
Dean Call Hamas Members Soldiers, not Terrorists

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, who led the latest poll released Thursday in the 2004 lead-off caucus state of Iowa, was not out in public, but was still the topic of conversation among many concerned with recent comments he made on Israel.

Dean has been under fire for suggesting the United States should not take sides in the Middle East conflict and Israel should get out of disputed territories of the West Bank. While he has insisted that he backs U.S. policy supporting Israel, statements made on Wednesday about Hamas raise new questions.

"There is a war going on in the Middle East, and members of Hamas are soldiers in that war," Dean said Wednesday.

Thursday , September 11, 2003

N8Note: ..and this dude wants to be the President of the US? :p:p:p


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
The Palestinians have no military, they could not join an official military even if they want too. They do break international laws of warfare and should be punished by the international communities, but then again so do the Israelis. But if you want to call them terrorists go ahead, just remember that by todays standards the following people would also be considered terrorists.

George Washington
Ben Franklin
Thomas Jefferson
John Adams
James Madison


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Originally posted by Westy
The Palestinians have no military, they could not join an official military even if they want too. They do break international laws of warfare and should be punished by the international communities, but then again so do the Israelis. But if you want to call them terrorists go ahead, just remember that by todays standards the following people would also be considered terrorists.

George Washington
Ben Franklin
Thomas Jefferson
John Adams
James Madison

How many of those you listed murdered non-combatants? There is a big difference between sniping occupying soldiers and blowing up civilians on the way to the market.


Originally posted by llkoolkeg
How many of those you listed murdered non-combatants? There is a big difference between sniping occupying soldiers and blowing up civilians on the way to the market.
How about when isarel wants to get rid of a militant and kills innocent civilians in the process?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Originally posted by llkoolkeg
How many of those you listed murdered non-combatants? There is a big difference between sniping occupying soldiers and blowing up civilians on the way to the market.
I am sure none of those people actually ever pulled a trigger but they commanded, supported and financed those that did. The American Revolutions was not a %100 popular movement. A quarter to a third of Colonists wanted to remain under British rule. As a result these people were tarred and feathered, stripped of their homes and everything they owned. Those who resisted were often murdered. A chapter of American history that is rarely told.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
There isn't any person in any organization the area of Israel that is innocent here. It's just a clusterfvck of unimaginable proportions.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by Silver
It's just a clusterfvck of unimaginable proportions.
That's the most accurate description of the current state of affairs in Israel I have ever read. Seriously.


Oct 17, 2002
*token jew pops his head in... looks around*

Hi guys, what's going on? Oh, umm...

*jew backs out of room slowly*


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Originally posted by ohio
That's the most accurate description of the current state of affairs in Israel I have ever read. Seriously.
Mix territory disputes, two displaced peoples, racial tension, power hungry leaders on both sides, nuclear weapons, rocks, and religious tension (God says it is mine!!!!) and you've got Israel right now.

How do you fix something that broke?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Originally posted by Silver

How do you fix something that broke?
When both sides realize that the killing and living in fear is not worth what are really only minor differences. Unfortunately this may not happen for decades. Right now we will be lucky if it does not continue to escalate into a deadly intercontinental clusterfvck, but I think it already has.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Originally posted by Silver
Mix territory disputes, two displaced peoples, racial tension, power hungry leaders on both sides, nuclear weapons, rocks, and religious tension (God says it is mine!!!!) and you've got Israel right now.

How do you fix something that broke?

There is only one fix that will last... total destruction of one side or the other...


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by Silver
How do you fix something that broke?
You don't. I believe there are many conflicts on this planet that have absolutely no solution. That's why I don't disagree with the expansion and security of the American Empire.

Just be thankful that the USA has Israel on a tight leash... the consequences would definitely, eventually be a nuclear war.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Originally posted by Westy
When both sides realize that the killing and living in fear is not worth what are really only minor differences. Unfortunately this may not happen for decades. Right now we will be lucky if it does not continue to escalate into a deadly intercontinental clusterfvck, but I think it already has.
They aren't minor differences. Especially the religious ones. Hardcore religious hatred being preached by both sides helps keep the amount of cannon fodder up.

And I don't think the US can just pull out of supporting Israel either. If we did that, sooner or later Syria or Egypt would attack, and then Israel would turn the rest of the middle east into a sea of glass.


When will this stop?

When both sides realise that their future are intertwined!

One thing that is scary right now if isarel kills the Hamas religious leader.....i think the **** is going to hit the ceiling BIG TIME!


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Originally posted by Silver
They aren't minor differences. Especially the religious ones. Hardcore religious hatred being preached by both sides helps keep the amount of cannon fodder up.

And I don't think the US can just pull out of supporting Israel either. If we did that, sooner or later Syria or Egypt would attack, and then Israel would turn the rest of the middle east into a sea of glass.
There certainly are religious differences but they are not the driving factor in the conlfict. There are hardcore extremist but the majority of Palestinians and Israelis are not religious nut jobs. Religiously the two sides have shown that they can live and work together peacefully. It all comes down to security and power.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Originally posted by Westy
There certainly are religious differences but they are not the driving factor in the conlfict. There are hardcore extremist but the majority of Palestinians and Israelis are not religious nut jobs. Religiously the two sides have shown that they can live and work together peacefully. It all comes down to security and power.
I've gotta disagree with you here. There are nuts on one side that want to rebuild the temple, and there are nuts on the other side that thinks Allah wants them to kill Jews. Even though that isn't the majority of the people in the area, I'm willing to bet that a lot of the no so exteme people sympathize with the views of the extremists. And the guys in charge on both sides use it for personal gain and power and money.

If Sharon was serious about peace, he'd crack down on the extremists on his side (of course, he doesn't exactly have a spotless record) and Arafat would do the same.

The closest I think we've been to a bit of peace lately was right before Rabin was assassinated by a (you guessed it) religious nut.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by LordOpie

Just be thankful that the USA has Israel on a tight leash... the consequences would definitely, eventually be a nuclear war.
You're joking, right? We haven't had them on a tight leash since.... oh.... the last presidential inauguration. Right now they're on one of those fancy wind-up leashes that gives them free reign right up to, but not including, nuclear weapons.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by Silver
I've gotta disagree with you here. There are nuts on one side that want to rebuild the temple, and there are nuts on the other side that thinks Allah wants them to kill Jews. Even though that isn't the majority of the people in the area, I'm willing to bet that a lot of the no so exteme people sympathize with the views of the extremists.
That's a recent phenomenon (brought about by your friends at Sharon/Arafat)... when I lived in Jerusalem Palestinians and Israelis worked and lived side by side with relatively no problems. I couold travel freely from Arab to Jewish quarters without feeling threatened in any way.

I'll agree with you about Rabin. That was an amazing window, as was the pre-"Enduring Freedom" offer by Saudi Arabia that Bush blew off...:angry:

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
Originally posted by ohio
That's the most accurate description of the current state of affairs in Israel I have ever read. Seriously.
I see this **** on the news and I can't help but thing that its no longer about land anymore. Simply retribution killings....sooner or later both sides will have forgotten exactly what they were fighting for.


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Originally posted by rbx
How about when isarel wants to get rid of a militant and kills innocent civilians in the process?
You're kidding right? Terrorists blow up bus loads of Isreali children then hide out among the Palestinian population. Thank Hamas for killing Israeli innocents and their own citizens.

Can you even imagine what kind of international outrage there would be if Israel intentionally blew up a bus load of palestinian children? I can't think of one other group of people in the world that can be murdured on such a tragic scale and have people like you sticking up for the killers. It must be fashionable to mass murder Israeli citizens.

I've said it before and I'm goin to say it again:

As long as palestinian terrorists are targeting civilians and mass murdering them, there IS NO PALESTINIAN CAUSE in my eyes.

Show people that terrorism and murder will get them ends, and the whole world is gonna turn to ****.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
hey, it's been a while since this thread popped up, eh. hi guys :D


Oct 22, 2002
Oslo, Norway
Originally posted by Ridemonkey
I've said it before and I'm goin to say it again:

As long as palestinian terrorists are targeting civilians and mass murdering them, there IS NO PALESTINIAN CAUSE in my eyes.
I am not defending Hamas or any other group causing such mayhem.

But consider for a while that ie Germany won WW2, put every American in New Mexico and placed Germans in the rest of the US. What would YOU do to take it back - with limited resources?


Originally posted by Ridemonkey

Can you even imagine what kind of international outrage there would be if Israel intentionally blew up a bus load of palestinian children? I can't think of one other group of people in the world that can be murdured on such a tragic scale and have people like you sticking up for the killers. It must be fashionable to mass murder Israeli citizens.

Im not "sticking" up for anyone but im sure if your house is getting bulldozed and your familly homeless you would be more then pissed!
Even some isareli settlers are starting to speak out against the sharon goverrnment and how there looking for trouble going deeper into palestinian territory!


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
"How about when isarel wants to get rid of a militant and kills innocent civilians in the process?"

It depends but intent matters. If a militant hides among the innocent, then collateral deaths are his fault. If Israel retaliates for a bus bombing by napalming a random Palestinian vegetable market, then we would be comparing apples with apples. Hiding legitimate military targets in densely populated civilian areas is a cowardly move. Israel at least makes an attempt to avoid noncombatant casualties by destrying targets after close of business when that option is available. I personally could never align myself with those who deliberately target civilian women and children. Call me old fashioned.

"I am sure none of those people actually ever pulled a trigger but they commanded, supported and financed those that did. The American Revolutions was not a %100 popular movement. A quarter to a third of Colonists wanted to remain under British rule. As a result these people were tarred and feathered, stripped of their homes and everything they owned. Those who resisted were often murdered. A chapter of American history that is rarely told."

Once the Declaration of Independence was signed, Tories were given two options- return to England or commit no treasons against the infant nation. Most complied with these terms. Those outspoken or treasonous Tories that remained were treated rather roughly. There is no such thing as a 100% populist movement and the history or every nation is undoutedly replete with human right abuses of dissenting minorities.


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by Trond
But consider for a while that ie Germany won WW2, put every American in New Mexico and placed Germans in the rest of the US. What would YOU do to take it back - with limited resources?
That example doesn't work... in fact, one could argue the opposite... "As soon as Britain pulled out of Palestine in 1948, neighboring Arab nations invaded, intent on crushing the newly declared State of Israel." source

Also, the "original" Palestinian state was not just what Israel occupies now... "The remaining areas of Palestine were divided between Transjordan (now Jordan), which annexed the West Bank, and Egypt, which gained control of the Gaza Strip."

Jordan tried to solve the problem by folding Palestinians into their country -- a new Palestine, if you will -- by offering them citizenship in 1949.

Palestine does NOT exist, it is NOT a State, no one officially recognizes them. They are strictly a terrorist organization. They need turn around and negotiate entry into Jordan and move on with their lives.

Let's put it this way. If Germany successfully invaded the USA, would you continue a hopeless fight for the past 50+yrs to regain the US or accept a new life in Canada.
Jul 28, 2003
Eat, ME
I'd like to see a steel cage match between Arafat and Sharon, winner take all. I bet we could get Vince McMahon to do the promo, too.

The Cheese


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by SuzyCreamcheese
I'd like to see a steel cage match between Arafat and Sharon, winner take all. I bet we could get Vince McMahon to do the promo, too.

The Cheese
I was thinking more along the lines of shoot them down the "Running Man" tubes and see how they fare against Sub-Zero and Buzzsaw...

but I like your idea too.