

Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
They get stringy unless you keep them in one of those veal cages.
Low and slow is the way to go when cooking tougher cuts of meat. Especially if they’re free range. Veal cages can get expensive if you have a large order to fill. Those cross fit places have a pretty good selection if the well marbled, mouth breathers aren’t your flavor.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Backstory is our muni assembly has been holding public hearings about whether to update/change current lax muni mask policy with highest numbers yet. So all the crazies have been coming out of the woodwork, bunch of far-right crazies wore stars of david to try and harass one of the muni members and try to make it seem like it's equivalent to killing 6 million jews. So one of these far-right nuts contracted COVID at the assembly meeting. But that's just the start of our story today...

Read it all, it's well worth it, and then hang on for the comments, it's a wild ride.

know right? These dumb dumb doctors can’t wrap their brains around how an anti-parasitic drug can cure this virus. They are all on about medical trials and statistics…but this guy here just dropped the FACTS on us. He even made sure to state “Fact;” before stating his fact, which definitely makes what he said more factual..like at least 60% more factual than without the “Fact;”
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Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Backstory is our muni assembly has been holding public hearings about whether to update/change current lax muni mask policy with highest numbers yet. So all the crazies have been coming out of the woodwork, bunch of far-right crazies wore stars of david to try and harass one of the muni members and try to make it seem like it's equivalent to killing 6 million jews. So one of these far-right nuts contracted COVID at the assembly meeting. But that's just the start of our story today...

Read it all, it's well worth it, and then hang on for the comments, it's a wild ride.
That was one of the lead stories on Maddow on MSNBC last night.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Bring out the pitchforks!

Yes, I posted this in the Biden thread. Goes beyond the issues with COVID. The best sentence is at the end, saying how this situation makes an utter lie of the myths of the market

“That’s not a “free market”. It is a top-down command economy perfectly calibrated for price gouging, and the pharmaceutical industry and its puppet politicians want to keep it that way.”

We’re now in a situation where the two biggest economies on the planet are both command and control; one openly, and with a stated goal of lifting their population out of poverty. The other by stealth and corruption, with the goal of keeping the 1% in absolute dominance over the rest of you by pushing you into poverty.

As @rideit says, Pitchfork time indeed.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Bring out the pitchforks!

Yes, I posted this in the Biden thread. Goes beyond the issues with COVID. The best sentence is at the end, saying how this situation makes an utter lie of the myths of the market

“That’s not a “free market”. It is a top-down command economy perfectly calibrated for price gouging, and the pharmaceutical industry and its puppet politicians want to keep it that way.”

We’re now in a situation where the two biggest economies on the planet are both command and control; one openly, and with a stated goal of lifting their population out of poverty. The other by stealth and corruption, with the goal of keeping the 1% in absolute dominance over the rest of you by pushing you into poverty.

As @rideit says, Pitchfork time indeed.
Anybody with Diabetes could have told you this a long time ago.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Anybody with Diabetes could have told you this a long time ago.
Pretty sure many of us on here have been saying it for (checks watch) about 20 years. But, still no pitchforks. At some point one has to assume Americans actually like being buttfucked by their feudal overlords.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Pretty sure many of us on here have been saying it for (checks watch) about 20 years. But, still no pitchforks. At some point one has to assume Americans actually like being buttfucked by their feudal overlords.
I started a thread about it in 2009.

I don't normally advocate violence, but if one were to suggest a hanging at any prominent for-profit-health-insurance company headquarters, I'd be happy to go.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Pretty sure many of us on here have been saying it for (checks watch) about 20 years. But, still no pitchforks. At some point one has to assume Americans actually like being buttfucked by their feudal overlords.
enough time on the receiving end of said buttfucking and you become a feudal overlord

:rofl: It sounds so funny typing out but that's literally the american 'dream' :rofl:


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Ever wonder why they take foreskins?
For control. It’s a tribal psychological owning of a new subject. Understand, we will mutilate your very genitals, little boy and forever you will have had a piece of your oh so import Manhood taken from you by the church. That bit belongs to us now, halfdick.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
For control. It’s a tribal psychological owning of a new subject. Understand, we will mutilate your very genitals, little boy and forever you will have had a piece of your oh so import Manhood taken from you by the church. That bit belongs to us now, halfdick.
or just like.....less dick cheese growing in the folds as not smelled on the chosen people

Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
My google search history will never be the same, thanks wankers.

#just the tip :-/

Certainly, the practice of male circumcision has ancient origins. The Greek historian Herodotus recorded the practice in Egypt in 5th century BC, and in the Semitic tradition, male circumcision is linked to a covenant with God dating back to Abraham.

The Galatian controversy, as it is sometimes referred to, records early opposition to male circumcision, when the practice proved a hindrance to mass conversion to Christianity. Galatians 5:6 attempts to clarify the matter by says that “in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision count for anything”. I Corinthians 7:18–20 goes further when it states: “Circumcision means nothing, and uncircumcision means nothing; what matters is keeping God's commandments”.

But was or is male circumcision a relatively minor procedure? Crucially, Jewish circumcision now differs markedly from the originally instituted covenant. Until 300 BC, the ritual is recorded as calling only for the removal of the tip of the foreskin. However, when Jewish athletes travelled to Greece to compete in athletic events, they imitated their Greek hosts by pulling their remaining foreskins over the glans penis and tying them closed with a ribbon or piece of string. Over time, this stretching is reported as resulting in a fully-functioning foreskin.

“When the athletes returned home, Jewish elders were incensed to see their Hellenised foreskins. To put an end to the practice, they instituted the periah, which involved not only the complete removal of the foreskin but the tearing of the frenulum [the delicate and sensitive membrane on the underside of the penis] with a sharpened fingernail.” 8


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
My state should be hitting the 80% double vaccination rate in a week or so. Things are opening back up but to enter many places you have to show that you have had two vaccinations to be allowed in.
The case numbers are dropping off and hopefully only the tinfoil hat brigade die of Covid from here on in.