
First Car?


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Toshi said:
being able to control a kart at the limit of adhesion doesn't have much bearing on whether or not the kid will drive like an asshat (tailgating, speeding, swerving, not signaling, etc.), which is the real issue at hand.

This was alot of what my original point was. Then Justsomeguy and i got into a Debate. It wasnt an arguement, it was a debate, one i enjoyed quite a bit actually

Man thiss thread got hijacked something fierce didnt it!!!

Still no picks of your car yet Kid??


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
DirtyMike said:
Proving the difference between corning and braking. thats simple, is there anyways Possible that a 2klb plus Auto is going to be able to corner like a 150lb tops kart?? And do you really think a 2klb plus car can stop as fast as that kart can??
give the car enough contact patch and sure, it can do those things.

DirtyMike said:
Quick reminder for you, Auto's is what i do for a living, Two Degree's. Currently have All ten ASe certs available for automotive. Four more in the Deisel feild. Justsomeguy had some Very valid points, he also backed up what he was saying and i acknowledged that, you on the other hand, you need to go take soem classes and learn about the two matters before showing that you really just felt like ripping on someone and making yourself look like an ass. Do you even know what Caster, Camber, Toe and SAI are???? I was looking at what Justsomeguy was Putting up because i could tell with what he was saying there was something behind it. Your turn, show me you have some kind of clue about what your talking about.
i have to admit that i had to look up what SAI is. but yes, i know what the others are, and put them to good use when specifying how my car's coilovers should be setup. (i settled on -2.5 camber, +5.0 caster, 0 toe.)

and btw, i don't feel like your certs as an auto mechanic make you any more of an authority as far as this discussion goes.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Toshi said:
i have to admit that i had to look up what SAI is. but yes, i know what the others are, and put them to good use when specifying how my car's coilovers should be setup. (i settled on -2.5 camber, +5.0 caster, 0 toe.)


SAI is Steering Angle Inclination. Its how aggressive your inner tire turns compared to your outer tire, making them turn without scrubbing. What kind of car??? Sounds like a track setup you have. Only thing throwing me is the camber. Makes me curious what car it is and what its Main use is.

black noise

Turbo Monkey
Dec 31, 2004
Santa Cruz
Regardless of how much better a car racer you can be by driving a gokart, it won't make you much of a better city driver. City driving is rarely that fast and usually doesn't involve that kind of car handling, so pretty much anyone can pilot a car down roads at 25mph.

Gokarts don't teach you how to signal, avoid pedestrians or bikers, and follow the general rules of the road. This comes with drivers ed or real experience (on a real road, not a track).


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
DirtyMike said:
See i can go with this statement here, i never said Karting wasnt going to overall make someone a better driver. Just stated that it wasnt What made you a good driver, then further more went on to state what really mattered, time behind the wheel.

Which Driving school did you go to Btw? I am curious is all
I went to a kart driving school at the local track. At that time I was heavy into car racing, and hung out with guys who drove big cars, and they were able to teach me alot.

And in racing, seat time is way important. But think of it this way... You can go to Whistler and ride, and learn and figure stuff out on your own... or you can go to Whistler and take a clinic where seasoned pros teach you skills and techniques. Who do you think will progress faster? The guy who has to figure it out on his own or the guy who is being taught? Both can be great riders, but in the beginning, the guy with instruction will be ahead of the learning curve.

I grok what you are saying and I agree.

And one of the things that makes karts similar to cars is the scale. Don't forget that not only do like 90% of F1 and CART drivers start in karts, most of them credit karts for their skills.


Underwater monkey
Mar 9, 2005
Bicyclist said:
I know it's been like a year, but I wanted to give an update. I just got a 1970 Porsche 914 1.7L. I can work on it myself and I plan to do an engine rebuild soon.

For all you grandmas out there, it has 80HP stock via a VW Type IV so it's not exactly a rocket ship.

Nice! Post up some pics. I miss mine...

Hope you have a good tool kit, 'cause you will be spending a lot of time underneath her and swearing! 914s are fun till they break.

What size engine will you put in? It's not a rocketship now, but it's very very easy to turn her into one.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
DirtyMike said:
What kind of car??? Sounds like a track setup you have. Only thing throwing me is the camber. Makes me curious what car it is and what its Main use is.
'02 WRX. many mods (Street Modified class as per SCCA), 283 whp on a dynojet a few weeks ago. i'm trying to autocross 1 day a week, but it looks like it'll work out to about once every 3 weeks with a few rallycrosses and a track day thrown in as well.



Oct 3, 2005
DirtyMike said:
Does the fact someone is good at gokarts make them good with a car???
The physics is the same so if someone is truly good in a Kart then they should have good car control skills, which is only one part of driving on the street.

DirtyMike said:
I am good at driving a car, and pretty much Suck at karts, i just dont have much wheel time in the karts.
Then you aren't as "good" at driving a car as you think you are. Your belief that you're a "good" driver and your confusion about vehicle dynamics is quite common actually. I see it frequently with drivers that come to the track for their first time.

DirtyMike said:
In my mind when you say Physics, i read that a 150 lb kart cannot be the same as a 2k lb Auto.
Weight transfer is weight transfer. The same skill set is transferable between Karts and cars.

DirtyMike said:
But corning in a kart, and cornering in a car are vastly different, as well as braking.
The physics don't change.

DirtyMike said:
There will be no end to this debate, Both of us are either Bias in one way or another, or were are just not communicating exactly what we mean.
Yes I'm biased. I'm biased towards facts. You're biased based upon a lack of experience and apparently not understanding vehicle dynamics.

DirtyMike said:
On the note of Big time racers Praticing in karts. I have a couple friends that work some of the Pit crews, ill research it more and see how much Practice is done in a kart vs car.
Google is your friend.

DirtyMike said:
Quick reminder for you, Auto's is what i do for a living, Two Degree's. Currently have All ten ASe certs available for automotive. Four more in the Deisel feild.
Wrenching on cars doesn't mean squat as far as understanding vehicle dynamics, driving experience and/or ability.

DirtyMike said:
Proving the difference between corning and braking. thats simple, is there anyways Possible that a 2klb plus Auto is going to be able to corner like a 150lb tops kart?? And do you really think a 2klb plus car can stop as fast as that kart can??
The physics is the same (sound familiar?).

My car corners, accelerates, and brakes much better when I'm running my race wheels and race rubber. The vehicle dynamics remain the same however.

black noise said:
City driving is rarely that fast and usually doesn't involve that kind of car handling, so pretty much anyone can pilot a car down roads at 25mph.
Why do you assume that the only driving will be "city driving"?

Regardless, even at low speeds having superior car control skills is beneficial. For when the child/dog/ etc. runs out from between parked cars, someone drops oil around a corner, someone pulls out in front of you because they're yacking on the phone, etc.

black noise

Turbo Monkey
Dec 31, 2004
Santa Cruz
justsomeguy said:
Why do you assume that the only driving will be "city driving"?

Regardless, even at low speeds having superior car control skills is beneficial. For when the child/dog/ etc. runs out from between parked cars, someone drops oil around a corner, someone pulls out in front of you because they're yacking on the phone, etc.
Because for most people that's all the driving they do. I assume he's going to drive to his girlfriend's house or drive to trails, and because that's where it counts most being a responsible driver. Go-kart skills won't help you remember to signal, cross lanes of traffic, and make a left turn while avoiding bikes and talking on your cell phone.

Unless this guy was intending to be a racecar driver, go-karts won't help him become a responsible city driver. I've driven a go-kart once, and I feel that I'm a pretty good driver, because I'm forced to pay attention with the car I drive. Having a sheet of metal and a tire between you and an oncoming car makes you drive safely.