
Dirt Fest 2017


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Agree with jbp. Gets crowded quick. I have quite an aversion to crowds. Tho from what I hear they at least designate many of the trails as one way.

They are hella good trails tho.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 21, 2005
Lancaster, PA
Get there a day or so early and put your long rides in then. Until Saturday, it's really not busy, and the trails are still multi-directional until Friday afternoon/evening.

Also, ride the stuff on the south/west side, way less traffic over there.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Get there a day or so early and put your long rides in then. Until Saturday, it's really not busy, and the trails are still multi-directional until Friday afternoon/evening.

Also, ride the stuff on the south/west side, way less traffic over there.
This. It was a bit of a rainout when we went too (2015) but we got there early enough to miss some of the crowds and ride (and drink lots of Troegs).


Sep 13, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
The Allegrippis trails at Raystown Lake are super fun and worth the occasional trip for sure.

However I stopped going to DirtFest because:
- it is way too crowded
- it costs too much for what you get
- it almost always rains
- if you don't get a group campsite with a bunch of people you know, it's awkward


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
If anyone wants to come and tag onto our group camp spot, the name for registering is "Black Tooth Grinners".


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
I'll be there, as always. We're sponsoring the Thursday night party, but I'll probably head up Tuesday night to get our traditional expo-suburbs campsite, get my miles in, and hydrate for the "I drank how much?" kind of week it usually is.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Next week already, eh.

@jonKranked Any suggestions on what to do, where to ride on Monday morning?

We have the Monday off due to a holiday, so we will be staying over somewhere Sunday night and heading back Monday. So we have to find somewhere to camp/stay on Sunday. Should have a few hours of ride time available Monday morning.

We're heading down in two groups. I can go with either one. First group is doing the above, staying over somewhere and heading back Monday. Other car/group is taking off on Sunday and staying in Philadelphia Sunday night. Then heading back from there on Monday.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Next week already, eh.

@jonKranked Any suggestions on what to do, where to ride on Monday morning?

We have the Monday off due to a holiday, so we will be staying over somewhere Sunday night and heading back Monday. So we have to find somewhere to camp/stay on Sunday. Should have a few hours of ride time available Monday morning.

We're heading down in two groups. I can go with either one. First group is doing the above, staying over somewhere and heading back Monday. Other car/group is taking off on Sunday and staying in Philadelphia Sunday night. Then heading back from there on Monday.
which way are you coming down? rothrock isn't too far from what i've been told and is a good ride.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
which way are you coming down? rothrock isn't too far from what i've been told and is a good ride.
Some of my buddies were down in PA a few weeks ago. They spoke very highly of a place (trail?) called Allegripis [sp?] - one of the best trails they'd ever ridden, anywhere, apparently.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I just did a quick search and discovered that. Came here to correct my suggestion... oops.
yea, i was confused by it at first as well.

but it is a pretty awesome trail network. hopefully the weather will be warm enough that you can swim in the lake after riding.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
yea, i was confused by it at first as well.

but it is a pretty awesome trail network. hopefully the weather will be warm enough that you can swim in the lake after riding.
Its May, even if it is 98 degrees won't the water still be balls cold? :brow:

Will see about Rothrock. I know the one guy in our group wants to ride there, or has before. Map of the place looks like a shitshow of trails.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
Whats up guys, repeat dirt fest offender here. I'll be camped down in the dirtrag camp ground area (just look for the fire and pizza ovens), I'll be riding a silver chromag hardtai. After 17 years of being a forum member might be cool to meet a couple of you...

The trails at Raystown are very flowy, not much technical except for a couple trails/spots. While flow trails aren't typically my thing I still love going there once or twice a year, def worth it and a great time. Make sure you sign up for beer school. If you are up for the epic that is pretty cool you get taken out by boat to a drop off point...

If you have extra time def ride rothrock, awesome stuff out there and completely different from Raystown.

As for the water, we were swimming and enjoying it 2 years ago but it was pretty hot. That lake is super deep so it never really gets all that 'warm'. But it's def swim able if the sun is out...I do seem to remember us jumping off the roof of the house boat in the middle of the night a couple years ago...