
Earthed 4 Teaser!


May 30, 2005
Expensive? Barel lives and works in LG/Morzine during the summer, and Most of the UK scene moves there for June/July/August. It's VERY cheap to get there from the UK.

Yes he has, see above and search around on Southerndownhill.com or descentworld... around the time of E2 being released.
a heli's not expensive?

i would tend to beileve him, i just watched that section again the les gets one, and im pretty sure theres sped up stuff. in some heli shots, and i also think that sometimes when he pans by as the rider passes that the footage is briefly sped to give a false sense of speed, but it could just be trippy cinematic effects...


Apr 8, 2004
It does.

(the guy in green right after the chick get's hit by the bike = braaaaaap)
I knew what he was saying, but i just thought it was a stupid way to say it. Sam. <--there's a period there, but he then writes out Period, then he adds another "."

Nevermind, the teaser looks dope.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Exactly. The level of riding is completely different. I can come within 10 Seconds of the top local pros with a good run. I would be pleased if I could come within 45 seconds to a minute of a WC level pro.
and you can still beat my sorry ass down the mountain. the only difference is that you have to post on myspace about it when you're done :banana:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 28, 2005
Pa. / North Jersey
Mountain Dewd:
but there is timely placed sped up footage, in the previous films. i see it in this teaser too, but it is harder to tell with the low quality video.

watch fabien barels section in 3 carefully, some of the most obvious use in there.
Lol - that's a huge compliment to Fabian!

I can totally understand why you would think that - the first time I saw Fabian's section of E.3 it blew my mind how impossibly fast he was... but trust me - that was the real deal.

Have you ever watched the top pro WC riders at a race in person??? I had a chance to walk the course during pro practice at the U.S. Open back in 05' and saw everyone from Hill to Rennie...

If you are standing still on the side of the trail and watch these guys blow by, it's insane how much speed they carry. Hill made it look SOOOO easy, and he was HAULIN'...

As far as the new footy from E.4 goes - amazing! Rankin always seems to be able to catch pros when they are at their best - even if that means when they are bailing a line. I look forward to buying this one as I did E.3 Where was the location where the guy was getting on his hardtail in the woods with the trees that looked like really tall spears??? Interesting shot.

EDIT: I love how at the end of the clip those guys in the crowd are holding up the issue of DIRT that says on the cover: "Downhill is dead.... long live Downhill..."

fu@k yea!


Jan 22, 2004
World cup downhill racing, Akrigg trials and good music. Doesn't get any better than that, really!

Can't wait!


Wiffle Ball ninja
Sep 10, 2001
worked good for me, footage looks sick as usual. Sick drifts and people eeking out corners by a mm. Some gnarly looking crashes for sure.

Cant Climb

Turbo Monkey
May 9, 2004
i know how fast they are, but seriously just watch it carefully, im 95% sure there is sped up footage. i dont want to get in a big argument here,

I agree with you 100%, watching the dirt clouds off the rear wheels in some of the other Earths and its pretty obvious........that dirt moves super quick like magic pixie dust.....but it does make it more realistic because its looks like crap on video compared to seeing it live....


Aug 5, 2004
Washington DC area
is there anywhere else besides myspace that the teaser is posted, it is restricted at my work, if not, guess I will have to wait till I get home


Nov 28, 2005
The teaser did not work for me either damm work...but I could check out some of the guys friends on that site .....dammmm that dude has some sweet looking babes on his space thing....


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
heh...in Earthed One you can't tell me that the course tape just suddenly decided to crack out while Nathan Rankin is coming through.

I've stood course side for Rennie and Hill, even Steve Peat, Oscar Saiz, David Vazques, Palmer and so on down the line. They're speed in person is silly fast...but on film they have always looked way slower.

Now suddenly film makes them look faster?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
©2001;2357598 said:
NON-myspace version of teaser up on litter.

if it's been posted already, sorry, i just got it up there. quicktime version.

LOL hobo story.
i have the same tint on some of my windows.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 8, 2003
neither here nor there
you guys are going to poop in the toilet so hard that it will flush itself when you see my bike video. i edited it with this kicking new version of avid mega-pro-face that only runs on the world's fastest super computers when they arent doing cosmological simulations. it has this sweet new feature call the "please everyone on the internet" button, all i have to do is tell it where to pull the clips from on my external hard drive that i brought with me and i push the button. i come back after lunch and a perfectly edited version of a bike video has rendered that has music that everyone likes, footage that is/isn't sped up, doesnt have chris akkers in it, has only the footage that you want to see and on top of that- puts it on youtube for free for you.

oh man, the future is great... and best of all- the future is now.


Nov 15, 2004
Does anyone else feel that Alex Rankin's movie's just aren't really progressing in anyway. I'm not saying I don't like watching folk ripping it up on their cycles but after 4 Eartheds, 3/4 BMX movies, 2 Instructional videos (one DH one MOTO) and the 5 Sprungs. I just feel like the style and format is getting a bit stale.

Look at what Porter is doing with Between the tape, he after only 4 movies is moving onto cable/zip line stuff, he is progressing with the documentary style and all round is making progress with differnet shooting angles etc... now I know Porter is young and still learning and that Rankin really does have his own "style" perfected but I feel the whole Earthed series is getting a bit stagnent.

Maybe I'm a bit thick and not educated enough in film or media stuff, just think it's an interesting debate as opposed to just going..... "yeah sick !!!11111!!!one!!!1111"


Aug 8, 2003
Copenhagen, Denmark
I see what you're saying, and to some extent I can agree, while Rankin's films aren't changing as much in the basic structure I do think that there are differences in the feel of the movies, and to draw a comparison to Porter I'd definitely say that he could learn a lot from Rankin in the basics, angles, framing etc. are the basics from which you make any good movie, and in that deptartment I think Rankin is a class apart. But I'd def. like to see a more 'real' documentary portraying not only the racing but the whole setup involved in running a WC team.
End rant.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
speaking of teasers...I was at Staples in Asheville yesterday checking out one of those Microsoft Zune's. Guess what movie trailer they had?

That's right...Kranked 6 - Progression.
That little device is sick. And the whole staff was geeking on the trailer..."Whoa...I hadn't seen that one yet...what the heck!" said the one guy...