
Cure for the common cold and telecommuting

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crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Who the hell said anything about banning you? You and your lady friend are not the first people to accuse the mods of playing favorites, but it appears you are the only people who see that happening in this thread.

In the last few days, you've managed to insult the beliefs of Jehova's Witnesses, make a derogatory blanket statement about the breast size of Asian women, and speaking of provoking people, have you taken part in any ipod threads lately? Oh, and you managed to put down the entire population of California, where I happen to have family and many friends.

Not to mention one of the lamest threads in recent memory, where MANY people (including mods) showed great restraint while you and your girl bantered about your man tits.

Sorry but as I said before, if you stop feeding the flames, the fire goes out. And if you are going to dish it out, be ready to take some in return.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Echo said:
Who the hell said anything about banning you? You and your lady friend are not the first people to accuse the mods of playing favorites, but it appears you are the only people who see that happening in this thread.

In the last few days, you've managed to insult the beliefs of Jehova's Witnesses, make a derogatory blanket statement about the breast size of Asian women, and speaking of provoking people, have you taken part in any ipod threads lately? Oh, and you managed to put down the entire population of California, where I happen to have family and many friends.

Not to mention one of the lamest threads in recent memory, where MANY people (including mods) showed great restraint while you and your girl bantered about your man tits.

Sorry but as I said before, if you stop feeding the flames, the fire goes out. And if you are going to dish it out, be ready to take some in return.
All of my opinions were just that; OPINIONS. Had someone told me they were offended, I would have gladly stopped. However, people seem incapable of saying that, and I'm not a mind reader.

Jesus, if you're saying that my opinion that Asian women have small breasts is unacceptable, maybe we should look at the vast majority of every person's post on this board. Opinions are a dangerous thing, an there's very little way to tell when someone is screwing around or being serious. It was fairly obvious to most people that a great majority of the posts you reference were made in jest. Those in this thread were not. If they were meant to be, then it's my mistake.

Regardless, I'm done with this thread. It's nothing but a waste of time trying to convince anyone to open their mind to something new, and I've got better things to do.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
ok, i seem to be a bit late for this thread. But i will offer my opinion none the less.

Earlier this year my necked popped during a chin-up. The result was me being unable to move my neck for 2 days. I was given the suggestion to try the chiropractor office. Not any chiro, but this one guy who was legit. It seems that not all chiro's are decent folk, and can run a scam(like any proffesion i suppose) well i went to this guy and he popped my neck and it was so bad. I saw him a total of 14 times over the next few weeks and my neck felt great. He also worked on straightening my hips as one foot was hanging lower than the other. We talked alot about modern medicine and he was very foward thinking and a good person. He also told me that my neck injury was not due to the chin-up but it was probably a much older injury. I actually can remember the injury. it occured riding my bike 4 years or so ago.

But the dude helped me alot, or so i think :think: my neck hurt like hell and after i saw him it didnt anymore.

Also as far as the drug companies being corrupt and fuct, they ARE. so is the FDA. Most of america is very ignorant, not only to this, but to many other things. We are sheep people. if you want to believe it or not. Its still true. Thats what makes them so effective. Most people are like, ya right theres no big conspiracy, i would know about it. Its a bunch of BS. Ever consider yourself one of the ignorant? of course not. no one does. But my friends:-)think:) let me tell you, you are. and thats that.

ps. anyone ever here of Wilhelm Riech and the theory of orgone? i didnt think so. maybe look up his fate on google. The FDA ordered a book burning of all his research, and he was thrown in prison on some trumped up Bullkonky charges, where he 'died' of heart failure the day before he was to go up for parole.

WAKE UP, the original post in this thread was very interesting and insightful. Its sad that this has turned into a chiro bashing and rob defending his studies.

peace ya'll


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
robdamanii said:
No offense, but I simply stated that I studied what I do because Knuckle posted a similar belief. Narlus was the first one to jump on it. Don't show favoritism here, you know very well that he intended to provoke with that comment, and MANY others have done the same WELL after the fact. I've been quite diplomatic since then, and people will simply not leave it at "we have differening opinions, deal with it and leave it at that", but would rather act like an obnoxious religious zealot trying to convert someone to their faith.

I told you in a PM, if you didn't like what was being said, close the thread, you didn't, yet you jump on someone for expressing an opinion. I found Narlis' first comment as a personal jab against my beliefs and profession, and that's as good as a personal insult to me. Apparently you can only have a voice around here if you agree with the majority. :rolleyes:
Busting balls is par for the course. If your are so sensitive about a topic that you can't brush it off don't mention it on the freaking internet. I'd flip out if anyone was critical about my Hummel collection and my love and belief of unicorns, so I just never bring it up. Except for the unicorn part, because they would skewer anyone who gave me **** with their magical horns then **** the puncture wound.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Westy said:
Busting balls is par for the course. If your are so sensitive about a topic that you can't brush it off don't mention it on the freaking internet. I'd flip out if anyone was critical about my Hummel collection and my love and belief of unicorns, so I just never bring it up. Except for the unicorn part, because they would skewer anyone who gave me **** with their magical horns then **** the puncture wound.
:D i actually lol'ed heh


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
boostindoubles said:
ps. anyone ever here of Wilhelm Riech and the theory of orgone? i didnt think so. maybe look up his fate on google. The FDA ordered a book burning of all his research, and he was thrown in prison on some trumped up Bullkonky charges, where he 'died' of heart failure the day before he was to go up for parole.
i'm glad that the chiropractor was able to help you with your neck and postural problems. they know the musculoskeletal system well, i'll grant that. (but i still wouldn't let anyone manipulate my neck...)

anyway, i just read a bit of that orgone business, and it sounds just as loony as the "holon" (i think i have it wrong -- look for old knuckleslammer posts if you're curious :oink: ) business. the names change but the wacked out pseudoscience doesn't. yeah, go ahead and call me closed minded, but a sketchy website or three does not truth make.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
boostindoubles said:
ok, i seem to be a bit late for this thread. But i will offer my opinion none the less.<snip> Most people are like, ya right theres no big conspiracy, i would know about it. Its a bunch of BS.
You know what....... you're right. I can't believe I've been so naïve.

Any chance I could borrow your hat for awhile?



back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Wait I'm in california, what'd you call me you fuggin fvck!? :mumble:

Heh just kidding. I think it's time we all abandon our flesh vehicles, not to mention this thread. :oink:


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Westy said:
Busting balls is par for the course. If your are so sensitive about a topic that you can't brush it off don't mention it on the freaking internet.
Its like blood in the water. The more there is the crazier the sharks get. Or like quicksand. The harder you fight the worse it gets. Or like picking scabs. Or fighting the tide.

Westy said:
I'd flip out if anyone was critical about my Hummel collection and my love and belief of unicorns, so I just never bring it up. Except for the unicorn part, because they would skewer anyone who gave me **** with their magical horns then **** the puncture wound.
You and the chick in Dodgeball would be perfect for each other.
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