
e-GeForce 6600GT video card - 128mg


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Ok, I replaced my ATi 9600 series video card that worked pretty good for most things. I wanted to upgrade so I got this video card that is killer, and paid good money for it to.

I like to play D.O.D. Source, and have a HUGE issue with what appears to be lag. yes I know it can be laggy, but this is really bad when it becomes graphic intensive during game-play, where it wasn't so bad before.

Latest BIOS, latest drivers, Latest version of Direct X...

Any tips tricks, tune-ups?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Well, the solution I'd take is to google a NVIDIA utility called "coolbits". It's a little registry entry that enables overclocking on the card. Very easy to use, just click "Detect Optimal Settings" and you can tweak from there if you like. Make sure you check off the box that says to enable the settings on reboot.

My card took a significant boost without any heat problems. Once you have the card overclocked, you're at the limit of the card's speed, so you can then start tweaking the graphical settings of the game - turn off certain rendering features, etc.

Oh, and when you've got the card overclocked, keep an eye out for textures going funny or shapes acting weirdly. If you notice more than normal (I don't play DOD so I don't know how good the game engine is), turn down your overclock a little bit.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Oh, and one more thing: are you using the latest NVIDIA drivers, or the latest drivers supplied by the card manufacturer?

You should be running the latest drivers available from nvidia.com.