
DßR does RT (pics and videos)


Apr 23, 2004
Silver Spring, MD
not just any old day at the shed... RT got a makeover today and the transition was pushed out quite a bit to make the gap about ~10 feet. this time, only one person would get some RT action: DßR.

dan hit it 3 times today. cleaned it nicely on the first run on his evil imperial (hard tail). cleaned it nicely on the second run on mark's azonic eliminator. three times was not the charm. his front wheel slipped off the skinny on the 3rd attempt and he ended up going face first into the launch and doing a (stylish) front flip and landing on his shoulders/back on the tyranny. luckily, he landed just right and ended up with just a few scrapes and bruises... but scared off anyone else from wanting to try it today :(

here are some pics and video (links to video clips all the way at the bottom).

the skinny.


from the lip.

from the lip again.

the gap.

dan posing.

video still of 1st attempt.

video still of 2nd attempt.

video still of 3rd attempt.

video clips (.mov format, right click and save as)
1st attempt

2nd attempt

3rd attempt



scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
sounds like you guys had a good time. the first time i saw that ride i thought the skinny section looks like the hardest/sketchiest part. now that the gap is bigger it seems like it would be even more difficult since you need more speed?

any chance you have that vid in any other format? i can't play .mov

cool pics though :thumb:


Apr 23, 2004
Silver Spring, MD
ridetoofast said:
sounds like you guys had a good time. the first time i saw that ride i thought the skinny section looks like the hardest/sketchiest part. now that the gap is bigger it seems like it would be even more difficult since you need more speed?

any chance you have that vid in any other format? i can't play .mov

cool pics though :thumb:
i think the plan is to make the launch wider so that it won't be so skinny any more near the top (especially given today's carnage).

don't have enough web space to put up .avi's as well... prefer the .mov's though because of the slow-mo and frame-by-frame viewing.

free quicktime download here to play .mov files


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
yeah i think once its not so skinny id be all over it, i defintely wanted to try it before the gap was bigger but i guess i didnt make it up there in time...

i am surprised that it was rideable up there...how cold and fugly wet was it?


They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
the deal with the last version was that the tranny was too close and dudes had to brake-check like a mofo (on a wet skinny 10ft off the ground) to not overshoot it. Now, you can stay off the brakes which is cool, but you're going pretty damn fast on the skinny. The gap is the least of my worries b/c its placement is dead-on; on both of my clean attempts I nailed the tranny smack in the middle. Just gotta keep those wheels on the tree....

I'm pretty much A-OK right now; I have a small scratch on my elbow and am missing a little skin on my knee. I'm not terribly big on armor because the injuries that worry me are broken bones, torn tendons, twisted/rolled joints, and neck injuries. None of those are preventable with body armor, that stuff only keeps your skin free of scrapes and small bruises. I can live with that minor stuff.

But Adam, when you come up for RT'ing, I promise I'll wear my armor. I don't like freaking y'all out with my foolishness... this was kind of a "test out the stunt that we finished 20 seconds ago" moment so I didn't bother to suit up. :)


Aug 20, 2003
Rivermont, Va
That is nice!! I figured it would take quite a bit of speed to hit, but the other vids (Bigmike's vids) didn't show that much speed being carried into the gap. Glad you're ok Dan...


They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
btw thanks Will for putting those up. :thumb: That's money! I can't wait to see the other cameras' pics....


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
yeah that does look like a blast. we've got some tasty dj's that have been calling yer name for quite some time dan....

just had a pretty good sesh there the day we last spoke. there is a table top there that you can hit with mad speed if you want to.


Turbo Monkey
May 5, 2002
just south of the ATL
Dang Dan, that's a hell of a speed commitment for that skinny if anything goes wrong. That last one looked nasty. Glad you're OK.
I can't wait to get back out to the Shed to ride but I'll just watch RT.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 10, 2002
That made my day! Keepin' it sketch! That rocks! I'll be stoaked to see it in person. I'm walkin without crutches just a **** load of pain! Old man style!

edit: I agree about the armor! The shoulder injuries, and broken limbs I have had, armor has done nothing and wouldn't have done any better with more on. "Too Much Armor is a False Sense of Security"


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
Nice job on the tranny move out. When i get my bighit ill hit it dbr so u shutup. and no I HIT IT ON MY IMPERIAL talk.

Good job getting owned wish i got to see it but im glad you did it with no armor, scars are cooler, i don't need pics from our trip since i have so many scars pretty much one from each location to remember it by.


Mar 14, 2004
South Central Pa.
Dan/Ben/Zack/Mark/Mike/and the rest of ya'll. The Y.A.F.R.O. boys are planing to make the trip to the shed ,if ya'll will be tour guides. B.J. ,Darren, Dave ,Phill and myself would like permission to play in your yard.We've all seen the video and are totaly stoked.We have been busy throwing together some sic north shore style -flowshowish stuff on Phills property.We will post pics when it is finished.So far we have about 60-70 ft of elevated trails with a 14ft teeter toter, it will be toped off by a 15 ft drop off of his (shed).
We are thinking of coming down next weekend, so let me know who's down.
Thanks Eric


Apr 23, 2004
Silver Spring, MD
DßR said:
btw thanks Will for putting those up. :thumb: That's money! I can't wait to see the other cameras' pics....
np. thanks for providing the chance to get some $$ footage ;)

can't wait to see the other pics as well. did you ever get those pictures developed from the last RT session? i want to see if that picture of me falling off turned out...


Aug 20, 2004
Definately cool to see the first two attempts since I was only there for the last fiasco. Nice Job Dan, glad you are ok.


Oct 6, 2004
Looking good, you guys have done alot of work on the Pipe-run.
This trail has come a long ways from the days of hiking up Stoner Rd
in the late 90's. Good job..

Founder of the Pipe-run
Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
Zilla said:
Definately cool to see the first two attempts since I was only there for the last fiasco. Nice Job Dan, glad you are ok.
Yeah, I second that.

Hey, we left our McDonald's cup near the landing at the Rusty Trombone. If someone sees it, would you please grab it and trash it for me? Thanks so much! Sorry!

Animal Mother

Nov 26, 2003
Northern VA
E.C. said:
Dan/Ben/Zack/Mark/Mike/and the rest of ya'll. The Y.A.F.R.O. boys are planing to make the trip to the shed ,if ya'll will be tour guides. B.J. ,Darren, Dave ,Phill and myself would like permission to play in your yard.We've all seen the video and are totaly stoked.We have been busy throwing together some sic north shore style -flowshowish stuff on Phills property.We will post pics when it is finished.So far we have about 60-70 ft of elevated trails with a 14ft teeter toter, it will be toped off by a 15 ft drop off of his (shed).
We are thinking of coming down next weekend, so let me know who's down.
Thanks Eric
which day are you guys thinking about coming down? I'll be there if at all possible.



They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
Yo EC -- I'm all about a Sunday ride. Come on down and we'll hook it up for ya! I'm sure I'll be ready to give the RT another shot by then...:)

Jenn -- we got the McD's cup for ya, no worries.

Scott -- nice meeting you dude, hope to see you up there again soon!

Will -- still haven't gotten the film developed yet but I'll do that tonight and get the pics up tomorrow or Wednesday. Hopefully there's some more good stuff in there, it'd be nice if Damien got a good still of me eating sh*t.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
good stuff DßR :D . it's amazing how you just disappear in the last few frames of that video...


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
DßR said:
it'd be nice if Damien got a good still of me eating sh*t.
Sorry man...the shutter finger was paralyzed as I watched your impending demise unfold in your camera's viewfinder.


Apr 23, 2004
Silver Spring, MD
Toshi said:
good stuff DßR :D . it's amazing how you just disappear in the last few frames of that video...
yeah. that was thanks to my "oh sh*t" and then dropping the camera to make sure he didn't land on his head... the flip was truly spectacular.

man, now i'm a little jealous that there's going to be a big ride on sunday and i'll be in vegas. wait a minute, i'll be in vegas. nevermind. now, if i can only figure out how to pack my blur to take with me.


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
Well damn! Wish we had made it up there this weekend!

Dan, I'm glad to hear you are alright! I know what tumbling off that thing feels like, and from that video, yours looks like it was even worse than mine! That is a HELLUVA lot of speed to carry on that thing, but, I'M ALL OVER IT! It may take awhile, and a lot of warming up, but i'm gonna hit that thing.... soon. Hopefully by Thanksgiving :thumb: But alas, I'm not as much of a man as you are, so I will be FULLY suited up when I do it! (Anyone got one of those football players neckrings? ;) )


They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
Okay, here's my pics. I'm sorry about the ****ty scans, my scanner is totally crapping out on me. The first 5 or 6 pics came out "best" and the next few were throwaways, the thing is just kaput. If anybody wants to scan me some stuff, I'd be most grateful... .these pics look MUCH better in person.

Damien's a huckin' superstar:

Looking good so far...

...until about .4 seconds later:



everybody's favorite traildawg:

I have more good shots but it's not worth trying to scan them. I'll see what I can do. Will -- the shot of you eating it on the takeoff came out as a totally empty pic of the takeoff point, I guess you were just moving too fast!!


Mar 14, 2004
South Central Pa.
Hey ya'll .Tennetively( I know I spelled that mofo wrong) it's me and Darren for sunday all the other ladys honeydo lists apperantly got to overwhelming.So weather permiting we are down.
Cool pic's .How many of ya'll are riding clipless? I'm thinking of swithing to flats just for RT.Just in case I've got to do a DBR -bike right rider left and down manover.
E.C. out


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
E.C. said:
How many of ya'll are riding clipless?
I'm riding Mallets in the picture that Dan took above. I think Dan is also on Mallets on his SGS. I'm also tempted to switch to flats following the modifications to the RT.

Great pics Dan. :)


Mar 14, 2004
South Central Pa.
Damien .I'm actualy more confident on my times than on flats. I tried to switch at the Snowshoe national due to mud and allmost got killed.If you guys are riding clipped in than I'll give it a shot .I thought it looked like you were clipped in .
Signed Impressed


Apr 23, 2004
Silver Spring, MD
DßR said:
...until about .4 seconds later:
at least someone took out that little tree so i won't be hitting it anymore... well, i guess it won't matter since the lander is about where that tree was so i should have it dialed now ;)

thanks and nice pics, dan.

have fun RTing it this weekend, boys. i'll be livin it up in vegas. i just dropped the IH off at my favorite LBS yesterday to get them to warranty my suspension. i called manitou and they told me to get the part ordered through my LBS. if i'm lucky, i'll have the bike back by thanksgiving weekend and not be riding it so ghettoed out...


Apr 20, 2004
I am going to try get there Sunday, unless it rains. I don't want the green makeup running of my hooked nose.

Dan, I have a couple of pretty-sweet scanners at work, you no, since I am a photographer and all. Honestly though I hate scanning. But I would do it.

Though I am obviously not a very good one, because that shot I took of you sucks. Sorry about that.
