
Downhill Fantasy

Apr 14, 2011
It's been a long time in the making but it's finally here, The World Cup is fast approaching so get your team picked before the first race in Pietermaritzburg:

1. Choose your riders
2. Follow them in real life Downhill World Cup races
3. Earn Points for your team
4. Win Prizes!


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Apr 14, 2011
Hi norbar, no it's not the same as the dirt 1, I don't think theirs is online yet, I expect them both to be quite different though but we'll see how things pan out. Also if any riders have any information (photo,bio,achievements) to go on their profiles give me a shout and I'll get them added. cheers
Apr 14, 2011
Yep that's correct, using our own points system should keep the gap between teams much smaller, which'll mean more people have a chance of winning hopefully.

No I took the photo at Crankworx in 2009, can't remember the rider though.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
Your system rewards consistency less imho. Though it should make for much more creative team choices. In dirts case you have to have at least one top rider because of uci points heavily favoring the top dogs. Here you can have some mediecore ones and be the best.


Aug 9, 2009
Whistler, BC
Dirt is just Billy running spreadsheets and it always takes ages, hopefully if this is live it should be way better and more interactive. Having a dedicated site rather than just a blog entry is good too.
Apr 14, 2011
Yeah, there are literally hundreds of riders in the world cup, so one of my main goals was to get people to look at the little guys a bit more, rather than just watching the top 10 and the competition be over. The riders/budget have been set so that you can't pick 4 very good riders... It should make it much more exciting as you'll have to watch your not so good riders first, and then see how the expensive riders get on after.

The budgeting should also mean a ton of diversity between teams, so it doesn't end up being 200 or so people with exactly the same team at the end of the competition.

It's all pretty experimental so all your feedback is really appreciated, we'll see how things pan out as the races start!
Apr 14, 2011
Haha yeah it is Paul Stevens, he's a friend of a friend, just remembered! Let him know he's famous: facebook.com/downhillfantasy

Rider transfers are on there way, You'll only be able to transfer 1 rider though ( so for injuries etc ), and the new rider must be the same price or less. More true to the real world cup then...


Turbo Monkey
I put in a team, but I think the results for this one are going to be pretty random since the scoring system differentiates so little between places. Will definitely be interesting to see the winning strategy.

Dirts Fantasy League looks crazy this year...gonna have to think a bit more about my strategy there with 7 transfers.

Regardless, I will have probably lost all interest in these fantasy things once the season starts anyway...
Apr 14, 2011
Ha, bit of competition is always good I suppose. Both sites have approached it at different angles so it'll be interesting to see the differences in results.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 2, 2003
Berlin, Germany
its interesting to see how both sides value different riders :)

fabien barel is fairly expensive on dirts website but rather cheap here and there are more.

Mr Lahey

Sep 23, 2009
Very nice interface on this site. Hedged this team fairly well against my Dirt team.

Thanks for tossing this together... bet it was a ton of work.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 2, 2003
Berlin, Germany
When are you guys releasing action figures so I can make some brawls in my fantasy parking lot with a bunch of funny commonwealth accents shouting culturally specific obscenities?
yo need to go and find yourself a copy of monkey Island and play that game for some time :)