
-)-)-)dark start monday gmt(-(-(-

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Good morning, friends! I had every intention of blowing off my morning swim when that alarm clock went off, but I really had to poop and wasn't going to get back to sleep whether I dealt with that or not. So, I got up, emptied the bowels, and headed to the pool. Yes, I always shower before my swims.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Managed to rupture a nagging bursa sac in my elbow rolling over in my sleep last night. That was fun.


Sep 8, 2009
Back to work after vacation last week. Had a good family vacation down in Florida visiting the dad & step-mom. We spend time at the beach, went kayaking, hit up the local county rodeo (yes, that's right a rodeo), and did some fishing. My 3yr old (almost 4) son caught his first fish... kinda... he caught a ray :rofl:



Turbo Monkey
Aug 18, 2005
Had a damn fine weekend. We finally got some dry weather so got to test out the new stuff we built this winter and it was glorious. Had about 12 or 14 dudes out there all day and by the end everyone sorted things out. No one got hurt (much). Drank a lot of beer and cooked up a mess of trail bratwurst. Sunday, had a nice long ride with the trail pup and met several cool folks on the trails (which is highly aberrant in our neck of the woods). This morning sucked--dark, raining, and I'm sore. 110% worth it.

Photo evidence of shred (not me on the bikes or behind the lens). Cole and Andrew were danger close for a lot of the afternoon. This jump is real fun.


Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Morning Monkies, I have zero ambition this morning despite already having coffee and toast - something about waking up in the dark is not agreeable. I have rehab in about 45 minutes and a half day of work ahead... must not think bad thoughts.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Managed to get in a ride yesterday. Uphill + 20mph head wind + out of shape = grindfest. Luckily the wind died down when it would have been at my back for the back side of the loop.

Must go to the Toyota dealership at work. Need to pick up some special little panel retainers that like to grenade both upon removal and re-installation. Good thing the only place to get them is at a dealership or one of the two obscure places I found online.

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
Year-end financials for 2015 made available, including bonus information. Our division was the highest performing and will be getting 137% of our target bonus. Cha-fucking-ching.

Hookers and blow are on me today.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Time change sucks this morning. I couldn't get my shiz together for anything. :rant:

Bikes, however, are fun. Fun short ride on Saturday, first of the year. I pulled the 2 chainrings off my new bike and went 1x with a 30t ring. This may be the death of me, but I have to give 'er a go. All the forecasts show lots of snow coming this week too, so I might get a powder morning or two in as well. Boojah.

I find most medical ailments can be best treated by ignoring them.
That's how I roll. I'm still alive(ish).
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the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I've been using this, and the whiskey/ibuprofen regimen on my knee for a couple weeks now. Not doubting your expert advice, but I think It may be time to seek a second opinion before my liver fails.
Second opinion? seek council in the bong shed.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
high. :wave:
I start my yoga teaching certification on April 3rd. Trying to get as much skiing in as possible until then.
I am super stoked to take my yoga practice to the next level. I will be getting the cert at a mountain ashram outside of Ned at an ashram called Shoshoni.

going skiing today up at Eldora. will be nice to get some turns in on the new skis.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Howdy. Gloomy start to the week here with grey skies and rain.

This week I need to warranty my broken Urge helmet, send in a broken video card out of my desktop computer (wooo lifetime warranty) and find time to get the front end of my car checked out, again. Can stuff stop breaking already? PLEASE.

During my move to the new apartment yesterday, the ONLY thing that I have misplaced is my toothpaste. The new bed with new bedding and new pillows is SWEET. I slept pretty damn good last night, even though I went to bed at 1am.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Must go to the Toyota dealership at work. Need to pick up some special little panel retainers that like to grenade both upon removal and re-installation. Good thing the only place to get them is at a dealership or one of the two obscure places I found online.
I got a bunch of those for my door panel in the Mazda from China (ebay), when most of them broke instead of popping out. It only took them 2 months to arrive...


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
high. :wave:
I start my yoga teaching certification on April 3rd. Trying to get as much skiing in as possible until then.
I am super stoked to take my yoga practice to the next level. I will be getting the cert at a mountain ashram outside of Ned at an ashram called Shoshoni.

going skiing today up at Eldora. will be nice to get some turns in on the new skis.
TN, glad to see you are spending your time well. overall how are you doing these days?


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
I got a bunch of those for my door panel in the Mazda from China (ebay), when most of them broke instead of popping out. It only took them 2 months to arrive...
I have some on order from eBay but am too impatient to wait the couple of months for them to arrive. As frugal and sensible as I may be sometimes seeing a project like that sitting there unfinished for that long would just eat away at my inner psyche.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Second opinion? seek council in the bong shed.
This would be the ideal answer, but unfortunately it severely limits my possibility of remaining employed. A call to my primary care doctor was just about as useful though. They'd be happy to see me at the earliest possible opening of May 3rd. :think: Guess a trip down to urgent care on my next day off is my best option. Thank teh FSM I live in the country with "The Best Healthcare System in the World®!" :disgust:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
This would be the ideal answer, but unfortunately it severely limits my possibility of remaining employed. A call to my primary care doctor was just about as useful though. They'd be happy to see me at the earliest possible opening of May 3rd. :think: Guess a trip down to urgent care on my next day off is my best option. Thank teh FSM I live in the country with "The Best Healthcare System in the World®!" :disgust:
sounds like you need a better PCP. i've never had to wait longer than 48 hours for a sick/injure visit.