
Dirt Jumpsing Gaps


Jun 12, 2006
I was wondering if u guys can give me some tips on dirtjumping with gaps? Like do i need to bunnyhop and stuff. Thanks


Aug 13, 2006
Williamsburg VA
Get comfortable on tables, then just apply the same technique to a double you want to jump, start out small, and just go for it. I started on doubles w/ 2 foot gaps. The only time you really need to pull up hard is when you are going too slow to clear the gap w/ out pulling up, so that is all judgement, no fixed rule. if you want to go high, hit the lips slower and bunnyhop, if you want to stay low, just hit the jump w/ speed, and dont worry about pulling up.


Jun 12, 2006
so if u just wanna clear the gap no bunnyhop is needed. Just ride off, push forward on the bars, dive the bike and land. Does this go for all gaps? Even HUGE ones?


Jun 24, 2005
hey matt, noticed you posted a simalar thing on dcstreet, bunnyhops are needed on some BIG gaps or gaps when you dont have enough speed etc. in most cases and especialy on beginner sets you just launch and even out/nose in with no bunnyhoping

P.S.-the best beginner set at CC is the small gaps on the far left NOT the tiny ones on the far right. If you come down some time i'd be glad to give you some pointers


Sep 17, 2006
start doing some plastic jumps with no landers then add some landers and work up bigger and bigger. Thats how i started up.


Oct 18, 2006
Englewood, CO
I agree practice will only teach you how to jump. It will also be helpful to start out on table tops. They try to move to a speed double (table double combo), then when you are comfortable go to gap jumps. The most important part is learning how to control the bike up in the air to dive into the landing. No one likes to loop out on the landing. I know you feel safer lading on your rear tire but if your front lands in the landing first you are diving correctly. Learning to pull the bike up to your nuts if you feel yourself coming up short also helps. Just practice man you'll get it with no problems. You'll fall a couple of times but that's part of the sport.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
It really depends on the lip as to how much you should pull up.

For most jumps, compress your legs (more than arms) and arms as you go up the lip. As you get to the top of the lip, uncompress your legs and push your bars more forward than up.

It is basically a long, spread out bunnyhop. For steeper jumps, it will generally be more gradual. For flatter jumps, it will be more like a standard bunnyhop using your arms.

Practice a lot and you will get it eventually.

MC peepants

Sep 20, 2006
just jump it man if you come up short get more speed and if over jump it bail. Thats what i have been doing, and so far so good (knok on wood).


Apr 15, 2005
It's a judgment call - how much speed or technique do you need to clear the gap. I started on trying to clear tabletops and landing correctly, ie front wheel first because if you don't case it, that's how you would be landing on the tranny. Of course it feels weird if you land that way on the flat. Then I started choosing small gaps that would allow me to case it if I misjudged. In other words, I'm not choosing a gap with a nasty hole to go crashing into but something alittle forgiving. And like others said, just get used to being in the air.

Having a couple of the practice jumps is good - get two, gradually pull them apart so you're expanding the gap - just do it over and over and over and over.


Jan 19, 2007
be confidence on tables first
and when your confident just think about that gap jump as a big table and go for it
i just jumped a 20 foot gap jump
then when i was trying to do some tricks over that 20 foot gap jump i was scared and jumped bad because of not getting relaxed and landed shoulder first at an angle and broke my collarbone

its all about confidence and being relaxed