
Cool, a super-mega rock star is spokesman for the poor


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Inclag said:
And how about that Mother Teresa. Seriously, all she cared about was becoming a Saint :rolleyes:
Mother Teresa...........She was HOT! :drool: :thumb:


"...Oh when the saints...........go marchin in..........Oh when the saints go marchin in....Oh how I waaaaant to be in that number.......when the saints go marchin in.................oh when the......"


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
sirknight6 said:
He makes money by selling albums. Feed the poor or bite the head off a bat, its all FREE press.

Sorry, this is nothing but a publicity stunt for press.
Honestly, I'll never get this point of view.

There are much easier and cheaper ways to get free press than to devote the amount of time and personal resources Bono has to this cause. He may be a self-righteous jackass, but I have a hard time claiming that he doesn't actually hope to help save lives, that this cause is not genuinely important to him.

Additionally, even if you insist on assuming the worst of Bono, how can anyone deny the amount of attention and resources he has brought to a very VERY serious problem. Name one other person that has done more to prevent the spread of HIV in Africa, or alleviate the suffering of those with AIDS in Africa.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
sirknight6 said:
He makes money by selling albums. Feed the poor or bite the head off a bat, its all FREE press.

Sorry, this is nothing but a publicity stunt for press.

Do charity to help, and tithe, but then do it quietly…….
Would you feel this way if Bruce Dickinson was heading a similar cause??

Here's a few interesting postings I have read on the subject as well, don't know who wrote it so I can't really give them credit, but good stuff.

Bono isn't abour charity. He isn't about forcing governments to fund relief with tax money. If you think that, you haven't been following very closely what Bono is saying. His position is that exact opposite of that -- he says policies need to change, regimes need to change -- he recognizes that the only way to solve the African crisis is through liberalized trade policies, democratic reforms, freer markets. That is the consistant message from Bono.

And another one, different author
I'd first like to point out that the entire band has made many contributions to charity, and those who said not obviously need to do their research before bashing someone simply because they are well-off. From LiveAid to Comic Relief to the Sarajevo concert, and many others, they have been generous with their time in support of causes they believe in. They have also been generous with the cold, hard cash, with all the proceeds from the Passengers album/project going to the War Child foundation and all proceeds from the One single going to an AIDS charity (I can't for the life of me remember the name). Bono recently did some sort of auction to benefit a hospice center in Dublin. And to say they don't care about Ireland is crazy. They were the ones who were so passionate about telling the world about the crisis when no one seemed to care. Didn't they make peace cool again with "Sunday Bloody Sunday?" They were large advocators of the Good Friday agreement, and their lyrics have long been a cry for some sort of peace. The way they touched Irish through their lyrics, on both sides of the fence, seems enough to me, but they've always done more. Of course Bono has two big houses. So what? If I had that much money, I wouldn't be living in this apartment. Do you really think the difference between the cost of his house and the cost of a rundown apartment would make the tiniest difference in Africa? Of course not.

And that is where the difference lies between their "pet causes," where their own money and proceeds is enough to realistically change something, and the "emergencies" like the AIDS crisis, where their influence on their fans and the publicity and controversy they can attempt to draw to the issue are infinitely more powerful than any measely check they could write. The AIDS crisis doesn't need millions, it needs billions. It doesn't need rock stars' money, it needs the money of the wealthiest nations of the world. It doesn't need tiny charity donations, it needs major changes in legislation so Africans can get the drugs WE KNOW HOW TO MAKE. So U2, well mostly Bono, he's trying to do his part by using his fame to a good cause. May I quote: "Celebrity is ridiculous, really, but it's also currency. Spend it wisely. I think I'm on the outer limits of people's tolerance." He isn't the only founder of DATA, he's not drafting legislation to Congress; his role, his piece in the puzzle is raising publicity and doing photo ops with dumbass politicians---for a price. And in that respect he's doing a damn fine job.

But there's more. Even MORE important than his handshaking with the neocons is the small army of activists he's recruiting. U2 fans as well as casual fans, can take the message where he left off and really can make a difference. I've got a group of friends, U2-fans and non-fans alike who've sponsored the education of children in Africa, largely because of U2's influence and attention to the issue, no emergency. "I can't save the world, I know that. But WE can." It may sound idealist, but cynicism hasn't solved any Holocaust-like pandemics, last time I checked. And unlike the hippies, their organization is making serious proposals to Congress, as well as giving out Action Kits to the Average Joe on what AJ can do to do his part. So the people who spend hours on the internet cussing him/them out and wanting the specific numbers on just how much he donated to charity over income, etc. are missing the point greatly. And they're surely not doing THEIR part in this fight. If we had $1,000,000 to Africa for everytime I've seen Bono called a, well, a variety of hateful things, then we wouldn't need to worry about a thing! Too bad it doesn't work that way.

I just find it terribly sad that, in this culture, we are happy to see rock stars OD at age 40, date a variety of actresses, get drunk, etc, etc. But when one actually possesses something resembling intelligence, has been married faithfully for over 20 years, and wants to at least attempt to direct his fame in a positive direction, we can't take it. Sad. Even more sad is when we take our fabricated perceptions of a man we've never met as an excuse to roll our eyes at the medical Holocaust.

As for the band, I am a fan of theirs, I would probably rate them as one of my favorite bands. However that is completely irrelevant. I would still respect their efforts even if they weren't my style. It sickens me that one of the main reasons people use to back up their arguement that Bono shouldn't be invloved in this cause is "O yeah and U2 is a dumbass band way to overated!"


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
sirknight6 said:
Sorry, this is nothing but a publicity stunt for press.
I don't see it that way. Bono can get press all day long for his band. If he wanted to be on Leno he could be any time.

He has been doing what he does for Africa because he can get the message out because of his access to the media.

If he is able to make more people aware of the issues the third world faces then how is this bad.

U2 will drop platinum next time they release a CD, not because Bono spoke with Bush, but because their brand of pop music resonated with a large segment of the population of the world who speak english and have $20 to drop on a disk.

--I pretty much poached your first line Ohio. Great minds or something....


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Inclag said:
Would you feel this way if Bruce Dickinson was heading a similar cause??

Here's a few interesting postings I have read on the subject as well, don't know who wrote it so I can't really give them credit, but good stuff.

And another one, different author
Thank you for making my point. :thumb: He has, with no press. And asked the group's fans for donations.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
sirknight6 said:
Thank you for making my point. :thumb: He has, with no press. And asked the group's fans for donations.
Because quite frankly no one besides a few hardcore fans even know who he is. He couldn't bring the kinda of money or attention to the cause if he lit himself on fire in front of the White House. The fact of the matter is that the there are about a billion times more Bono fans than their are maiden fans.

I think the real travisty would be to NOT use your status and standing as a bully pulpit to advance awareness and funding for these causes. Its not using all the resources at your disposal to help those less fortunate that would be the real afront.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
If this is just a publicity stunt - it has to be the longest running one in history.

They guy has been active with whatever voice he has had throughout his career.

Hell he's been fighting for causes since before half the people on this board were even alive.

If you want to look for someone who is just looking for photo ops and press - look at Madonna


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
sirknight6 said:
hehe....hehe.....hehe....(a bad Beavis impersonation)…hey Butthead……..

1Now we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those without strength and not just please ourselves. Romans 15:1

3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 4Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-4

(This is my moto and scripture I use the most, first for myself, then to share with others.)

sirknight6 said:
OK, all joking and jest aside, if this was meant strictly for the assistance of the less fortunate, and STRICLY for that, AND he’s a Christian, why advertise?
So it’s ok, for example, to advertise your Buddist but not a follower of Jesus……..yeah I don’t get that. As long as it’s done with a spirit of humility and not ego driven I have no problem with that.

sirknight6 said:
2"So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. Matthew 6:2

That’s why I put a comment about the things I do, it’s not for recognition, but for an example of what most all of us do.
Context brotha context. Who was Jesus talking to there, and what group of people was He referring to?

Something else to keep in mind, in the tradition Jesus came from the rabbi’s would spend an endless amount of time trying to determine which commandment (mitzvot) was more important than another – or which was “heavier” and “lighter”………this was known as the process of rabbinic midrash.

It’s not too much of a midrashic leap to see that feeding thousands of people and possibly saving thousands of lives is “heavier” than one man inflating his ego – if in fact that is what he is doing which I’m not convinced of.

sirknight6 said:
So now, we address choice……God gave us freedom of choice. We can choose to follow Christ, or choose not too……….

19"I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants, 20by loving the LORD your God, by obeying His voice, and by holding fast to Him; for this is your life and the length of your days, that you may live in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them."

Deuteronomy 30:19-20
Yeah I agreed with you on that choice thing……….


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Andyman_1970 said:

So it’s ok, for example, to advertise your Buddist but not a follower of Jesus……..yeah I don’t get that. As long as it’s done with a spirit of humility and not ego driven I have no problem with that.

Context brotha context. Who was Jesus talking to there, and what group of people was He referring to?

Something else to keep in mind, in the tradition Jesus came from the rabbi’s would spend an endless amount of time trying to determine which commandment (mitzvot) was more important than another – or which was “heavier” and “lighter”………this was known as the process of rabbinic midrash.

It’s not too much of a midrashic leap to see that feeding thousands of people and possibly saving thousands of lives is “heavier” than one man inflating his ego – if in fact that is what he is doing which I’m not convinced of.

Yeah I agreed with you on that choice thing……….
The term I use is humbility.

We all need to always practice and employ it more in our lives.

Don't brag. Bono always tries to find a cause, and if history of his actions is of such a great interest, he seems to be more in the press while in the midst of promoting an album.

To the Dickinson comment. IM sold more albums world wide the U2 could ever hope too, simply a fact. Second, so if you have never heard of 'em, they're obscure? hhhmmmm.....that’s why they're still around.............

Point is, these folks are blessed enough to share, however, be humble about it.

N8 was right with the commentary of silly. If you like Bono, great. If he's helping people, great. But to tell the president of a major world power that you represent the poor.....silly.

He is not a leader. He is not a politician. Nor was he elected, nor is he an attorney. He is a self proclaimed leader.

I leave you with this:

Mark 10:17-30

17As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. "Good teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?"

18"Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good—except God alone. 19You know the commandments: 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, do not defraud, honor your father and mother."

20"Teacher," he declared, "all these I have kept since I was a boy."

21Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

22At this the man's face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth.

23Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!"



find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
sirknight6 said:
To the Dickinson comment. IM sold more albums world wide the U2 could ever hope too, simply a fact.
You've got numbers on that, right? Because this claims that IM has sold over 60 million worldwide:


Now, thanks to the magic of google, this link shows that U2 have 50.5 million sales in the US alone.


You could still be right, since U2 is a very regional band that isn't popular at all outside the USA. They probably haven't sold more than a million or so albums in Europe...
I think half of this should be in a music thread and the other in a religion thread.

I think Bono is an ass clown, (he's always just acted too cool for school) but I applaude him for trying to do something good, rather than make some speech at some awards thing for musicians or actors complaining about the administration.

It occurred to me that Bono is from Ireland and is probably more of a global type of guy. Think he is doing the same kind of thing in Europe? If so, good.
Along that line, why does everyone always come to us for help?
Why do we have to be involved in the whole Israel/Palestine deal? Why do they want us involved? Maybe we have always tried to do the right thing and help where we can for decades. Maybe no matter what the administration is, we are a generous country with generous people... which inspires the thought that maybe we are not as hated as we are made out to be by the media. Just thinking out loud.

It would be a lot cooler if the guys from Rage Against the Machine or System of a Down were doing it instead. Timmy C is big in mountain biking. Maybe they could skip the whole poor thing and find a way to make all ski hills have lift served biking.

Think it makes sense to put the new Avid Juicy's with carbon levers on a DH rig?


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
sirknight6 said:
To the Dickinson comment. IM sold more albums world wide the U2 could ever hope too, simply a fact. Second, so if you have never heard of 'em, they're obscure? hhhmmmm.....that’s why they're still around.............
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA funniest post all day..... You're so funny.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Skeg said:
so who voted for Bono??
What country was he elected in and to what position???

I think Bono is in it for himself not others,
I just thought he sang crappy songs and was a musician.

OK, I do like the first album but that was enough Bono for me...
This is a funny one. Bono is an extremely popular rock star, and anything he does while he is still an active musician will come under doubt.

He wasn't asked to being an advocate for the poor, and the world has not changed significantly since he began speaking out.

However, I can appreciate what he has done:

toured with US treasury secretary Wolfson in Africa
spoke at Canadien PM Martin at his inauguration

and is a candidate for the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize.

He obviously has influence and while he might not be Bill Gates in wealth, he does have influence in world politics.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
pterodactyl said:
It occurred to me that Bono is from Ireland and is probably more of a global type of guy. Think he is doing the same kind of thing in Europe? If so, good.
Wel I do know that Bono had alot to do for the Vote Yes campaign for the Good Friday Agreement, but I would say that ingeneral he does most of his work on the Global and African scale.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
pterodactyl said:
Along that line, why does everyone always come to us for help?
Why do we have to be involved in the whole Israel/Palestine deal? Why do they want us involved?
Wow, a lot of scattered and semi-related concepts here. I'll try to address them:
1) We are one of many stops that Bono has made and will continue to make in his efforts to save the lives of millions of people.
2) Because this world is becoming smaller and smaller, and if we don't see the need to help these nations out of a desire to save lives, then we should see the need out economic necessity. It's an investment against future costs. At the very least there are oil and diamond interests in Africa if you want to filter it down to the level of soullessness.
3) How do you feel about our involvement in Iraq?
4) Carry out to a logical conclusion what would occur in the middle east if we completely withdrew from the situation. Where do you intend the get the oil that our economy currently is desperately dependent upon?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 28, 2004
Bono with Bush... Whoa, who is he gonna have lunch with next time, Saddam Mut******* Hussein!!! I mean with Bush, it's always the story of same s**t different brew. When it's not Bono, it's the poor black people in New-Orleans and when it's not with them, it's with the good people in Irak that owe him the greatest gift of all: Freedom.

Wow, really, that guy is pushing me down the curb: "Run for your lives, here comes Western Civilization" with a special bonus: freedom. Wow, with freedom like that, i'd rather be in the Soviet Union in 1910...


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
pterodactyl said:
Along that line, why does everyone always come to us for help?
They don't. The US generally makes itself involved for it's own reasons.
Why do we have to be involved in the whole Israel/Palestine deal? Why do they want us involved?
England and America created Israel. Without US backing and lots of US money and weapons Israel would have long since been wiped of the face of the planet. Not one of our better decisions. On the other hand, it is highly strategically useful for the US to be friends with and maintain the power of Israel. You should read up on the whole history of Israel thing, but be sure to get both sides of the story. Don't worry, you'll like the story, there's a lot of senseless violence and killing, prejudice and hatred. Just like CSI or whatever.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
sirknight6 said:
Must be all that rotation in radio......and of course all of their television exposure....yeah.....

Your a real wacka-do...... :rolleyes:
Aren't you the supposed 'christian' who is criticising someone for trying to help the poor and attempting to use passages from the bible as your justification? That's ****ing lame. :mad:


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
SK6, what faulty neurons fired in yr brain that convinced you iron maiden has sold more records than U2?

i mean, reallly...N8's uncorked some real whoppers, but this might be the best of all time.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
narlus said:
SK6, what faulty neurons fired in yr brain that convinced you iron maiden has sold more records than U2?

i mean, reallly...N8's uncorked some real whoppers, but this might be the best of all time.
I thought he argued his point quite well up to then even though I didn't agree with it, but that statement went off the stupid end of the scale. U2 vs IM...mmmmm :rolleyes:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
Changleen said:
Aren't you the supposed 'christian' who is criticising someone for trying to help the poor and attempting to use passages from the bible as your justification? That's ****ing lame. :mad:
Yeah, well done SK6 well done........... :rolleyes:

Thanks for affirming the perception that Christians are lame........


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
sirknight6 said:
The term I use is humbility.

We all need to always practice and employ it more in our lives.

Don't brag. Bono always tries to find a cause, and if history of his actions is of such a great interest, he seems to be more in the press while in the midst of promoting an album.
I agree with you humility comment.

However, look at what Bono has done for the poor in Africa. So the question becomes (in true midrashic fashion) – what’s more important, what would Jesus think it more important: feeding thousands and possibly saving thousands of people from death by starvation, or a rich dude remaining humble?

I would suggest you spend some time reading Matthew 23 – Jesus tells the teachers of the Law that they have gone to such lengths to strain the gnat but they swallow a camel – they have gotten so focused on issues that didn’t really matter that they have left themselves open to consume something unclean. You have gotten so focused on Bono’s ego that you are blind to the good that he is doing with regards to the crisis in Africa.

sirknight6 said:
N8 was right with the commentary of silly. If you like Bono, great. If he's helping people, great. But to tell the president of a major world power that you represent the poor.....silly.
Who cares if it gets people who are starving fed? I mean really. What’s more important being “respectful” to the president of the US or feeding starving people. Seriously, this is something as someone claiming to be a follower of Jesus needs to reflect on.

If you’re so wound up about someone else’s ego at the expense of those starving to death, then I would respectfully as are you really a follower of Jesus?

sirknight6 said:
I leave you with this:

Mark 10:17-30

17As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. "Good teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?"

18"Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good—except God alone. 19You know the commandments: 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, do not defraud, honor your father and mother."

20"Teacher," he declared, "all these I have kept since I was a boy."

21Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

22At this the man's face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth.

23Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!"
Ok, so what’s your point with this passage? That Bono should sell everything if he claims to be a Christian? If that’s the case, are you going to hold GWB to that same standard? Do you really think that Jesus meant that as a blanket command for all rich Christians? He didn’t tell, and we have no record of Him telling Joseph of Arimathia, who was loaded, to sell all his stuff.

Which commandments does Jesus leave out when he tells the dude he’s followed all the commandments? He leaves out covet, Jesus knows this dude has a problem with material stuff, that he covets, which is why Jesus tells him to sell all his stuff, and doesn’t tell other rich people who don’t have that problem to sell theirs.

So again, please tell me in context how this passage applies to Bono? Otherwise you’re just offering you flawed opinion on the matter, which with all due respect I’m not interested in, especially when it diverges with the teachings of Jesus.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Andyman_1970 said:
I agree with you humility comment.

However, look at what Bono has done for the poor in Africa. So the question becomes (in true midrashic fashion) – what’s more important, what would Jesus think it more important: feeding thousands and possibly saving thousands of people from death by starvation, or a rich dude remaining humble?

I would suggest you spend some time reading Matthew 23 – Jesus tells the teachers of the Law that they have gone to such lengths to strain the gnat but they swallow a camel – they have gotten so focused on issues that didn’t really matter that they have left themselves open to consume something unclean. You have gotten so focused on Bono’s ego that you are blind to the good that he is doing with regards to the crisis in Africa.

Who cares if it gets people who are starving fed? I mean really. What’s more important being “respectful” to the president of the US or feeding starving people. Seriously, this is something as someone claiming to be a follower of Jesus needs to reflect on.

If you’re so wound up about someone else’s ego at the expense of those starving to death, then I would respectfully as are you really a follower of Jesus?

Ok, so what’s your point with this passage? That Bono should sell everything if he claims to be a Christian? If that’s the case, are you going to hold GWB to that same standard? Do you really think that Jesus meant that as a blanket command for all rich Christians? He didn’t tell, and we have no record of Him telling Joseph of Arimathia, who was loaded, to sell all his stuff.

Which commandments does Jesus leave out when he tells the dude he’s followed all the commandments? He leaves out covet, Jesus knows this dude has a problem with material stuff, that he covets, which is why Jesus tells him to sell all his stuff, and doesn’t tell other rich people who don’t have that problem to sell theirs.

So again, please tell me in context how this passage applies to Bono? Otherwise you’re just offering you flawed opinion on the matter, which with all due respect I’m not interested in, especially when it diverges with the teachings of Jesus.

I can see you’re a Christian of convenience, only when it’s convenient for you. Personal attacks of faith is very Christian…:rolleyes:

If you have to ask what the point of the passage was, then you should turn off your computer, and re-read the passage, and then meditate on it. :thumb:

Narlus, Changleen, no comment....:rolleyes:

Someone disagrees with Bono being a self proclaimed leader, and if some of you would apply logic, can see, that not only is the Bono discussion silly, but the original posting by N8, was pretty accurate.

Second, I didn’t know that everyone in here is a professional/semi-professional musician......my bad.......I should have asked. :rolleyes:

I have made my point, I have read the responses, and therefore, I am concluded with this particular topic. See, part of the freedom of choice is, instead of getting angry, or flaming, as in the case of the all in wonder, all knowing, world renowned theological scholar, Changleen, I choose to ignore the sad sorry commentary. I also choose to ignore the personal attack on my faith, or any question thereof.

So, here you go, here is your beloved leader:

Be well, and have a nice day. :)


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
But you never really answered why you think what Bono is doing is such a bad thing. And I don't he purports to be any kind of leader. He's using his celebrity a tool to promote what he believes in. It was been pointed out earlier, if this is nothing but a means of increasing his already massive fame...he's really going about it the hard way. Biting the head off of a bat would be way quicker. It doesn't make sense to go to the lenghts he has to mererly get himself in the papers.


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
sirknight6 said:
Second, I didn’t know that everyone in here is a professional/semi-professional musician......my bad.......I should have asked. :rolleyes:
I'm trying to see your logic in this.

Are you saying because you were in a band that your opinion on Bono's heart and motivation is more valid than Andy's or mine for that matter.

I'll buy that. :rolleyes:

So using your logic: I have a B.A. in Political Science, and ran a campaign, therefore my opinion is more valid than yours on the political issues involved in Bono's visit with Bush.

If we all are debating music I'll defer you to you (using your logic) but only if in matters of politics you defer to me. :rolleyes:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
sirknight6 said:
I can see you’re a Christian of convenience, only when it’s convenient for you. Personal attacks of faith is very Christian…:rolleyes:
SK6 those were not attacks, those were genuine questions. If you choose not to answer them fine, but this is a discussion, not an argument. I have not attacked your faith or you personally, I have asked some questions about your faith. If you find those questions offensive I apologize and would hope you could forgive me, being offensive was not the intent.

That criticizing a Christian is a two way street brother, with respect to the issue we are discussing. Maybe both you and I should take a deep breath and try to get the log out of our own eyes instead of trying to spend loads of effort trying to remove the speck of sawdust from the others. [note for clarification lest this be misconstrued: that was as much if not more for me SK6 than for you]

sirknight6 said:
If you have to ask what the point of the passage was, then you should turn off your computer, and re-read the passage, and then meditate on it. :thumb:
I was asking what was your interpretation of that passage in regards to the subject at hand. I presented what I came up with on that passage and you, instead of discussing decided to flippantly blow my question off. I was not “attacking” you by asking you how that passage was relevant to Bono. So, with all due respect, I ask you again, what does the passage you cite in Mark have to do with Bono? Seriously, I’d like to know.

sirknight6 said:
Someone disagrees with Bono being a self proclaimed leader, and if some of you would apply logic, can see, that not only is the Bono discussion silly, but the original posting by N8, was pretty accurate.
The arguments that have been put fourth that Bono is “silly” in light of the good he is doing have been weak and without substance.

sirknight6 said:
Second, I didn’t know that everyone in here is a professional/semi-professional musician......my bad.......I should have asked. :rolleyes:
Is that a requirement to participate in this discussion? Did I miss something somewhere?

sirknight6 said:
I also choose to ignore the personal attack on my faith, or any question thereof.
While personal attacks are certainly offsides, fielding questions about one’s faith is, or at least has been part and parcile of my participation on the PD forum. If you’re uncomfortable being questioned about what you believe, then I might very respectfully suggest you not participate in threads where God/Jesus/Bible/religion are discussed. Once again, lest I be labeled a “flamer” (pun intended) that was said with all due respect and as a respectful suggestion, not a personal attack.

sirknight6 said:
So, here you go, here is your beloved leader:
Please note, he is neither my leader nor my idol. I do however greatly respect his efforts to ease the suffering in the world which parallels a lot of what a certain rabbi taught about 2000 years ago……………….. [note for clarification: before this is taken the wrong way I hereby declare that I do not in any way shape or form believe that Bono is Jesus or should he be treated as such……..just to clarify]. Just for the record I greatly respect anyone who tries to relieve the suffering in this world, be them Christian or non-Christian.

So I pose this question again sincerely and respectfully, why is Bono’s “ego” such an issue (with regards to the Bible) in light of the good he is doing? Seriously, I’ll play nice, why is it such an issue, especially coming from a Christian?

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
It would be a greater sevice to U2s fans if The Bono put this much energy in making music that's actually worth a crap... they haven't turned out anything good since the mid 80's.


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
N8 said:
It would be a greater sevice to U2s fans if The Bono put this much energy in making music that's actually worth a crap... they haven't turned out anything good since the mid 80's.
I am speechless N8, I couldn't agree more.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
N8 said:
It would be a greater sevice to U2s fans if The Bono put this much energy in making music that's actually worth a crap... they haven't turned out anything good since the mid 80's.
Well, I'm not a U2 fan (not since Joshua Tree at least) so it's a greater service to me that he's devoting his time, money, and celebrity to a far more pressing cause.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
ohio said:
Well, I'm not a U2 fan (not since Joshua Tree at least) so it's a greater service to me that he's devoting his time, money, and celebrity to a far more pressing cause.

But you admit you are not a fan.