
!@#$% Finally Friday GMT %$#@!


Sep 8, 2009

Not too much planned for this weekend besides my buddy's tailgate party for the Bills game on Sunday. We all park our cars & trucks on his front lawn and put the TV outside. It's nice cause we can we can have whatever we want without any stadium parking lot regulations (fire pit, fryers, open containers... etc). And, we don't have to do the long drive of shame all the way home after we lose to the Bears.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Raining outside. :think: Punching out early this afternoon, taking two days off and heading up to Estes Park for teh Longs Peak Scottish-Irish Highland Festival. Because Whiskey and Beer.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Punching out early this afternoon, taking two days off and heading up to Estes Park for teh Longs Peak Scottish-Irish Highland Festival. Because Whiskey and Beer.
i might have drove past that one year.....does it involve a bunch of poll tossing gingers in kilts?


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Caber tossing. Things must have been really fun in old world Scotland. "hey, let's see how far we can throw a whole tree".

That's what we'd all be doing if not for bikes.

Also, slow ride yesterday but in before the rain today. I then made enough dinner for leftovers but accidentally ate all of it.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
'Morning. Not sure if I have to poop. I don't like this feeling.
Be soothed by the fact that, eventually, you will have to poop.

Unless you die first. Even then you will probably poop, just in your corpse pants. Then some poor bastard in a funeral home is going to have to clean up your shitty pants. How embarrassing, I feel bad for you.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
So my son, who hasn't wet the bed since winter (and is almost 4), has wet the bed two nights in a row now. THe first night, he slept through it, but last night he was up at 3:30. It took me at least an hour to get back to sleep, and he shows up in my room at 5:30am wanting to cuddle. I think it's a combination of starting school (new environment, new routine, lots of changes yada yada yada), and the fact that he doesn't drink at all during the day at school, comes home thirsty and drinks like a gallon of water in the evening... gonna have to figure this one out quick caus' 4.5 hours of sleep isn't going to be very good for coming into work.

needless to say, no amount of coffee will be enough today. tgif.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
'Morning. Not sure if I have to poop. I don't like this feeling.
Be soothed by the fact that, eventually, you will have to poop.

Unless you die first. Even then you will probably poop, just in your corpse pants. Then some poor bastard in a funeral home is going to have to clean up your shitty pants. How embarrassing, I feel bad for you.
Sometimes it just doesn't happen :( I ran into this problem yesterday, it felt like I had to take a good poop all day. However, every time I sat on the pooper, nothing but air came out. Plenty of air. So much air. Confused? A little.
Today will be scary, as I am tired and drinking extra amounts of coffee.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Mornin champs.

The dog is finally starting to heal up after a nasty infection set in and was compromising healing of the toe. Perhaps he heard the phrase "amputation" and started to shape up.

Not much on tap for this weekend. Maybe a ride if the weather clears up, otherwise it'll just be checking some things off the to do list.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Howdy all. Had rehearsal last night with a new group, and I think I'll stick with them this season.

This weekend I'm a groomsman for my high school buddy's wedding. I couldn't get today off from work, so I have the pleasure of flying on a connecting flight to Cincinnati... 12:30 AM-6 AM Saturday morning, roughly. Then photos/wedding stuff/sleep/fly back Sunday morning exhausted.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada

My new routine: bruised ribs -> high vitamin I intake -> poop obstructions. At least the coffee is good. Also, Friday!!
I feel your pain re the bruised ribs. I hit a tree with mine at the end of May, and I can still feel those suckers under certain circumstances... was off the bike for 7 weeks. Heal up quick.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Caber tossing. Things must have been really fun in old world Scotland. "hey, let's see how far we can throw a whole tree".
i had a friend who was of scottish descent in high school....had relatives still over there and sh!t......my younger brother was in the wedding....was required to go the commando/kilt route....only thing....friend wasn't a fire crotch.....
Last edited:


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
I feel your pain re the bruised ribs. I hit a tree with mine at the end of May, and I can still feel those suckers under certain circumstances... was off the bike for 7 weeks. Heal up quick.
Thanks! Funny thing is, I felt nothing the first day after the crash. Two, three days later - I cannot take a deep breath. I am riding through this discomfort, I just cannot pull on the bars much which makes technical climbing challenging.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Thanks! Funny thing is, I felt nothing the first day after the crash. Two, three days later - I cannot take a deep breath. I am riding through this discomfort, I just cannot pull on the bars much which makes technical climbing challenging.
ibuprofen and acetaminophen are your friends! especially before the ride.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Good morning. Cold and rainy here, perfect green chile weather. Soooooo... I threw together some Chile Verde Chicken Chili (or some such shenanigans) in the crock pot this morning. Work now, coffee, code. Buddy coming to Denver tomorrow, a good friend who was one of the guys that introduced me to mountain biking. So, I figure I should put his Georgia-dwelling ass on a single speed and have him pedal a couple thousand vertical with no warm up.

And then there's also this...


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR

My new routine: bruised ribs -> high vitamin I intake -> poop obstructions. At least the coffee is good. Also, Friday!!
My ribs still hurt 2 weeks after crashing at the skate park (on my board, not bike). I've just been trying not to sneeze since that seems to hurt the worst.