
Duthie XC Trail Closures Planned


Dec 4, 2007
This is just a "Heads Up!" to give y'all some advance notice. We will soon be closing large sections of the NE XC loop and the Bootcamp trail. Stay tuned. Please check the trail page (http://evergreenmtb.org/wiki/index.php?title=Duthie) for the latest status before heading to Duthie to ride. Details under "Current Conditions" (http://evergreenmtb.org/wiki/index.php?title=Trail:Duthie_Hill#Current_Conditions) and more info below.

Recent freezing temps followed by rain are going to require some dry-out time for the trails to pack down so they can shed water as intended. So in the next few weeks we're going to have to close 2 large sections of the NE XC and Bootcamp trails. Riders will still be able to:

* Ride up the road and come down the downhill ending section of Bootcamp
* Ride the initial downhill of the NE XC trail
* Ride the end of the NE XC trail up to the top of Ryan's Line (flowtron style line)
* Ride the end of the NE XC trail to get back up from the bottom of the Mini-D

We need to get signs prepared and will get to it ASAP. See map below. Please stay tuned and check the trails page before you drive out to Duthie to ride. Thanks!