
Cross season is almost over, but.....


Turbo Monkey
Aug 23, 2002
Roanoke, VA
hey, Northeasterners, bummed that cross season is almost over and your favorite trails are about to be covered in snow and ice? Always wanted to try shortrack XC but didn't like the pseudo road race style promulgated at Nationals?

Fast-Times-Training is bringing racing, with MONEY to the Northeast in the dead of winter...

Saturday morning 12/10 8-12
www.Baystateindoorbmx.com There will be cash pay-back.

Race format is going to be either a multi-lap endeavor or single-lap 4x style. Maybe, both it's up to the riders. This is the chance for the trail-riders and XC racers to make themselves heard. Do you want to be able to race STXC this winter, on dirt? If so come on out to the track this Saturday, or drop me an email Mickey@fast-times-training.com

This week is going to be a bit of a prototype for what will follow, and while we have settled on the fact that there will be traditional 4x racing every week, we want to offer racing opportunites to the endorphin junkies out there as well.

This race will be richer than a NORBA national
Come out and voice your opinion on what you want to see as far as classes, series? etc...

RAD? yes
Possible without the input of you, the racer, no.