
Ditching work to go riding

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Splat, MBC and I took today off to ride around Case Mountain (Manchester, CT). We only got lost three times! Well, it was sunny and 65 degrees, so getting lost wasn't all bad. :cool:

We rode for about four hours and (according to Splat's GPS) 15 miles. MBC and I are a little tired now. :dead:

On with the pics...

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Rare ride pics of SPLAT!


and logs...

and more rocks... (and I still don't know what the hell he was carrying in that backpack :think: )

and a chute.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Splat on one of the most technical trails I've ridden. We ended up on this trail because we got LOST. It probably put us about six miles out of the way. :D


I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Heidi said:
Great pics, looks like you had fun. How's it feel to be back riding?
Feels great, but my legs are far from mid season form. The mild end to winter has left the trails bone dry. Normally this is mud season, but there was no mud anywhere.

I do miss skiing already.

Splat is at some trail advocacy meeting right now, which IMO is a pretty lame excuse to have not posted pics yet. :rolleyes:


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
is the trails with all the see saws and ladder bridges out there?

one of the best crashes i had was off one of those see saws. knocked into a tree. top of the tree came off, landed on a friends head, he fell to the ground and broke a tooth.

good times.

case mtn is one of the few trails i miss back east. meshamosic was fun too.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
amydalayna said:
is the trails with all the see saws and ladder bridges out there?

one of the best crashes i had was off one of those see saws. knocked into a tree. top of the tree came off, landed on a friends head, he fell to the ground and broke a tooth.

good times.

case mtn is one of the few trails i miss back east. meshamosic was fun too.
The trails are still there, but sadly most of the teeters and bridges have been torn down. :( Still lots of fun natural stuff though.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
that is sad. those bridges could be fun stuff.

there are so many loops you can make up riding at case. that trail with the ladder bridges and such made me smile. actually, all those trails made me smile. I used to live on Main St in Manchester and ride there at least 3 times a week.

my only complaint about that place is that the trails get so wide when they are wet. need some serious work.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
amydalayna said:
that is sad. those bridges could be fun stuff.

there are so many loops you can make up riding at case. that trail with the ladder bridges and such made me smile. actually, all those trails made me smile. I used to live on Main St in Manchester and ride there at least 3 times a week.

my only complaint about that place is that the trails get so wide when they are wet. need some serious work.
How we never ditched work to go ride Case Mtn? I guess it is because loved our Connecticut jobs so much!


Nam I am
Ok Now its My turn

What a great day we had ! was a blast!

the lovely city of Hartford CT

the view from the top ofa case Mt.


up and off

same chute he has a picture of me doing

Log ride , we were both happy just to get on the dam thing.

Rocks Plus Bridge

Rocks are the bridge .

A little up and over .


on some rocks

In the MMcG kill zone

Splish Splash

Double vision on a bridge.

On our way back , MBC was hurting ! was a long ride and the first of the season for her.

one last rock on the way back

and IAB on the same rock



I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
RIght on, some more great pics! I like that terrain, it looks super rugged and fairly technical! I love that stuff!:thumb:


Nam I am
OK so Here is the GPS map

where is says Case , is where we parked

and Notice A , B C and d

and the GPS says my total Milage was 17.3 Miles -- Minus the 4.3 I did before IAB and MBC fot ther so 14 miles for a first ride of the Season is is Impressive, Be proud MBC.

A) I got there about 45 minutes early so I went for a little spin in a direction we don't normally go , now I know why , Its all dead ends ! about 4.3 Miles worth of dead ends.

B) When IAB says you turn left here to get back , when it really doesn't make sense , guess what It doesn't!!!

C) a cruel Joke by the state of CT , there is actually a new deveoloment in ther e( note the dead ends ) But C was worse It was named Case Mt road. with no trail Head :( the trail head we did findwas a wicked cool and technical trail , it was too bad MBC was sooooo spent by thet time.

d) another wrong turn :(



May 9, 2005
I like MBC's bike, looks sweet.

if you guys ever wanna do some xc loops in and around burlington, let me know


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
I've got a question, on that photo "rocks and bridge" is that bridge secured at all, or just placed so it doesn't wobble?

just wondering.



Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
MtnBikerChk said:
you mean nasohegan? we rode there once. it was mostly boring - until we hit "devil's kitchen" is it? :weee:


MBC - there is tons to explore in Nassahegon - we just scratched the surface.

I'm trying to arrange for some guided tours for (me or us) depending on who can make it. If just me, I'll try hard to remember all the turns etc. etc.



Aug 20, 2002
Metrowest MA
Nice pics...those trails look like a blast. Maybe I can con y'all into giving another MA rider a tour sometime? :wave:

Now that I have moved to Auburn, I'm that much closer to I-84! And with a little advance notice I'd be more than willing to ditch work to come down and ride... :)



Nam I am
TurnerGrl said:
Nice pics...those trails look like a blast. Maybe I can con y'all into giving another MA rider a tour sometime? :wave:

Now that I have moved to Auburn, I'm that much closer to I-84! And with a little advance notice I'd be more than willing to ditch work to come down and ride... :)

Hmmmm a Singletary or Rayburn ride might be in order.


Aug 20, 2002
Metrowest MA
Not familiar with Singletary....but Rayburn always puts a grin on my face - those trails are a blast. Although I have pretty much only ridden the arrowed course.

We've also been exploring some stuff at Douglas that would probably tip in the favor of those trails winning the Douglas v. Freetown rockiness debate!


Nam I am
TurnerGrl said:
We've also been exploring some stuff at Douglas that would probably tip in the favor of those trails winning the Douglas v. Freetown rockiness debate!
Tell that to DR!!! :)

actually we are going to b doing a Douglas ride one of these weekends.

have you made it to the TRI-state marker ? Now that is a rocky trial


Aug 20, 2002
Metrowest MA
DR will never admit defeat !

Yep, I've done the trail to the Tri State marker - it's been a while, and my memory may have faded a little, but I would have to say that the motorcycle trails we have been riding further up towards Rte 16 are even gnarlier. We've been coming in from 395 on Rte 16 and parking about a mile or so before you get to the actual Rte 16 parking area.


bikerag.com whore
Sep 21, 2003
douglas said:

BEST pic of 2006!!!

great recap and pics - sounds like it was a fun ride.

geargrrl said:
I've got a question, on that photo "rocks and bridge" is that bridge secured at all, or just placed so it doesn't wobble?

just wondering.

it is not secured to the rocks, just precision-engineered to fit perfectly so as not to move. it's been there for at least 3 years now...