarassment when he finally does leave.

(that was for you too, Indieboy, just so you don't feel left out...)
thank you my short buddy! hey dude are you going to IB this year to show off all the cool stuff for all of us to spank off too :D


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by indieboy
hey dude are you going to IB this year to show off all the cool stuff for all of us to spank off too :D
Unfortunately no. The work didn't really pan out that well... we've got a few technologies that were developed as footnotes to the welding, that we're trying to license out right now, but nothing that is flashy enough for a trade show.

With luck though, I'll be at the Vegas SKI show next Spring...