
Endurance Help


Jun 13, 2003
Hollywood, Maryland, United States
Hope some people read this before next weekend -

I'm racing in my first endurance race this weekend - 5 hours - I'm not worried about the time, just looking for some pointers.

What kind of food - PB&J ?? I was thinking about bring one for the ride.

I know lots of water - but should I bring a energy mix?

My goal is not to stop at all other then to take a PB&J out - any help would be great... Thanks!!!!

DH rookie

Apr 15, 2007
west milford
For a 5 hour race I would drink HEED, eat gels, and train real hard for 2 months. If you eat the PBJ during the race by the time you digest it, you'll be home. Try 1 gel packet about every 45 min., and drink 1 full water bottle every hour.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Drink what you need and eat a lot. What you can eat really depends on personal physiology. General rule of thumb is to avoid large amounts of simple sugars but get plenty of more complex carbs. Personally I use a quality sports drink like Cytomax or HEED and run it a little watered down. For food I like bananas and fruit salad. I have major problems with bloating and I think the citric acid from the pineapple in the fruit salad keeps my GI moving.


Aug 28, 2002
If you haven't trained with HEED it might not be a wise idea to just start using it. Your body might not like it.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
thanks for the post - is heed something I can pick up at GNC ?
I doubt it, it is made by Hammer Gel so a bike or Tri shop would be your best bet. Actually they make a few other endurance type drinks like Perpetuem. They work well but taste bland, more like pancake batter than the syrup.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
The hammer stuff hands down works the best out of anything out there, if you drink it. I've drank hundreds of gallons of that stuff and just can not drink it anymore. It isn't that bad, until it gets warm.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
My stomach doesn't like it if I eat too may gels and nothing solid, but maybe that's just me. I have ridden with the HEED and with just some Elete in my water and both work well (much better than gatorade IMO), but do water them down a little more than recommended. Really, do what feels right for you. Simple foods that are easy to digest are best (like bananas). Good luck!!!


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
me, I'd go with cytomax or heed (plain water could easily lead to leg cramps-your body needs salt, magnisum), gu (I fill a small plastic container - find them in the travel section of the pharmacy), and clif bars.

BUT, you really shouldnt try new stuff during a race being you dont know how your body will react.

edit: also if you still want to do pb&j, try pb&honey instead


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Personally I would replace the plain water intake with some type of sports drink. You need to find out what drink you like and what you can tolerate.

Ditto on simple sugars (e.g. candy). You'll get a energy boost but will crash soon after.

In an 'endurance race' type event PB&J makes me want to hurl. I've heard similar reports from other people.

I did the Ouachita challenge on Cliff Blocks and felt pretty much OK.

Good luck...

Cliff blocks are becoming one of my favorite energy foods. I'm thinking about trying to make my own, basically brown rice syrup and either fruit pectin or gelatin.


Jun 13, 2003
Hollywood, Maryland, United States
Well this weekends race was interesting - I completely exploded, I've never had a melt down like this before. At 2.5 hours my hammys cramped up so bad that I fell to the ground in pain. I could barely move - after flopping around on the ground for a few minutes I got back on the bike and pushed on. My legs hurt so bad for the next 2 hours that I waned to cry - Then I cross the gate at 4:45 and they tell me I can stop or do another lap - what's my dumb ass do???? Yup another lap. I was about 1 mile from the finish and cramped up again and it was 10 times worse then the first time. Both hamstrings - just pure pain! - After I recovered from that I pushed forward - This is the first time I crossed the finish line and wasn't proud of myself. I could not understand why I felt like I had to kill myself. For the next hour I was laying on the ground trying not to pass out.

What a horrible race - I ended up 17 out of 34. I guess middle of the pack isn't too bad.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
Nice job, man. It's all about persevering. I've had a few races like that and I know I felt much better finishing than DNFing no matter what the pain.


Jun 13, 2003
Hollywood, Maryland, United States
what was the temp/humidity like?

what did you drink/eat during?

and way to suck it up & finish :thumb:
temp was 80'S very low humidity

I was drinking water and a Gator Mix / Taking in a Gel shot every 45 - I do think I could have drank alot more water. As for the Gel shots - after the 3rd one I couldn't take anymore they where killing my stomach.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
temp was 80'S very low humidity

I was drinking water and a Gator Mix / Taking in a Gel shot every 45 - I do think I could have drank alot more water. As for the Gel shots - after the 3rd one I couldn't take anymore they where killing my stomach.
I can't handle too much Gel/Gu either and I tend to find gatorade doesn't help much either. Have you ever tried using either endurolytes or Elete? I use Elete and their version of Endurolytes (they're one of my sponsors this year) and I have had outstanding luck. The Elete is something you add to your water and it really doesn't change the taste while replenishing electrolytes (sodium and potassium).

Check them out and give them a try if you're interested. I do have samples too but not sure when I would see you, but we can try to work something out.

Congrats on the finish....you succeeded at the hardest challenge--finishing!


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
temp was 80'S very low humidity

I was drinking water and a Gator Mix / Taking in a Gel shot every 45 - I do think I could have drank alot more water. As for the Gel shots - after the 3rd one I couldn't take anymore they where killing my stomach.

Ever hear about hyponatremia? scary stuff


Jun 13, 2003
Hollywood, Maryland, United States
I can't handle too much Gel/Gu either and I tend to find gatorade doesn't help much either. Have you ever tried using either endurolytes or Elete? I use Elete and their version of Endurolytes (they're one of my sponsors this year) and I have had outstanding luck. The Elete is something you add to your water and it really doesn't change the taste while replenishing electrolytes (sodium and potassium).

Check them out and give them a try if you're interested. I do have samples too but not sure when I would see you, but we can try to work something out.

Congrats on the finish....you succeeded at the hardest challenge--finishing!
I haven't heard of those before - do you have a link to the brand you use? I'll give it a try - I hate sucking down GU - I would do anything to skip that whole process.