
Countdown already up and running for WC round one on Freecaster

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
Funny though Rob is, if I was trying to get non-bike people to watch and take an interest, I think I'd find it very uncomfortable and cringe constantly.

Most of all I REALLY hope they try to talk about the racing this time. Last year they tended to ignore all but the top 20 or so, chatting inanely instead of giving us the name of the person on course, who they ride for, a bit of their history, etc etc.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Funny though Rob is, if I was trying to get non-bike people to watch and take an interest, I think I'd find it very uncomfortable and cringe constantly.

Most of all I REALLY hope they try to talk about the racing this time. Last year they tended to ignore all but the top 20 or so, chatting inanely instead of giving us the name of the person on course, who they ride for, a bit of their history, etc etc.
I agree with Seb here, I tried getting my s/o to watch the world champs with me, and she thought it was cool until Rob went off... then she gave me the "who the h@ll is this guy" look. :plthumbsdown: I think he's fine, but for broader appeal he should probably tone it down a little.

One thing I wouldn't mind, and I don't know if its within Freecaster realm of control, is more cameras on course. Last year we would only have the feed from 4-5 cameras covering maybe less than 35% of the courses. I think it would be nice to see more of the courses and how the riders tackle them. Again, I don't know if its possible, but it sure would be nice!


Aug 19, 2008
One thing I wouldn't mind, and I don't know if its within Freecaster realm of control, is more cameras on course. Last year we would only have the feed from 4-5 cameras covering maybe less than 35% of the courses. I think it would be nice to see more of the courses and how the riders tackle them. Again, I don't know if its possible, but it sure would be nice!
Couldn't agree with you more on that point!


Dec 10, 2006
Fraser was saying it costs in the region of 70k for an extra cameraman.. the Freecaster coverage is comparable to the old eurosport coverage, they only got a small portion of the course too. i think extra unmanned cameras may be a good option.. that way more of the course gets covered and you have a good mix of stationary and panning footage.

i dont really agree with showing the entire course using one or 2 cameras on the open courses such as canberra last year.. it made the footage boring as hell, and the riders looked so slow! the 2000 worlds where Rockwell won was the same scenario.. it was only as Rockwell passed the camera you could see how fast he was actually going.
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Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Funny though Rob is, if I was trying to get non-bike people to watch and take an interest, I think I'd find it very uncomfortable and cringe constantly.

Most of all I REALLY hope they try to talk about the racing this time. Last year they tended to ignore all but the top 20 or so, chatting inanely instead of giving us the name of the person on course, who they ride for, a bit of their history, etc etc.
You can't please everyone I guess, for the most part Rob Warner feedback is enormously slanted towards being positive, hence the reason he is back for 09'. I was all set to do the entire series with Rob, but budget concerns for getting my american ass to africa killed that (I have a LOT to learn from my one time I co-hosted with Rob in Austria) and we will see about the rest of the world cups.

I felt the same as you with regard to having more race chatter and I went into Austria with all my 20 years of data to inform the fans as well add add sponsor info, rider tidbits, etc...while Rob was doing his thing which is keeping the excitement level up and keeping the show moving, but we see what you see on the web (same camera footage, on a small monitor) and do not know who will be shown on air, etc, plus it is chaotic in the booth, there is guests, notes being handed to us, etc.

In regards to 'non-bike' people, I do not think this type of broadcast is for anything but you, the hardcore fan. I do not think the goal is to get 'fat joe nascar' to watch Steve Smith wad himself up on the rock section, or 'jane apple pie' to watch Anneke Beerten jump some doubles...it's for the fans! and we would be wasting time talking elementary about downhill mountain bike racing.

It is great there is the internet and everyone can voice their opinions of the show-wether good or bad, so keep em coming. The owners and operators of freecaster read this forum and love the feedback.

All this being said, it is up to all you hardcore fans to spread the word about www.freecaster.tv, it can only grow if it keeps getting traffic. The sport has MORE than enough people worldwide to create a massive group of viewers for freecaster, more viewers, more races, more features, etc...but if people just keep it a secret, bitch and moan, it will just go away...and that would suck.
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I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
Fraser was saying it costs in the region of 70k for an extra cameraman..
theyre getting torn a new one if a camera man is getting paid $70k for one event

hell, id do it for half that amount and provide a broadcast quality HD cam
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I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
Simply not true...in regards to what someone paid, what one would pay.
i know when we contracted cinematographers and or camera guys for our huge events, we didnt pay them anywhere near $70k, but i can get a price tomorrow.
they were mainly concerts, but that shouldnt make too much of a difference right?
r u thinking $70k is reasonable for shooting the race?


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
i know when we contracted cinematographers and or camera guys for our huge events, we didnt pay them anywhere near $70k, but i can get a price tomorrow.
they were mainly concerts, but that shouldnt make too much of a difference right?
r u thinking $70k is reasonable for shooting the race?
What I was saying was...
Remember where the 70k figure came from.

Perhaps he meant buying a camera for a guy, paying him a yearly salary, all his travel, buying him a benz, and contributions to Bernie Madoff.

Ray, the owner of freecaster would be the source for this info, although I am sure he doesn't want to discuss the financial workings of his business, it is none of our business really.

The guy I work with doing MX videos would charge $500-2500 for edited video per minute of final footage...


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
What I was saying was...
Remember where the 70k figure came from.

Perhaps he meant buying a camera for a guy, paying him a yearly salary, all his travel, buying him a benz, and contributions to Bernie Madoff.

The guy I work with doing MX videos would charge $500-2500 for edited video per minute of final footage...
yeah, i see where you are coming from....if its $70k for one race then its crazy, but if need to buy a $12k camera w/ transmitter w/ yearly salary and all that other bs, then its not too nuts.
i should have made my comment more detailed. sorry.

i know people who charge that amount too that you mentioned. my brother's boss is a semi-famous screen writer and contracts people for his personal work and they charge about that much too.....im in the wrong industry.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
You can't please everyone I guess
too true!

for the most part Rob Warner feedback is enormously slanted towards being positive, hence the reason he is back for 09'.
I'm not really worried about his being positive, I think he's great. The only thing is sometimes he gets a little too excited...

I was all set to do the entire series with Rob, but budget concerns for getting my american ass to africa killed that
that's too bad, I really liked your commentary and your addition to the team (btw, if you need someone fluent in French and English, and who gets by pretty good in Spanish, I'd be happy to help you out :monkeydance:

It is great there is the internet
agreed. :imstupid:

All this being said, it is up to all you hardcore fans to spread the word about www.freecaster.tv, it can only grow if it keeps getting traffic.
OK, as long as it doesn't freeze the servers and prevent me from watching the show!!!

bring it on and keep up the good work!


Dec 10, 2006
I was all set to do the entire series with Rob, but budget concerns for getting my american ass to africa killed that (I have a LOT to learn from my one time I co-hosted with Rob in Austria) and we will see about the rest of the world cups.

I felt the same as you with regard to having more race chatter and I went into Austria with all my 20 years of data to inform the fans as well add add sponsor info, rider tidbits, etc...while Rob was doing his thing which is keeping the excitement level up and keeping the show moving, but we see what you see on the web (same camera footage, on a small monitor) and do not know who will be shown on air, etc, plus it is chaotic in the booth, there is guests, notes being handed to us, etc.
that was your first time out tho, so its always going to be chaotic.. after a few times youd be smoother than a well oiled badger. you should try to get to a few WC races then.

the broadcast needs someone like yourself who has been around the racing scene for years. They could maybe have a man at the start gate with a walkie talkie to let the commentary team know whos up next.. as the whole way through last year riders were dissapearing inbetween the gaps in the on course camera coverage so noone knew if they had done their run or what.


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
slyfink and LMC, thanks for the kind words. I might do the canadian rounds with Rob, we shall see, its all about the budget and shipping me around the world did not fit the budget. Freecaster is doing LIVE XC now too, so things are tight.

luiz carlos, it is my understanding that the race gets filmed live via satellite then beamed to freecaster headquarters, sort of overriding the whole interweb debacle down there. But that is just my uneducated guess.