
Dave Mathews



Lisa - Phil Vassar sucks. He wrote some good songs, but tons of crap.

All of you haters should listen to Lisa's and Narlus' tunes. I hope I can do as well as they did when I do the Dwight stuff for them. Man I am soooo lazy. :dead:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
Maybe that's it. I listen to Under The Table and Crash a few times a year. Maybe he burns people out.........?

I try not to judge other peoples music too much. But what really gets me is most of the stuff I consider crap gets overplayed so much that I can't even understand how the people who like that kind of music can even stand it. Most of the time I live in my own little musical world, but when I poke my head out trying to find something new I get scared back in quickly.


dh girlie said:
Yeah I sure did...and I like em...a lot of people do...just cuz you don't like em doesn't mean it ain't any good...but to maintain good relations, it's kinda like this...lets say that I like Rum Raisin ice cream...and you HATE it...are you gonna get all worked up about it and go...YOU LIKE RUM RAISIN ICE CREAM....PLEASE, RUM RAISIN ICE CREAM...IT F**CKING SUCKS! The manufacturers (all three of them...not four) should be ashamed of themselves for making such a horrific flavor...

silly, isn't it? Who cares who likes what...as for dmb and the rest of the stupid ass music threads...read my signature...I realy do hate dmb though...so that would fall into my serious side...

Everyones always so uptight about music...so what if you don't like what someone else likes...just cuz one person likes it...doesn't mean they're any better than anyone else...
I just knew this crap would bring up this goddamned rum raisin crap.


Apr 30, 2004
Rocktown, VA
Hawkeye said:
What were they supposed to do? Follow Zach down a path to nowheresville? So they are making more radio friendly music now, at least they are doing something.

Where is Zach on a mission to find the bones of Che?

So you are saying that the music they made together is "nowheresville", come on, they could have done there own thing with a like sound.

They lost their edge when they went to the Radio Rock genere.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
dh girlie said:
Everyones always so uptight about music
This is painfully true on RM. One person says they like a band, next thing you know a dozen people get all bent out of shape about it. It's really quite rediculous.

As far a "DMB" goes, I could take them or leave them....not that it should matter to anyone else.

dh girlie

loco said:
Lisa - Phil Vassar sucks. He wrote some good songs, but tons of crap.

All of you haters should listen to Lisa's and Narlus' tunes. I hope I can do as well as they did when I do the Dwight stuff for them. Man I am soooo lazy. :dead:

I could really care less what he sounds like...he could bray like a jackass and I'd pay attention...that guy was freakin HOT...I was in tahoe with my friend and she was like look...brett michaels (poison guy) is judging a country american idol...then I laid eyes on that Phil Vassar fellow and I was in LOVE...damn he's hot!

Yeah what up with my dwight yokum, c**t?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
dh girlie said:
Exactly...they put on a kick ass show the other night...and Chris Cornell...he is SO hot...and Zach is SO not! ha!
That is the problem with 99% of music today. It has more to do with the bands image than the music they make and people trying to groom their own image by the music they listen to. I'd rather listen to good music from ugly musicians or listen to good music that make other people think I'm lame.

dh girlie

I Are Baboon said:
This is painfully true on RM. One person says they like a band, next thing you know a dozen people get all bent out of shape about it. It's really quite rediculous.

As far a "DMB" goes, I could take them or leave them....not that it should matter to anyone else.
yes it's ri-goddamn-diculous...it's like you just insulted their mother...who cares if you like a band that someone else thinks sucks...I was really trying to goad a certain someone into saying they liked dmb by saying they sucked like nothing has ever sucked before, but they didn't bite...but I really do think that dmb sucks like nothing has ever sucked before...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Westy said:
I try not to judge other peoples music too much. But what really gets me is most of the stuff I consider crap gets overplayed so much that I can't even understand how the people who like that kind of music can even stand it.
Since I don't listen to commercial radio, I miss a lot of musical trends.


dh girlie

Westy said:
That is the problem with 99% of music today. It has more to do with the bands image than the music they make and people trying to groom their own image by the music they listen to. I'd rather listen to good music from ugly musicians or listen to good music that make other people think I'm lame.

SIIIIGGGHHHHHH....I was really just kidding...I listen to plenty of ugly people...it just so happens that I like Audioslave...and chris cornell just happens to be HOT...so it's a double bonus...My all time FAVORITE is Primus and not one of those guys is hot...


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Westy said:
That is the problem with 99% of music today. It has more to do with the bands image than the music they make and people trying to groom their own image by the music they listen to. I'd rather listen to good music from ugly musicians or listen to good music that make other people think I'm lame.
this is absolutely true. this story might not have gotten much play in the US, but i heard about it when i was in ireland, and it's great as it shows the hypocrisy of the business:

Even if it never sells a million copies, "45 RPM," the debut single from a band called the Poppyfields, deserves a place in the history books - as a caustic commentary on the youth-worshiping state of current rock-and-roll.

The song, which last week reached No. 28 on a U.K. singles chart, was written and sung by Mike Peters, guitarist and lead singer of veteran Welsh rockers the Alarm. But in the accompanying video, 45-year-old Peters and his band mates, who have been making records since 1983, are nowhere to be seen. In their place are four strapping teenage post-punks with a talent for lip-syncing.

The Alarm hired the stand-ins, Peters explains, to circumvent a problem that has plagued them and other "heritage" rock artists.
full story:



Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
dh girlie said:
I was really trying to goad a certain someone into saying they liked dmb by saying they sucked like nothing has ever sucked before, but they didn't bite
if i was yr intended target, yr way off. i can't stand that crap.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
Well that's ok...Dave Matthews is ugly...you can go watch him and I'll go watch that hot hick guy I was talkin about earlier and bring my Ipod with some Audioslave on it so I don't have to hear country music! HA!
I wouldn't go see him in concert. I don't like his music *that* much. :rolleyes:



Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
BUCKET said:
So you are saying that the music they made together is "nowheresville", come on, they could have done there own thing with a like sound.

They lost their edge when they went to the Radio Rock genere.

No it wasn't. Zach wanted to go on to bigger and better things.

Now we know who went on to bigger and better things. Zach left those guys and they moved on.


dh girlie said:
You just don't like my famous Rum Raisin theory because its ridiculously on target...and you feel like an idiot for buying into the music fight trap...
Uhm - I do like the story. I just needed to tug your chain. I don't care what peeps like, as long as I don't hear the crap. I just want my choice when I am around.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Oh yeah, protected CD's suck.

How hard would it be to rig up a system to play music from a stereo then record it a la mp3 through an analog audio input card. Quality would be lost but not that much.


Apr 30, 2004
Rocktown, VA
dh girlie said:
Yeah I sure did...and I like em...a lot of people do...just cuz you don't like em doesn't mean it ain't any good...but to maintain good relations, it's kinda like this...lets say that I like Rum Raisin ice cream...and you HATE it...are you gonna get all worked up about it and go...YOU LIKE RUM RAISIN ICE CREAM....PLEASE, RUM RAISIN ICE CREAM...IT F**CKING SUCKS! The manufacturers (all three of them...not four) should be ashamed of themselves for making such a horrific flavor...

silly, isn't it? Who cares who likes what...as for dmb and the rest of the stupid ass music threads...read my signature...I realy do hate dmb though...so that would fall into my serious side...

Everyones always so uptight about music...so what if you don't like what someone else likes...just cuz one person likes it...doesn't mean they're any better than anyone else...

Didn't you state this earlier in the thread: "HAS HE GOTTEN BAD SINCE CRASH?!?!?! good lord...crash was the continuation of him sucking like nothing has ever sucked before..." :D


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
narlus said:
this is absolutely true. this story might not have gotten much play in the US, but i heard about it when i was in ireland, and it's great as it shows the hypocrisy of the business:

full story:

I wonder how ugly dudes like Tom Petty or Bob Dylan would have done in the video age. Or for that matter how Elvis would have done if he started out fat.


Apr 30, 2004
Rocktown, VA
dh girlie said:
Exactly...they put on a kick ass show the other night...and Chris Cornell...he is SO hot...and Zach is SO not! ha!

Damn, I forgot I am supposed to pick the music I listen too by the looks of their front man. :rolleyes:

Oh, and by the way, I'm not a fan DMB either. Though he is a very talented guitar player.

dh girlie

BUCKET said:
Didn't you state this earlier in the thread: "HAS HE GOTTEN BAD SINCE CRASH?!?!?! good lord...crash was the continuation of him sucking like nothing has ever sucked before..." :D

Yes...but as I said...I was trying to goad a certain someone into a music fight...you have'nt been around these parts long enough to know the REAL dh girlie and my evil motives...

dh girlie

BUCKET said:
Damn, I forgot I am supposed to pick the music I listen too by the looks of their front man. :rolleyes:

Oh, and by the way, I'm not a fan DMB either. Though he is a very talented guitar player.

Good thing...I'm guessing you are a misfits fan by your avatar and glen danzig is an ugly little troll...he'd have no chance making into my music collecton....

disclaimer: read my signature...


Jamis Slayer
Sep 7, 2001
why does everyone attack everyone over this kinda sh-t? it's not like somebody's forcing you to listen to it.

as for DMB? he's alright

BTW, biking videos seem to have some of what i consider the worst music ive heard on it. just my opinion.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
NRSracer said:
why does everyone attack everyone over this kinda sh-t? it's not like somebody's forcing you to listen to it.

as for DMB? he's alright

BTW, biking videos seem to have some of what i consider the worst music ive heard on it. just my opinion.
Music is easy to criticize. People are extremely passionate about their music, but there is no objective standards.

You can say this fork or frame performs badly, and you can have objective standards. There are no objective standards about music except for sales, and that is no standard for liking or disliking it.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Damn True said:
Have ya heard about his new copy protected CD?
Put it in your car stereo and it works fine.
Put it in your home stero and it works fine.
Put it in your computer.....not so much.
Well at least we established this............Your computer is smarter than your car stereo, home stereo & you. It can detect sh*ty music and rejects it, while your car, home and you do not.


Brian HCM#1 said:
Well at least we established this............Your computer is smarter than your car stereo, home stereo & you. It can detect sh*ty music and rejects it, while your car, home and you do not.
own3d by the village idiot. Props, Brian.