
~~day before the day before ~~~


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
morning bmx



free wieners
“Come out the coast, we’ll get together, have a few laughs…”

I have officially completed the drive and exploration of the Florida gulf coast in its entirety. From Pensacola to key west.

here are my boots on the ground findings

emerald coast/redneck Riviera is cheap and rural but cold and very storm prone. Inland a few miles is best but the fishing is good.

Crystal river to Naples is absolutely a flaming shit hole. Decent fishing but is still a war zone from Irma. Not sure why anyone would live there let alone visit gods waiting room of elderly resembling the walking dead.

the glades are essentially no man’s land and is for airboats and dumping bodies. Gators are everywhere

the lower keys are fun but only for a weekend, packed all the time with pasty white tourists from snow country, zero parking and stupid house prices

the upper keys is where it’s at, small population, island lifestyle, best fishing to be had and a split highway makes traffic a cinch.

in other news,

im going to need at least two boats, a skiff for the flats and a center console with twins for the runs to the Bahamas, not complaining
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I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
YO. I got a 7 mile run done on the track this morning and finally felt some life in my legs. I've also had two decent bike workouts the past two days. I'm happy to finally be getting myself back in gear, roffl.

Headed to Mount Snow this afternoon.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Hannah decided to come wake me up because she couldn't get back to sleep or find something to keep herself busy. She did not like my offer to take the toys that she got for her birthday last week to Goodwill, since she didn't want to play with them anymore. Errands today. We'll probably get some laps in at K1 because we both have a ton of credits and we are picking up her 1st place trophy.

Talked with Haley about the race suit and what getting one entails. No more festering grudges against other drivers - especially if they are on the team - racing is racing. Making sure that she's working out - stuff like running, doing push-ups, pull-ups, crunches, etc. Making a point to get past being scared of Greg (because he chided her for doing something dangerous) and instead asking him the questions of coaching, asking him to lead/follow, etc. And essentially, her making it clear that this is her sport, this is her team, and she will work to get better.

MIL was over for dinner last night and the suit conversation came up. Wifey still doesn't like karting (I'm not sure that she ever will), but this made her pause for more than a few seconds. MIL pointed out that this isn't "just an activity" for Haley any more (realistically it hasn't been for a year) and that people in the sport clearly recognize something within her ability. And being offered the ability to get a suit, let alone actually getting a suit, is massively legitimizing and confidence building for Haley. She then complained that Greg should have gotten the proofs out at least 1-2mos before Xmas, because that's the best time for grandparents to get these things. :rolleyes: I have until the end of next month to get it sorted out and ordered though.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
nothing worse than being behind a guy in s jeep putting air in his bald tires.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
hallo all

going to ship ski gear back to Denver. Otherwise lounging about and reading some Asimov is on the table


Turbo Monkey
Oct 30, 2006
Corn Fields of Indiana

Quite foggy this morning. Waffles were made and bacon was fried.
Finally shipped my RMSS package last night. . . no ups there definitely isn't any liquid in there. . .

Time did not allow for pictures of walking bacon the other day. Heading to the barns here shortly. Hopefully the piggys smile big. . .


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Just finished installing a smart thermostat for our radiant floor ( :nerd: ) It's connected to our service provider so it can automatically turn off on peak events.

Radiant floor guy wanted $200 to install. :disgust1:

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
never let your wife drag you into a conversation before you have had coffee, it will end badly.

First night trying to sleep with a C-PAP. It took a while to get everything adjusted. It woke me up a couple of times when it decided that more air pressure was needed to keep my airway open and shot a turbo blast through my nose. I only woke up twice more besides that, that I can recall. Ruth said I did not snore at all. Got on the scale, in the 4 weeks since the docs put me on meds I have dropped 20 pounds.

Sunny out so I think I might go for a bike ride


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
New pan. Not new I found it in the garbage. Made some supremely good eggs and pork roll for breakfast. Skate park was a cluster fuck of impatient spoiled rich kids. Nobody waiting. Stupid people running into me and each other on poorly maintained bikes. I gave up after an hour. Owner gave me my cash back for fixing like 10 bike's brakes.