
Complementary question to Squasher's


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Squasher asked if suspending the bike upside down was bad for the fork. It turned out there's no problems...

My complementary question is: "Is it alright to suspend the bike on the ceiling with the front wheel only for several months". i.e.: can there be a long term negative effect for the fork? My bike would not move for a 4-5 months (criss d'hiver Québécois...ooops) No wonder MMike and Acadian don't live near here anymore. How many of you would be willing not to ride AT ALL for 5 month? And to ride at temperatures below 10C for another 2 months? (ok I'm goin' off topic...maybe I should start a new thread on that)

Back to my question: I know bike shops suspend bikes like that all the time...but is it ok?

If this can change anything, my bike is a sub-30 pounder.
