

May 22, 2006
waynsesboro va.
What foods do you guys suggest to improve energy and stamina?
I've seen some of the xc guys eating gels and using water additives, and I really dont wanna get into that stuff unless I have to. Im a downhiller that rides trails that are really meant for aggressive all mountain bikes so I have some climbs thrown in for good measure.
Any help would be great...


Yoshinoya Destroyer
Jan 20, 2007
Hills of Paradise
Basically anything that has complex carbs would do the trick. Go protein 2 days before your ride and load up on complex carbs the night before. Stay away from fructose (sweet fruit) unless you need a boost within 10 minutes.

Personally, I believe in gelpacks, cytomax and lots of water. Without that stuff, I would bonk within the first 3 hours. The gelpacks fit just about anywhere. Only drawback is that you need to suck one down almost every hour to maintain the carb and electrolyte levels.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
How long are your rides, and how long before you fizzle out?

Staying hydrated (before and during the ride) is as important as anything.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Like Jackson said the #1 thing is to stay hydrated. Bananas are great energy food, I also just cary PB&J sandwiches.
May 22, 2006
waynsesboro va.
My rides very depending on what trail I ride so between 10 minutes to an 1hr all have their equal amounts of climbs-no pure dh's. My favorite afternoon run is 2miles long, and 1/2 is downhill, and the other half flats and climbs. I've made this run in 10-15 minutes before numerous times and felt fine to ride again, I changed my eating habits to start losing some weight and my last 2 rides I felt exhausted after just the downhill part. I do think a part of my problem is I work 6 10hr days, and standing most of those days, but my lack of stamina changed when my food intake changed...Im just curious of what healthy foods I can eat to help give me the energy I need, and still help me lose weight. Possibly too, I may not have enough calories in my diet. Thanks for your help so far guys...


Yoshinoya Destroyer
Jan 20, 2007
Hills of Paradise
You just answered your own question. "not enough calories". It's gonna take your body some time to adjust to the lower caloric intake. If you want to keep the same level of daily calories, try strategically placing those calories throughout the day.

Say 20% for breakfast, 50% for lunch, ride, then 30% for dinner. One other thing to keep in mind is that when you're reducing the amount of calories you ingest, and exercise the same or more, you risk going into ketosis, or worse yet, hyper ketosis. (ketosis is when your body starts to consume muscle because it can't convert the fat stores fast enough). That's where the strategic placement of calories falls in. 2-3 hours before you ride, make sure you get enough calories (mostly through complex carbs, starchy foods) so that before your ride your body has already converted the food into readily available energy . Just try not to eat anything 30min before you ride, cuz your body is going to use the energy you need to begin to digest the food.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Sounds like it's a calorie issue - not necessarily the number of calories but the type of calories, though you didn't say how much/little you're eating each day and when you eat.

Personally, I've seen the best results in terms of weight loss/sustained energy by simply changing what/when I eat, not necessarily how much. I still take in a lot of calories (relatively speaking for someone trying to lose weight), but ~50% of them come before lunch. Lunch and an afternoon snack make up about 35% then the last 15% is at dinner.

Don't be afraid of carbs - they get a bad rap in society today but they are necessary for your body and play a key role in energy levels. Stay away from "white" carbs - anything heavily processed is a no-no, things like white breads, most cereals, potatoes, white pastas. Switch them out with whole grain/whole wheat products and you'll keep the energy without the sugars that come in processed grains.

Good luck. It may take you a while to find out what you like to eat that still keeps your energy up while allowing you to lose weight, but it's worth it in the long run.
May 22, 2006
waynsesboro va.
I cut my eating almost by half thats when everything changed... basically all Id consume was a protein smoothie for breakfast/ with a organic cereal bar then for lunch a sandwich- with lots of water through the day.... Eating whole grain/wheat products is no problem...Most of my eating happens morning through lunch as well. Ill change a few more things and try some of those gel packs before the ride/s. I really think calorie intake and what right things to eat will make a difference. Thanks again