
Crossfit kicked my a$$

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
I would have to say that I'm in moderately good shape. I can max squat 315#. Deadlift 365. I did the work out of the day which is 21 reps of Deadlifts, followed immediately by 21 of hang cleans, followed by 21 Front squats, and finally 21 jerk presses. Thats round one. You're supposed to do rounds of 21, 18,15,12 and 9 reps of all the exercises with a 45 pound barbell and two 25 pound rubber plates on each side for a total of ONLY 95#s.

I finished the 21 deadlifts and only completed 13 hang cleans before I had to take a break.

On the website they have people completing this circuit in roughly 20 minutes.

It took me an hour and a half.

Eff me.

On and I decided to try a set of overhead squats. For a guy who can squat 315#s....I could barely do 10 reps of 55#s. Granted I did this after I got smoked by the previous workout..but eff me ONLY 10 reps of 55#s!?!?

Me like Crossfit.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
I was impressed with the video on their site of the guy doing push ups with two women stacked on his back.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
i started crossfit last year and it still kicks my ass. i don't do it religiously due to a lack of equipment and a lower back defect that has recently been discovered but i use it selectively to work into my weekly's. by far the most intense workout i've ever done. talk about "fighting strong"


May 27, 2004
Matthews, NC
Since there is a P90x thread I figured I'd bring back the crossfit thread. Been a member of a box since the first of the year. Pretty much train 5-6 days a week. I've been doing everything from powerlifting to P90x workouts for about 18 years. Crossfit is a whole other animal. I'm actually going for my level 1 cert in May. so i guess you can say I've drank the koolaid.