
CT: 27 dead including 18 kids in CT school shooting. There are no words - WTF?!


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...

Maybe people will keep talking about it and not go back to burying their fvcking brains in the heaps of sh1t that is piled on us from all sides. Maybe people will look up from there fvcking phones for a minute or turn off Honey fvcking Boo Boo and talk about some things that MATTER.

20 families can't pick up their kids but millions of families can stop for a moment and reflect and think about their own lives and their own safety and their own communities. They can consider how they vote next time. They can lock up their guns better. A productive discussion can happen because of all the tangential issues related to this.

So yeah. Now is the time.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 17, 2003
From an outsiders prospective it seems odd to me that people feel nothing can be done.
I know our countries are massively different in terms of weapon ownership but in the mid 1990s the same thing happened in a town in Scotland I lived close to. 16 children murderd in school by a nutcase with access to guns.
It took about 10 months for ownership of handguns to be made illegal.
Now firearms are more or less non existent unless you have good reason I.e a farmer requiring a shotgun etc.

Americans have had I.m.e huge civil liberties removed at airports because of a one off event and very few complain. I don't see why this is different.
The uk news reports this as "yet another" school killing and reports like its a quarterly event for you guys.

I don't have kids yet but it really saddens me to picture myself in that situation and I truly hope Obama manages to do something about it.

I don't understand us politics - if Obama came up with the idea of outlawing guns could it be made a reality?

I hope the devastated family's eventually get over the horrors of this and I hope the children involved rest in piece.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Much of that would not be a problem with better parenting and family values.

Not the right wing nutjob christian bull**** kind though. Real parenting - with reason, guidance, not instilling your kids with fear, having compassion, understanding, etc.
or the video games?


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
From an outsiders prospective it seems odd to me that people feel nothing can be done.
I know our countries are massively different in terms of weapon ownership but in the mid 1990s the same thing happened in a town in Scotland I lived close to. 16 children murderd in school by a nutcase with access to guns.
It took about 10 months for ownership of handguns to be made illegal.
Now firearms are more or less non existent unless you have good reason I.e a farmer requiring a shotgun etc.

Americans have had I.m.e huge civil liberties removed at airports because of a one off event and very few complain. I don't see why this is different.
The uk news reports this as "yet another" school killing and reports like its a quarterly event for you guys.

I don't have kids yet but it really saddens me to picture myself in that situation and I truly hope Obama manages to do something about it.

I don't understand us politics - if Obama came up with the idea of outlawing guns could it be made a reality?

I hope the devastated family's eventually get over the horrors of this and I hope the children involved rest in piece.
I remember your school shooting, and it sickened me then as it does now. You make good points, and I will only reply that guns could never be made illegal in the States, because every mouth breathing moron who picks one up automatically fancies himself half John Rambo/half Geo Washington. Any attempt to take his right to own a gun automatically makes you his sworn enemy and a Socialist/Commie/Marxist/Pino/Freedom hater. Most of them cant shot for sh!t, and are probably more danger to themsleves then anyone on the other end of thebarrel. Which is why they have to shoot up schools and malls. The odds are in their favor and it somehow makes their tiny penises a milimeter or 2 longer then they were before.

I am a gun owner, but I am also a trained professional with over 20 years in military law enforcement. I have taught weapons safety and use, and am very proficient in the use of the tools of my trade. I do not see why the average American idiot sees the need to own armour piercing ammo or high powered weapons. Wanna be a patriot? Pay your fvcking taxes and shut the fvck up.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
I remember your school shooting, and it sickened me then as it does now. You make good points, and I will only reply that guns could never be made illegal in the States, because every mouth breathing moron who picks one up automatically fancies himself half John Rambo/half Geo Washington. Any attempt to take his right to own a gun automatically makes you his sworn enemy and a Socialist/Commie/Marxist/Pino/Freedom hater. Most of them cant shot for sh!t, and are probably more danger to themsleves then anyone on the other end of thebarrel. Which is why they have to shoot up schools and malls. The odds are in their favor and it somehow makes their tiny penises a milimeter or 2 longer then they were before.
this is always good for a fvcking laugh.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2005
Bleedmore, Murderland
They had a gun buy back with 100 dollar gift cards to a local grocery chain yesterday, 475 weapons were turned in. How about a national buy back program? I know it would probably be probably prove to be statistically irrelevant but at least it's a start.

Man, all those hours I spent playing Mario...

Did you become a plumber?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 3, 2008
with the voices in my head
Everyone feels they are entitled, they are not!

Laws are too lenient!

We live in a too politically correct world! Kids need to sit Down, shut up, turn off their phone and do as their told

You can't keep my billy off the basket ball team because he is fat and lazy that's hurtful,unfair, and you have to give him a trophy!

It's all parenting and the nut jobs that feel everyone has rights and should be given more chances, or mentally I'll people allowed to live unsupervised "because they have the right to" bullshvt!!

If someone is stupid they should be told hurtful or not

If their fat they should be told "your fat you can't play that sport until your in shape"

Your crazy you will never be free to hurt people's loved ones

Parenting, consequences, accountability, I feel it's that simple


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Everyone feels they are entitled, they are not!

Laws are too lenient!

We live in a too politically correct world! Kids need to sit Down, shut up, turn off their phone and do as their told

You can't keep my billy off the basket ball team because he is fat and lazy that's hurtful,unfair, and you have to give him a trophy!

It's all parenting and the nut jobs that feel everyone has rights and should be given more chances, or mentally I'll people allowed to live unsupervised "because they have the right to" bullshvt!!

If someone is stupid they should be told hurtful or not

If their fat they should be told "your fat you can't play that sport until your in shape"

Your crazy you will never be free to hurt people's loved ones

Parenting, consequences, accountability, I feel it's that simple
*Slow clap* This man speaks the truth.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I picked this up off Reddit this morning. I feel it belongs there.

Morgan Freeman regarding Friday's shooting in Connecticut said:
You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why.

It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single victim of Columbine? Disturbe
people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.

CNN's article says that if the body count "holds up", this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.

You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem. You can help by turning off the news.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2005
Bleedmore, Murderland
I find it funny (or sad) that one guy tried to blow up a plane with a shoe bomb, no one was killed, and now every person has to take off their shoes before boarding a plane. But there have been 27 mass shootings since Columbine and there is an average of 32 murders via firearms everyday in the US and gun laws have actually become more lax.

If the killer had a middle eastern name how fast would the frothers call for action?


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
How do you think more strict gun laws, or banning certain types of guns at this point would have had one iota of an effect on what happened in Wisconsin? The kid killed his mom and took her guns, which evidently weren't locked up.

I own guns, lots of them. I understand as a gun owner I have a higher level of responsibility than the average idiot. My guns, with the exception of my carry gun, live in a safe. That safe is locked. I am the only person who has the combo.

Go ahead and outlaw guns in the US. Watch crime rates go into the stratosphere like they did in DC. The cat is out of the bag, the virgin is pregnant, whatever analogy you like, its as simple as we're a heavily armed society which has a huge cancer in it right now.

I came across this article from The Anarchist Soccer Mom last night. She's willing to discuss the bigger elephant in the room, the total lack of mental health support in this country, which if you look at the last ten or so mass shootings has been the systemic root of the problem.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Just read that. The point is the same though - treat the source, not the outcome.These were not major issues or incidents when unstable people were treated as such. Your post on G+ even documents that. We as a society need to stop pussy footing around and being scared of offending someone. If someone has issues, it needs to be dealt with. If that involves losing your right to a gun, so be it. Hell, go back to the per-Regan days and put the crazies in mental health hospitals. The fact is, the source needs to be addressed.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
First off, 20 parents will not have their child/ren to hug any more. The reason does not matter, as the result is the same.... Their child/ren are no long here.

Gun control. How is this even remotely possible? My simplistic view is--- you need a finger, a gun, and a bullet. Remove any one in the scenario, and you don't have a problem. Now, how do you remove "the one"? Cut off fingers of the mentally ill? Boat-loads of "I'm a responsible gun owner" paperwork that must be shown each and every time a new gun or ammo is bought? Make it mandatory that trigger locks or gun safes are purchased with every gun sale (talk about an after-market niche)?

Not blaming the media, however, when it appears that for increased viewing, show the negative more than the positive because it sells is considered the norm now, then heck, ban tv's and radios. After all, if you don't know there is bad in the world, then everything is just peachy, right? Ok, weak attempt at sarcasm.

SNL's opening last night, the children's choir singing "Silent Night", was/is very close to my #1 "tribute".....


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Most States dismantled their Mental Health Care systems in the 70's when they realized that the fed wasn't going to help subsidize them. The Reagan admin used that money to increase defense spending.

Then during the 80's when the private hospitals became over populated and expensive. So we then sicked the media on them and proceeded to close them all down based on poor conditions. In fact for the most part the mentally ill are ignored until things like this happen. Most homeless shelters are populated with the Mentally Ill.

Money changes everything.
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Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2005
Bleedmore, Murderland
Guns and cars both have the ability to be deadly. Think of all the things that come along with owning an operating a vehicle. Mandatory classes ( when I took Drivers Ed it was 40 hours in the classroom + 70 hours with your parents and 10 with an instructor). You have to take a government mandated test, both written and demonstrative. There are 1000s of rules for operating a vehicle, no drinking and driving, mandatory child seats, speed limits etc. Similary, there are tons of rules for registering, insuring, and selling a vehicle. Vehicle owners can also lose the right to operate a vehicle, whether it be because of a DUI or because of an illness such as epilepsy. You would think that guns would have the same amount if not more rules and regulations but it would actually be easier for my grandmother to purchase an assault rifle than for her to get a drivers license.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Guns and cars both have the ability to be deadly. Think of all the things that come along with owning an operating a vehicle. Mandatory classes ( when I took Drivers Ed it was 40 hours in the classroom + 70 hours with your parents and 10 with an instructor). You have to take a government mandated test, both written and demonstrative. There are 1000s of rules for operating a vehicle, no drinking and driving, mandatory child seats, speed limits etc. Similary, there are tons of rules for registering, insuring, and selling a vehicle. Vehicle owners can also lose the right to operate a vehicle, whether it be because of a DUI or because of an illness such as epilepsy. You would think that guns would have the same amount if not more rules and regulations but it would actually be easier for my grandmother to purchase an assault rifle than for her to get a drivers license.
You do realize that driving is a *privilege*... correct? There is a fundamental gulf between the topics.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2005
Bleedmore, Murderland
You do realize that driving is a *privilege*... correct? There is a fundamental gulf between the topics.
I understand that completely. I'm not saying people shouldnt be allowed to have guns, I grew up with guns and enjoy hunting. I'm simply stating that there is something fundamentally wrong with our society if it's easier to aquire military caliber weapons than it is to get a driver license or a library card, or even healthcare.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I understand that completely. I'm not saying people shouldnt be allowed to have guns, I grew up with guns and enjoy hunting. I'm simply stating that there is something fundamentally wrong with our society if it's easier to aquire military caliber weapons than it is to get a driver license or a library card, or even healthcare.
Your words are indicating that you do *not* understand the fundamental difference between the the topic of personal ownership of "arms" and those other items.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2005
Bleedmore, Murderland
Your words are indicating that you do *not* understand the fundamental difference between the the topic of personal ownership of "arms" and those other items.
I understand those things are priveleges and that citizens have the RIGHT to bear arms. But the 2nd amendment like most of the amendments is not all inclusive. It doesn't say "everyone has the right to purchase assault rifles the same day without a background check and you get a free 100 round magazine with armor piercing bullets." I'm not arguing the legimacy of the 2nd Amendment, I was making a comparision between two relatable consumer products which have the ability to kill people. Yes one is a privelege and one is a Right, so you can say my argument is Apples vs Oranges, but I think there is a valid and relevant analysis that can be made. So I reserve my 1st amendment right to present the comparision even if you don't agree it can be made.

Perhaps our forefathers would have written in a constitutional amendment about the right to drive had they known cars would be invented. And maybe they would have left out or rewritten the 2nd amendment had they also know that one day an assault rifle would be used to murder 20 children.
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Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
You might be surprised at the number of people who react to bat-$hit-crazy events like this by going out and getting a gun.
This whole thing will be a boon to gun makers, both from freaked out people concerned about protecting themselves from autistic people, and gun nuts worries about the gov taking their weapons.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2005
Bleedmore, Murderland
This whole thing will be a boon to gun makers, both from freaked out people concerned about protecting themselves from autistic people, and gun nuts worries about the gov taking their weapons.
Yup. I saw a story the day before the shooting that 2012 will be the most profitable year for gun manufacturers and retailers. Obama has done more for the gun industry and the NRA than most people realize.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
This whole thing will be a boon to gun makers, both from freaked out people concerned about protecting themselves from autistic people, and gun nuts worries about the gov taking their weapons.
Bingo. Ad-placement win on the part of that gun shop. Because the people who would be horrified by the placement of that ad are likely *not* the knee-jerkers who are going to go out and get themselves an AR-15.

Beef Supreme

Turbo Monkey
Oct 29, 2010
Hiding from the stupid
How do you think more strict gun laws, or banning certain types of guns at this point would have had one iota of an effect on what happened in Wisconsin? The kid killed his mom and took her guns, which evidently weren't locked up..
This is the anti control rational that pisses me off the most. Aurora, Clackamas and Newtown all were done with an AR-15. All were purchased after the assault weapons ban was allowed to expire. Yes, it could have made a difference if these shooters had less efficient killing machines. Just because we have done dumb things in the past doesn't mean we should keep doing them.

Go ahead and outlaw guns in the US. Watch crime rates go into the stratosphere like they did in DC. The cat is out of the bag, the virgin is pregnant, whatever analogy you like, its as simple as we're a heavily armed society which has a huge cancer in it right now.
No one is even talking about banning all guns. It is a straw man argument.

Glad you lock your sh!t up. Seriously.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Guns and cars both have the ability to be deadly. Think of all the things that come along with owning an operating a vehicle. Mandatory classes ( when I took Drivers Ed it was 40 hours in the classroom + 70 hours with your parents and 10 with an instructor). You have to take a government mandated test, both written and demonstrative. There are 1000s of rules for operating a vehicle, no drinking and driving, mandatory child seats, speed limits etc. Similary, there are tons of rules for registering, insuring, and selling a vehicle. Vehicle owners can also lose the right to operate a vehicle, whether it be because of a DUI or because of an illness such as epilepsy. You would think that guns would have the same amount if not more rules and regulations but it would actually be easier for my grandmother to purchase an assault rifle than for her to get a drivers license.

You're arguing apples and oranges. Driving is a privilege, owning a gun is a Constitutionally defined right. Those are two very, very different things. You'd be smart not to compare them, because people might start to get the impression that guns are a privilege, and they're not.


Mar 9, 2010
Dresden, Germany
You're arguing apples and oranges. Driving is a privilege, owning a gun is a Constitutionally defined right. Those are two very, very different things. You'd be smart not to compare them, because people might start to get the impression that guns are a privilege, and they're not.

not questioning the second amandment here, which is out ouf grasp for most europeans anyways. american gun culture has been riddling me for quite some time now, and i don't want to talk of things i don't understand, unless the purpose is to understand them.
partly i'm with jonkranked on this, a gun ban or severe measures to control the ownership of guns won't work not just immediately, they just wouldn't work in an acceptable timeframe.

but aren't there details to the second amandment which question the current state of gun legislation in the us?
for one, balancing private rights against public safety, which is one of the key points of this amandment.
could anyone point me to transcripts of the white-house sessions from 1789 which debated this?


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