
Extran or Accelerade


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Has anyone tried either of these energy drinks? They were reviewed in Bicycling magazine and I am interested to know if anyone has had experience with either of them. Accelerade looks good because it has a 4 to 1 carb to protein ration.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Originally posted by MtnBikerChk
There's also endurox. We haven't tried them but we've been looking into them.
Endurox tastes horrible, horrible, horrible. I still gag when I think about it.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I have asked about Accelerade on a number of message boards, and NO ONE can tell me anything about it (as far as personal experience goes). DAMMIT! :angryfire I saw a news report on a cable sports channel, and they expalined how the New York Rangers use Accelerade between periods of hockey games. It contains both carbs and protein. I'd like to try it out, but I don't want to risk $30 on something that I am going to hate.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Originally posted by I Are Baboon
I have asked about Accelerade on a number of message boards, and NO ONE can tell me anything about it (as far as personal experience goes). DAMMIT! :angryfire I saw a news report on a cable sports channel, and they expalined how the New York Rangers use Accelerade between periods of hockey games. It contains both carbs and protein. I'd like to try it out, but I don't want to risk $30 on something that I am going to hate.
Yah, I don't want to be the test monkey either. The mag. gave it thumbs up for monster endurance for multi-day long distance riding. But thumbs down for the creamy consistency that takes getting used to. I don't really want to have to "get used" to anything I drink when I ride.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Originally posted by Heidi

Yah, I don't want to be the test monkey either. The mag. gave it thumbs up for monster endurance for multi-day long distance riding. But thumbs down for the creamy consistency that takes getting used to. I don't really want to have to "get used" to anything I drink when I ride.
"Creamy"? Yuck. But I guess it can't be any worse than my protein shakes. I dunno...when I ride, the last thing I want is something "creamy." I want cold, light, and easily/quickly absorbed.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Originally posted by I Are Baboon

"Creamy"? Yuck. But I guess it can't be any worse than my protein shakes. I dunno...when I ride, the last thing I want is something "creamy." I want cold, light, and easily/quickly absorbed.
OK, then you try the Extran and tell me what you think, here is its review:

Thumbs up: Super-easy digestion. Quick energy bost. Clean flavor with no lingering aftertast.

Thumbs down: You have to mix a little stronger for a long haul.

Special notes: Predominant sports beverage of the Tour.


Jul 9, 2001
I just started using the Endurox R4 after ride. I've only used it twice so I'll let you know how it works after a few more uses. It tastes like crap!


Want fries with that?
Jan 4, 2002
e-caps makes some great stuff. i've used the hammer gel and it is the ONLY gel i'll use. no simple sugars = no stomach cramps and no sugar crashes. it's pretty cheap about 15 bones for a jug, breaks it down to something like 70 cents a serving i think? many many flavors to choose from, my personal favorite is the raspberry. they also make an energy drink i'm going to test out. in theory it looks pretty nice. there isn't any flavor to it so you can mix in alot for long ass road rides and just have that one bottle of energy drink for the ride and how ever many bottles of water, or you can make it as thin as you want. but here is the kicker.... you can mix in the hammer gel to mix and match flavors. endless possibilities w/ this drink. i plan on getting when i get paid in 2 weeks, i'll let you know how much i like it. if it works as well as the gel then i would say that e-caps has the market on lock down.

nite rider

Feb 20, 2002
Medford, MA
i havn't tried any of those drinks however all they are is advanced versions of the original Gatorade. A lot of sports drinks and "endurance" drinks have a lot of sugar in it. Who the hell wants to drink a "creamy" drink while racing?? do you squirt that in the rider's eye behind you? heh

Here is what I use and it's homeade. Much cheaper than buying other crap out there.

Mix a little orange juice and honey in water. That's it! The oj will give you potassium to stop your cramps and the honey provides the carbs. Simple and effective.

Or, a variation could be the same mix in a watered-down gatorade (watered down because you don't want all the sugar).

rock on!


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Originally posted by nite rider
i havn't tried any of those drinks however all they are is advanced versions of the original Gatorade. A lot of sports drinks and "endurance" drinks have a lot of sugar in it. Who the hell wants to drink a "creamy" drink while racing?? do you squirt that in the rider's eye behind you? heh

Here is what I use and it's homeade. Much cheaper than buying other crap out there.

Mix a little orange juice and honey in water. That's it! The oj will give you potassium to stop your cramps and the honey provides the carbs. Simple and effective.

Or, a variation could be the same mix in a watered-down gatorade (watered down because you don't want all the sugar).

rock on!
But there is a lot of protein that I need for endurance rides in some of these drinks. Doesn't the OJ gmake your stomach too acidicy? (sp?)

nite rider

Feb 20, 2002
Medford, MA
woah! protein? Protein won't make you ride longer, it's the carbs that do that. You just need to make sure you aren't getting too much sugar for your money because the simple carbs (sugar) will give you a boost, but bring you right back down harder. look for a drink with a ratio of 3-1 (carbs to protein)

the oj won't upset your stomach. I only out like a few tablespoons in the waterbottle and the rest water. Use the non-pulp if you try it so the pulp doesn't clog the bottle. As for the honey, I put a teaspoon or so. It works great, good for spinning also!


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
LOL, yes, believe me, I know. I need the protein for days when I can't eat much because I am riding ALL DAY! Are you saying I don't need protein at all when I ride back to back to back long days? I used to add whey protein to my Cytomax but I wanna find a different drink that already has protein.

nite rider

Feb 20, 2002
Medford, MA
no, i'm not saying you don't need protein because that is what keeps your muscle mass, however you don't want it while you ride. you put whey in your cytomax??? you don't want very much, if any protein during a ride. however, you do want protein after a ride. I make a Ultimate whey shake after I lift (60 min window of opportunity) and usually after I ride hard so my muscles stay fueled.

Protein is good for building, however you want more carbs if you are doing a lot of riding. The carbs (complex) give you the energy to ride hard.

Please don't put whey in your Cytomax. that's disgusting hehe. :p

nite rider

Feb 20, 2002
Medford, MA
throw up? 2tb of oj, 1tsp of honey, rest water. how would that make you throw up? try it before you knock it.

If you want to spend money on drinks and sugar, go for it.


Want fries with that?
Jan 4, 2002
my stomach doesn't take to OJ in warm weather espically while i'm working out. even in the least bit man. most sports drinks don't really do all that much, it's more of a believe in it and it will work type deal.....that goes espically w/ pills.

nite rider

Feb 20, 2002
Medford, MA
yeah i hear ya. sports drinks don't do ****, especially if they are all sugar, however they do offer some help during high intensity sessions such through spinning when you are sweating every last once of water out of you. the electrolytes help to prevent cramping. don't use sports drinks while lifting.. your wasting your money.