
Ever "racked" yourself as an adult?

Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
While I'm at it with all the questions, might as well find out whether or not I'm the only one who "racks" herself every so often on her bike. Am I just totally unskilled? It happens to me occasionally and the other night I decided that perhaps I could stick a tiny stuffed animal atop the stem to soften the blow. It would look nice and girly. No one would suspect it's armor of sorts!

Edit:grammatical error.


Pretty Boy....That's right, BOY!
Oct 7, 2002
i have a funny nickname from the RDR team, they call me "double headed snake"
so yeah...i'v racked myself good a few times:dead:


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
oh yeah. and everytime it happens and i'm reeling in pain from my neck to my na-na unable to walk i am further in awe of what the fellas have to deal with in that region. hard enough to take the impact with the indoor goods, can't imagine the insanity with the outdoor equipment. holy ouchenschtein.

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
Tried my first no hander over a good sized double the other day (about 18ft lip to lip) and forgot about squeezing my legs together when I let go...I landed without my feet on the pedals, which meant my sack took the full smack. Not the kindest of landings....
Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
Originally posted by El Jefe
...my sack took the full smack. Not the kindest of landings....
Whoops, I think I should've posted my thread in the MudHunnies Secret Forum. I didn't realize so many guys surfed it! And I didn't mean to start a nut explosion thread! :rolleyes:
Almost every time I ride, one guy or another is talking about his nads, which is kinda why I posted over here. We women are usually quiet about racking ourselves when we're on the trail, I think. Not sure, though. But I know that I'm not like, "OW! I just about broke my pelvic bone!" Instead, I'm quiet, thinking back to childhood when it would happen and how as I child I would wonder if I was damaging my body permanently when I racked myself. Guess not. :)


Mar 25, 2003
Traveling the eastern U.S.
Originally posted by Capt. Jack Sparrow
Instead, I'm quiet, thinking back to childhood when it would happen and how as I child I would wonder if I was damaging my body permanently when I racked myself. Guess not. :)
I've heard horror stories from both sexes. My college GF had a pretty traumatic bike accident when she was a girl, resulting in the mutilation of the most sensitive portion of her sexual organs. Consequently, she lost the ability to be stimulated that way. Pretty nasty thing to live with for the rest of yer life.

So, yeah, you might want to consider some pro if yer inclined to get close and personal with the stem.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Originally posted by Capt. Jack Sparrow
Whoops, I think I should've posted my thread in the MudHunnies Secret Forum. I didn't realize so many guys surfed it! And I didn't mean to start a nut explosion thread! :rolleyes:
Almost every time I ride, one guy or another is talking about his nads, which is kinda why I posted over here. We women are usually quiet about racking ourselves when we're on the trail, I think. Not sure, though. But I know that I'm not like, "OW! I just about broke my pelvic bone!" Instead, I'm quiet, thinking back to childhood when it would happen and how as I child I would wonder if I was damaging my body permanently when I racked myself. Guess not. :)
It is all in good fun. :)

I have seen guys pass out in the middle of a desert race (motorcycles) and simply fall off the side of their bike at 20-40mph. It is usually after a harsh high speed save. 10-15 seconds later....after the adrenalin(sp?) wears off and the "sickness" sets in. :eek: Watching a buddy fall off his bike and rag doll across the desert is a interesting specticle. For me I usually slow down and by the time I stop I am ready to puke.

Gas caps on dirt bikes are not what you want to land on or slide into.....*shudder* :dead:

Hippie Kai is in a league all his own....*puke* I didn't see it happen btu I have heard the stories of people that were there......



aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
Originally posted by gorgechris
I've heard horror stories from both sexes. My college GF had a pretty traumatic bike accident when she was a girl, resulting in the mutilation of the most sensitive portion of her sexual organs. Consequently, she lost the ability to be stimulated that way. Pretty nasty thing to live with for the rest of yer life.
oh no!! very sad.
Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
Originally posted by RhinofromWA

I have seen guys pass out in the middle of a desert race (motorcycles) and simply fall off the side of their bike at 20-40mph. ...
Luckily we women don't have that cartoonish physical response to it where we go pale and fall over sideways.


Mar 25, 2003
Traveling the eastern U.S.
Originally posted by chromegoddess
oh no!! very sad.
Yeah, it was pretty weird. She was cool about it, though (pretty tough chick, it wasn't the worst thing that had happened to her), and it did not lessen her sex drive at all. Thank gawd I was 18 at the time, or I never would have been able to keep pace. OK, I'm hijacking this thread, so I'll stop. To keep on topic, yes, it's worth getting a nut/whatever guard.


I'm normal
Oct 2, 2001
Northern Va.
Originally posted by Capt. Jack Sparrow
But I know that I'm not like, "OW! I just about broke my pelvic bone!" Instead, I'm quiet, thinking back to childhood when it would happen and how as I child I would wonder if I was damaging my body permanently when I racked myself. Guess not. :)
That is cuz you were not going fast enough. Do it at speed and that is when the yelling/cursing/falling off the bike/seeing angels etc................ begins.

Also, wait to you experience "seat punch" for the first time. That is a good one too! Hurts just as much. Especially when you are not expecting it.
Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
Originally posted by SDH
....seeing angels etc................ begins.

Also, wait to you experience "seat punch" for the first time. That is a good one too! Hurts just as much. Especially when you are not expecting it.
Hee, hee, "seeing angels."

Seat punch? I think I experienced something similar when I was riding gingerly on my first ride after bruising my tailbone pretty badly... the seat popped up and hit my as* unexpectedly and there I was howling in the woods alone. (Maybe KPicha heard it 'cause she rides near me.) :)


Aug 3, 2002
Northern, VA
LOL! Nope, I missed it. Then again, I've had my own "bounce backs" on that coochie log so I may have drowned out your yelling with my own :)

By the way, there's going to be an evening/night ride at 6:30 if you want to come. Last time I went a couple of weeks ago, it was 3 women and one guy :D Good fun! :)


Dec 8, 2003
Menlo Park, CA
I managed to man-rack my BMX handlebars a few weeks ago, when I cased a jump I wasn't expecting to case.

Yes, I have enough man-titties to man-rack handlebars. Laugh it off. :(


Apr 12, 2004
Lizard Skins makes a padded stem type thing I think you can get it at any shop! good luck, I have never "racked" myself I just go over the bars and the bike runs me over!


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Oh yeah, this past weekend I had a lovely incident where lower pelvis bone met the sharp side of the back of my saddle...:(

I kinda stood there and danced a bit with my bike, then decided the heck with it....the trees aren't gonna give me any simpathy, so I rode the trail on down. I have a pretty little bruise righ tnow and walking/sitting feels...well odd. I think this is prolly teh 2nd worst one I've had.. the first being the time I got my ass sucked between the rear tire and seat tube....ouch!


Sep 30, 2003
i had a good one im moab, i did a drop, went back to far behind the seat, caught the tire right on, it slammed my crotch forward with drag-racing-motorcycle-like acceleration, right into that nice little bar, not only a good racking, but enough to knock the wind out of ya cuz of the seat to the chest!
fun fun!

Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
Originally posted by Jr_Bullit
[B...I got my ass sucked between the rear tire and seat tube....ouch! [/B]
These injuries folks are describing... phew. Not looking forward to getting my privates sucked between any piece of metal and a tire!


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Originally posted by Capt. Jack Sparrow
These injuries folks are describing... phew. Not looking forward to getting my privates sucked between any piece of metal and a tire!
The "racking" incident you quoted...lol...just imagine being a guy with dangly things to get sucked by the tire. That was one of those times I got off the bike and went...phew...I'm SO glad I'm not a guy.


Mar 24, 2004
Originally posted by Capt. Jack Sparrow
Luckily we women don't have that cartoonish physical response to it where we go pale and fall over sideways.
heh, speak for yourself ;)

i've racked myself pretty good a few times, the most painful is when my pelvic bone hits my stem... ouchie. there were a couple of times i had to get off my bike and fall to the ground and curse loudly for a few minutes...


Dec 19, 2003
Originally posted by Capt. Jack Sparrow
While I'm at it with all the questions, might as well find out whether or not I'm the only one who "racks" herself every so often on her bike. Am I just totally unskilled? It happens to me occasionally and the other night I decided that perhaps I could stick a tiny stuffed animal atop the stem to soften the blow. It would look nice and girly. No one would suspect it's armor of sorts!

Edit:grammatical error.
I think you should of ask who hasn't ever racked them self.:eek:


Sep 19, 2003
Bellingham, WA
Originally posted by Jr_Bullit
The "racking" incident you quoted...lol...just imagine being a guy with dangly things to get sucked by the tire. That was one of those times I got off the bike and went...phew...I'm SO glad I'm not a guy.
hehe that happened to allsk8sno.
his stinky has about |<--->| that much space and its all on video MWAHAHAHAHAHA:D :D :devil: :devil:
Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
Originally posted by rainbow_smoke
hehe that happened to allsk8sno.
his stinky has about |<--->| that much space and its all on video MWAHAHAHAHAHA:D :D :devil: :devil:
Oh, I can't even imagine the pain! I must say, when guys crash near me, lay in the fetal position, and don't get up, I get so worried. Reminds me of childhood... playing football with the guys... so much talk about, "Ow! My n*ts!"


When I was a kid I got in a fight with a friend... he gave me a bloody nose and I kicked him in the nads. The next day (he seemed to think it was the ultimate compliment) he said, "Jenn, you really got me yesterday. They still hurt. Way to go!"


Jun 19, 2004
Food Fondlers' Convention
I'm known to rack myself in the strangest of situations. bunny-hopping curbs, tiny table tops, or simply riding down the street. I've got some experience in racking, and other things. there's a three inch gash in my leg from dropping a curb
Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
flatulant_man said:
I'm known to rack myself in the strangest of situations. bunny-hopping curbs, tiny table tops, or simply riding down the street. I've got some experience in racking, and other things. there's a three inch gash in my leg from dropping a curb
Oh, Flatulant Man, let's talk about something. How shall I say this? No one wants to walk into a forum after a visit by a flatulant man. Please tell me you regard yourself to be pompous and not burdened by excessive gas.


Feb 25, 2002
I had a foot come out of a pedal bunnyhopping a log at speed. Only caught one of the boys but i certainly saw stars. But I'd have to say the worst experience Ive had in this vein was getting caught under a pit at a Johnny Quest (anyone remember them?) show and having my equipment stepped on hard enough to bruise all over.


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
oh man the worst nutting ive had was off a drop i landed to hard on my bighit. and i managed to get my whole package(weener nuts evrything)in between the frame and the tire. my god man that was worse than my cracked rib. i was afraid i was gonna have probs after. but no plumbing probs here


Jul 25, 2004
KPicha said:
LOL-yeah, there's one particular log that's gotten me a couple of times so I now call it the "coochie log" ;) Owweee.
my girlfriend is laughing her head off right now!!


Jan 22, 2004
Boulder CO
Ha I did it during a race yesterday -- one of my brake pads fell off - needless to say my braking power was diminished.. and I went straight into two rocks, the stem straight into the pelvic bone. It hurt, and then I got passed .. poo.

Random addition ... have any of the girls experience numbness?? you know in the "swim suit area" - Boy does that suck!!


Aug 3, 2002
Northern, VA
Owweee! I feel your pain! On that note, when I was about 10 yrs old, I did the same thing and ended up with a bruise that lasted for at least 3 years :eek: I thought for sure I wasn't going to be able to have any children (I have 4 now so no worries there :) )


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Jr_Bullit said:
Oh yeah, this past weekend I had a lovely incident where lower pelvis bone met the sharp side of the back of my saddle...:(
that exact same thing happened to me in my race run last sunday. t-boned a tree straight on w/ the front wheel, and plowed into the back of the saddle. still v sore. :dead:


Aug 20, 2004
I have racked myself so many times it is terrible

I have pulled my breaks too hard and came off the seat and onto the crossbar and squashed both of the lads, it was awful i fell off and couldnt breathe properly, and i cudent get up for like 15 mins, and cudent walk properly for a good 3 hours

Speaking of getting ur bits caught in the tire and the bar, that has also happened, i was wearing loose shorts and fell back at first it tire burned my scrotum and ripped it a little bit, then it pulled loads of it in and half of one of my balls, i was just going crazy and it took ages to pull out and my balls were numb for the next month or so, it was a terrible experience

I think girls do have the advantage with nothing to actually squash or that dangle down there, but it is deffinitly a horrible experience