
Doctors and "stress" diagnoses..


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I've been in a pretty bad way for last 6 or 7 weeks, lots of stuff going on. Crazy bloating, fatigue, weight loss (no appetite) and EXTREME anxiety.... like Im felling as though I will collapse dead at any second. Yesterday I had a particularly bad episode at work and had to go in and see a doctor, and this is the 2nd in a row that tells me I have too much stress, causing Irritable bowel syndrome? And I guess I've been having panic attacks.


They gave me a big bottle of ativan and something to calm my guts, but it's weird... I don't feel stressed out at all. I like my job, home is fine, all that stuff... yet Im cracking the f*** up over here. Im not sure if I buy that "stress" can really affect people that much.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
It really does affect people's lives. You probably don't think you're stressed because you've just grown accustomed to operating at high stress levels, and its now starting to manifest itself physically.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I've had a few stress death spirals. I usually feel like I am handling it well then bam, my body rebels with migraines or horrible crippling arthritis flare ups.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I've had a few stress death spirals. I usually feel like I am handling it well then bam, my body rebels with migraines or horrible crippling arthritis flare ups.
Does it just go away? Or can I expect to be heavily sedated from here on out?


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
They told me don't come back to work until I feel okay... however, I still have classes to attend, presentations to give and thesis deadlines to meet.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Does it just go away? Or can I expect to be heavily sedated from here on out?
It goes away for me. When it gets to a point my body just doesn't let me keep going and forces me to reset.

Personally I think that if it comes down to having to take drugs you are probably better off making the changes in your life to reduce the stress to an acceptable level. If you have time in your schedule get some exercise, take yoga, sleep, go fishing, do whatever you need to do. If you don't have time, well that is probably your problem. It's not always easy to cut things out of your schedule but if it is causing these kinds of problems but it is probably necessary. Stress like this can really cause long term problems, not to mention if you are miserable what is the point of working your ass off to just be a miserable cuss? Taking medication to keep yourself going is just digging the hole deeper.
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Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Im sure you are right. The truth is Ive been feeling so bad, I've not had the energy to even exercise at all. The one good side effect is that I've been working like a machine lately just to try and keep my mind occupied, and that has paid off.
Im sure you are right. The truth is Ive been feeling so bad, I've not had the energy to even exercise at all. The one good side effect is that I've been working like a machine lately just to try and keep my mind occupied, and that has paid off.
Wull, no. By the time you get to working like a machine, you're lost. You need to make some hard decisions and figure out how to slow down.

I don't think that sedation and/or recreational drugs are going to help - this is about you learning to dance gracefully with the world.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I don't think that sedation and/or recreational drugs are going to help - this is about you learning to dance gracefully with the world.
It's about balance. When the balance is out of whack, so are you. I'm not saying medication/drugs are bad, but they are really only meant to be secondary to learning how to balance your life.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Wull, no. By the time you get to working like a machine, you're lost. You need to make some hard decisions and figure out how to slow down.

I don't think that sedation and/or recreational drugs are going to help - this is about you learning to dance gracefully with the world.

The thing is, I do not feel like Im over-exerting myself at work. It has been a little rough lately, meeting some deadlines for my thesis... but that should be somewhat stressful and I should be able to handle that. Of course, I feel just fine taking the Ativan. The doc seemed to think this will pass, but Im not so sure. I am pretty laid back as it is... not a wound up person. If I ease off anymore nothing at all might get done. :rofl:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Weed is not good when you are having anxiety attacks. The paranoia and worrying makes for a miserable time.
I agree. However, my anxiety attacks are far less frequent if I unwind with a doobie at day's end. My Dr. actually suggested it (w/ a vaporizer) over factory meds and I'm not in a med MJ state. FWIW I'm not a stoner either, I own a construction biz and OSHA doesn't take kindly to glaze-eyed workers.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Yeah, get a heavy bag. Or go give it hard on your bike till you feel like puking.
Always works for me.
I fall into the school of "drugs are bad mmkay" when it comes do dealing with stuff like this, at least as a permanent solution. Take a vacation, ride yourself stupid at least twice, and try to make regular exercise part of your routine. My twice weekly bicycle commutes to work is pretty much the only thing that keeps me from killing people. If for some reason I miss it, weather/head colds/etc. I wind up tighter than a cheap watch and become a major a-hole. The regular exercise keeps my sane. Everyone needs an outlet of some sort for stress.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Sounds like you should talk to your Dr. and maybe taking some Antidepressants/Antianxiety drugs like Zoloft.
She said we'd talk about that if my situation doesn't improve over the next couple of weeks. When I say Im having issues guys, Im not just saying Im wound up, or getting snippy. I mean literally, I believed I was dying yesterday. I have not cried since 2nd night of boot camp in 2000, and yesterday I was wailing like a little girl. Even if I wanted to get out and exercise, my stomach is in such a way that it would be painful to do much.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I'm no doctor but aren't things like Zoloft for people who have a chemical imbalance? If Burly has a normal brain and is just in a ****ty spot than those drugs just become a crutch that he will then need long term even when he gets past that ****ty spot.

Burly, did any of the timing of this coincide with your little Giardia experiment?

Hope you feel better soon dude.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I'm no doctor but aren't things like Zoloft for people who have a chemical imbalance? If Burly has a normal brain and is just in a ****ty spot than those drugs just become a crutch that he will then need long term even when he gets past that ****ty spot.

Burly, did any of the timing of this coincide with your little Giardia experiment?

Hope you feel better soon dude.

Giardia was what they originally thought I had. Symptoms were consistent, plus we had just treated the wife's cats for the disease, so it made sense. I was prescribed the meds (Flagyl) for that before getting test results back. Those drugs never made me feel any bette (or worse), which is why I've been back in the doc since. First guy just gave me something for my intestinal distress, but said stress was causing it. 2nd doctor seemed a little more caring, took abdominal x rays, all that kinds of stuff... still said stress. But, I don't feel that stressed.


took the red pill
I've been in a pretty bad way for last 6 or 7 weeks, lots of stuff going on. Crazy bloating, fatigue, weight loss (no appetite) and EXTREME anxiety.... like Im felling as though I will collapse dead at any second. Yesterday I had a particularly bad episode at work and had to go in and see a doctor, and this is the 2nd in a row that tells me I have too much stress, causing Irritable bowel syndrome? And I guess I've been having panic attacks.


They gave me a big bottle of ativan and something to calm my guts, but it's weird... I don't feel stressed out at all. I like my job, home is fine, all that stuff... yet Im cracking the f*** up over here. Im not sure if I buy that "stress" can really affect people that much.

Ok, listen up. Most will say "go to the doctor" and brainwash you. I'm going to give you some schooling and possibly some very good advice on overcoming this hurdle you face. So, have an open mind, sit and read. There's no better time in the history of mankind than now as far as the amount of info that is available for you to help yourself. The doctor is not going to tell you any of this. He's going to give you a F'N pill and send you on your way.

If you want to overcome this, and for good, you must do this on your own and make it a priority above all else in your life. There is no price tag on mental health. Take this from someone that has been plagued with anxiety and depression for 36 years. Only the past 3 years have I educated myself and decided that enough was enough. I haven't had a panic attack for a long time. This is purely my story, but some of it might help you.

Again. Doctors? Stay away from them unless your dying. Here's what you do to get yourself in order. You'll be feeling like superman. Honest to God.

First thing in the AM TOMORROW. Do a salt water flush. 2 TBSP sea salt in a little bit of warm water. Chug it. Chase it with 3 full glasses of cold water and do not eat anything or you'll be screwed. 1/2 hour later, another glass of water, or as much as you need if your parched. Don't worry about salt = high blood pressure either. That's just to scare people. Your BP might be slightly elevated but your not going to die. You can do it at work too. Don't make excuses. Unless your driving for a living, it's doable. A few trips to the mens room is all that is needed and your done. Don't be a baby. This is the single best thing I've ever learned. After this I feel light, things move better and I feel like something has been lifted off my back. It's unreal.

2-3 hours later or sooner you'll have your entire gut clean. I wont go into details. Whether you believe it or not, serotonin is synthesized in the gut and absorbed in the gut. So, the cleaner your gut, the better.

After your all cleaned out, eat 2 scrambled eggs. Farm fresh, unfu**ed with by man. Protein, omegas, minerals.... Nothing better than a couple eggs for mood. Make sure you

1. Stay away from sugar
2. Eat a couple apples per day
3. Eat eggs in the AM, protein at lunch, protein at dinner
4. Potatoes - excellent complex carb (google potatoes not prozac)
5. Vegetables - in between protein meals, do some green smoothies. They aren't difficult to make. Spinach, celery, grapes, carrots in a blender.

I personally, based on experience thing it's far better to separate complex carbs and protein. My personal preference based on my digestion.

Ginger - nothing better for digestion. RAW. Don't get the pills and or powder. RAW GINGER

Supplements to get your brain back in order.

Note: if you've been taking opiates (vicodin, percs, etc...) for any type of pain, this causes major major problems for some peoples feel good chemical manufacturing in the brain. Myself especially. I can't touch the stuff or I'm a mess for a month and have to go through this whole supplement routine again.

AM - empty stomach or with 1/2 banana. The less food = better absorbtion.
500 - 1500 mg tyrosine. Start slow and see how you react to 500mg.
For me, tyrosine has been a godsend.
1000mg vitamin C
B complex
1/2 multivitamin
50mg 5-htp

1 hour later have your eggs
1 hour later have your apple
have some chicken for lunch with a small salad.
have a couple tablespoons of some good quality omega complex fish oil.
Carlsons is the best

Afternoon. Have some nuts (walnuts - almonds) around 3pm
500-1500mg tyrosine
B complex
1/2 multivitamin
50mg 5-htp

Dinner - have something with protein. I usually do a protein mix shake with greens, grapes, nuts and whatnot.

1-3mg of melatonin
500-1000mg tryptophan

Remember, the less garbage you eat, the better. Eating garbage is a great disservice to your neurotransmitter manufacturing in the brain.

DO NOT take zoloft or any of that other CRAP. It's fluoride based (poison) and does not produce serotonin. That is an outright lie. What it does is take your serotonin that you have and basically overworks it. It's like a shift change at a factory. Except the shift never changes, the workers work and never get a break. That's how these SSRI's work. Most doctors wont tell you this because they are IDIOTS.

I've had anxiety / depression for years. I've read every single book there is on the subject. I've spent countless hours researching diet, nutrition and brain function as well as amino acids. I've don't nothing but a relentless search for answers in order to stay off those SSRI's

SSRI's =
tired constantly
inability to sleep well
forget about sex. Not happening
reactions to other drugs.

Nothing but CRAP they are. Yes, in severe cases, they are needed. I've been on them all. Effexor, triazapam, klonazepam, zoloft, prozac and wellbutrin and all the rest. THEY ARE CRAP.

Most people DO NOT need them. Most of this country is suffering from IBS as well as nutrient deficiency as a result of poor diet and gut function and the symptoms of this are depression and anxiety as well as other things.

I'm not saying this is true in your case, your probably overwhelmed with the stuff going on. But realize as well, things always work out and things are always ok after a period of time. Try to shift your brain into the future where everything is ok and realize that there is no stress. Only your reactions to external stimuli. Nothing has the power to overtake your brain and get in, only if you let it.


BTW 5-htp is the single best thing I've ever discovered. Google it and learn all about it.

In a nutshell

tryptophan > 5htp > serotonin production

Some people react better to 5-htp as it tends to cross the brain / blood barrier better than tryptophan, which can be interfered with and compete for uptake with protein.

5-htp can tend to make you a bit tired. But if your in dire need of getting through panic attacks / depression, it's a small price to pay.
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valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
The ativam they gave him pretty much is valium. Part of the benzodiazepine
Lorazepam huh, they gave that to my wife when she was having paranoid delusions. Quite fast working, one to be careful of I'd say, fair bit different from valium ime.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Ok, listen up. Most will say "go to the doctor" and brainwash you. I'm going to give you some schooling and possibly some very good advice on overcoming this hurdle you face. So, have an open mind, sit and read.
Thanks for the post.
I've been concerned about my diet, and in doing research of the symptoms I have, gluten intolerance seemed to be a recurring theme. Whether or not that has any merit, I don't know, but I am eating much healthier now since implementing it, simply because I have to look at the nutritional info on stuff before I buy it. It has also cut out all beer and whiskey (maybe thats why Im crying).


Turbo Monkey
Nov 17, 2006
Ride your bike at least an hour every day.

It's not "exercise." It's medecine, it's therapy. Mental health and physical health.


took the red pill
Yes, I forgot the importance of Cardio every single day of your life. Nothing better for brain function than to get your heart rate up. Do anything. I do a variety of things. Jumping jacks, situps, push ups stretches. Get to the point where your sweating and go 5-10 more minutes. 20 mintues is all you need.

Don't think about it. Just say "at this time daily, I'm going to exercise" and don't think it to death. Just do it.

If I don't exercise daily, I don't sleep, period.

Melatonin, b6, tryptophan is the best combo for sleep supplemented with daily cardio.


took the red pill
Thanks for the post.
I've been concerned about my diet, and in doing research of the symptoms I have, gluten intolerance seemed to be a recurring theme. Whether or not that has any merit, I don't know, but I am eating much healthier now since implementing it, simply because I have to look at the nutritional info on stuff before I buy it. It has also cut out all beer and whiskey (maybe thats why Im crying).
I think everyone has some degree of this. Stay away from anything white. Stick to rye or pumpernickel if your going to have to eat bread.

Stick to oat meal, whole grains. You can find oat meal without gluten. However most oat meal does not contain enough gluten to make bread rise with yeast.

Anything that man has not messed with the better. This is what I live by. If man touched it. If it's in a box, it's junk. Man can't do anything without fu***ng it up it seems. I've become so sensitive to food that is processed, it isn't even funny. HFCS and hydrogenated oils kill me.

Furthermore, don't label yourself with a disorder. A label is just an excuse to be lazy, feel sorry for yourself and take a pill. It's you man, it's all you and you must do the work. However, don't approach it in a "woe is me manner" approach it with vigor and determination to overcome. It's completely doable.

Take the 5-htp and tyrosine and fish oil at minimum, exercise daily and eat whole foods and you'll be feeling like a superstar in no time. Might want to do some EFT (google it) as well. Works wonders for clearing out old emotional sh|t for some folks, myself included. It's a bizarre looking and sounding practice but it was a miracle for me. I no longer have the constant feeling of dread, thanks to EFT.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
I'm no doctor but aren't things like Zoloft for people who have a chemical imbalance? If Burly has a normal brain and is just in a ****ty spot than those drugs just become a crutch that he will then need long term even when he gets past that ****ty spot.

Burly, did any of the timing of this coincide with your little Giardia experiment?

Hope you feel better soon dude.
No, my wife has been on Zoloft for years due to severe anxiety. It's really helps her out a lot. Sometimes just the pressure of everyday life sends you off the edge.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
Dude, I'm not even remotely qualified to offer an opinion on this, just take it easy and I hope you feel better soon.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
BS, I know what you mean. I have been having issues since the move, but I KNOW I have stress. New location, new job, divorce (number 2, yea!), house not selling, blah, blah, blah.

I thought I was doing ok overall, but i would fly off the handle at the littlest things. I quite riding, exercising, everything. Next thing I know I gained about 15 pounds in 2 months. Went in to see the dock, they gave me anti depression meds, and something for anxiety.

I took a step back, took some time off to regroup, and now I'm ok. Got back on the bike and I dropped the depression meds within 2 weeks. I still take the Klonopin for real bad days, but it's "as needed".

Exercise and meditation has been helping. My jeans fit again, but I still have about 40 pounds to shed before BMX season. Stress takes years off your life, you are WAY to young to let yourself suffer through it.

School was what pushed me over the top. But that was on top of all the other crap I was dealing with. I was lucky to drop school (kicking myself, but I will finish later) and recover.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Thanks for the post.
I've been concerned about my diet, and in doing research of the symptoms I have, gluten intolerance seemed to be a recurring theme. Whether or not that has any merit, I don't know, but I am eating much healthier now since implementing it, simply because I have to look at the nutritional info on stuff before I buy it. It has also cut out all beer and whiskey (maybe thats why Im crying).
There are gluten free beers (made from rice or something) that are awesome! Yes, it is a little spendy, but worth it if you need a beer. My ex-wife has Celiac Disease and it turns out to be a lot more common than most people think. About 1 in 200 have some level of gluten intolerance.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Exercise is a proven way to relief stress. Except if you get stressed out about missing your exercise.

I was stressed last year and the purchase of a road bike really helped besides doing what it took to removed what made me stressed in the first place.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2004
In a Van(couver) down by the river
I think Knuck hit it out of the park on this one. My first reaction to the OP was "hidden allergies, maybe wheat/gluten." This is because I have had EXACTLY the same thing happen. AVOID THE DRUGS. They won't help all that much and they will lead to other issues that you dont want (like a messed up/overloaded liver).

Try dropping wheat/gluten from your diet for a while & see what happens. It is not all that hard once you figure it out.

And switch to Vodka. Works for me. :thumb:


took the red pill
Like I said, I've been on them all and I've been in suicidal spots several times in my life. Most of my problem was the constant "rot" in the stomach. A constant feeling of dread or a hole which I filled with bicycles and guitars.

It's from all the past BS really. Like your dad saying "your nothing but a worthless piece of sh*t"

That stuff sticks to you forever and you'll do anything in your power to numb it, even if it doesn't consciously bother you. It's always there. You'll never realize it though, till you ask yourself where this feeling comes from. Everybody knows what I'm talking about. Some gamble, some drink, some do drugs, some buy lot's of bikes.

But the feeling never goes. It's a blockage really and this is where EFT helps. I don't know how or why but when you start working with EFT, stuff comes up out of nowhere and as you work through the stuff, other stuff comes and hits you in the face. Memories, past trauma or BS. Then you work through that. Like peeling an onion. What's left is not that the memories disappear, but their emotional charge is gone and you feel lighter.

You also realize that you don't need anything to be happy. Just you, food, shelter and water. No booze, no stuff, no drugs. Just the people in your life that you love and that love you. This is deep **** man. I can't believe knuckle is going here, but I'm passionate about this stuff.

Doctors treat symptoms, not problems. It's ultimately us that has to fix the problems. I don't buy the "chemical imbalance" bullsh|t. Yeah, give me a serotonin level test then I'll believe it. But to look at a sheet and ask you questions and if your over 10 on the answers you've got a chemical imbalance? Come on.

Like I said, I think 90% of the country could be off of all the BS meds if they looked at it from a lifestyle / nutritional standpoint.

I still have klonazepam. I have it just in case. I have .5mg and I usually only take 1/2 of that if I'm starting to feel dizzy or weird. But most of the fear of anxiety is the unknown, or death. Well I ask myself "how many times have you had panic attacks assh*le? Your not dead yet" and usually that stops it in it's tracks.

For those who've never had the privilege of having a real full on panic attack. Let me describe it for you. You start to get dizzy, like your going to pass out. Your heart races and I mean races like you just hit a crack pipe. You start to sweat, your muscles tighten up and you feel like curling up in a ball. I've gotten out of my car and curled up in a ball on the side of the road. I had to check out during mid march of my daughters softball game and lied down in front of a church pleading to god "kill me or fix me"

I've missed out on family events, vacations, and even going to the grocery store has been a major ordeal. I've been stuck indoors for 3 months once.

I've been down in my basement pounding beers due to death type depression. Running miles on the treadmill in between. I've gone from my usual weight of 180 @ 6'0 down to 160 during this time. I don't even drink beer. I hate it.

I've been to the lower depths of hell with this depression / anxiety bullsh*t and the last time I took zoloft, I wanted to pull the car into the garage and pull the plug on my life. The zoloft made it 1000x worse.

I then bought a book "the mood cure" and "the way up from down" and books on amino acids, serotonin, neurotransmitters, depression, anxiety, supplements and just experimented with one thing at a time.

Come to find out, this depression / anxiety always seemed to occur after a binge on percs or vicodins which I always had on hand from this injury or that injury or root canals or implants.

So I learned that the opiates were basically replacing my natural "feel good" chemicals and the brain goes on vacation in that regard. When you stop the pills abruptly, which I always did, the brain does not pick up where it left off. It's still on vacation as far as serotonin / dopamine / endorphins. So I needed to jump start the brain with 5-htp, tyrosine, tryptophan, GABA, B-complex and diet.

This stuff saved my life coupled with the EFT. I've never felt better really physically and mentally. I just wish I woke up sooner. The opiates I was using to numb the feeling. The waking state of consciousness that I was walking around in daily. One of dread, anger and hatred, side effects of the 1 underlying emotion, FEAR. With EFT, I uncovered a lot of past BS and rectified it permanently.

So that's my story :rant: