
first post and questions


Aug 24, 2003
I'm getting ready to jump into this sport. I'm gona start out riding some trails and gettin the feel of things. I haven't bought a bike yet, and i'm trying to decide which direction to take. I've heard about some good bikes from various places. I would like to get an entry level bike around 500 dollars. I want something that will last tho and be able to take some decent abuse. Some of the bikes that sound good so far are the Giant Iguana disk, Giant Rainer (probably slightly out of pricerange), treck 4500, gary fisher tassajara(sp?). Basically i've gathered that in this price range the bikes will be pretty similar with slight componet differences. I'm wondering about the motobecane usa bikes. My closest lbs has a 600ht for 499 http://www.motobecane.com/20036ht.html
Is this a good deal. Has anyone had experience with this brand or specific bike? What are some other "bare essentials" of mountain biking? I have a camelbak. What are the most important tools of the trade to have? What's a good, cheap helmet? THANKS for everyone's help.



Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001

For this price, get a used bike or wait a little bit until you have more money. Of the bike you listed, I believe only the Giant Iguana is off-road worthy. Without carefully checking all the specs, I'm pretty sure only the Giant has an oil-damped fork while the others only have MCUs in them.

My friend was in your situation a few weeks ago and I helped him shopping. I strongly suggested him to get a RockHopper, but he though it was too expensive, so the next one on the list was the Iguana. I advised him not to get anything of lower quality than the Iguana if he wanted to really enjoy his mountain biking experience...but he didn't listen to me and he bought a 4500. He's happy and that's all that matters...

My advice: Try to find a used bike for this price. Most of the bike you listed can be used for occasionnal off-road riding, but if you want to seriously get in the sport, get something better.


Feb 20, 2003
When I was interested in getting into mountainbiking, the guy at the bike shop tried to sell me into a better bike and I wouldn't listen. The gearing sucked and drivetrain was prone to failures, the fork failed on the first big hit, (mistake) and I could never keep the thing adjusted. If you plan on carrying it on the back of your motorhome and riding around the RV park, then $300-500 should do it. If you think that you might enjoy off-road riding (and you will) then wait a little, spend maybe $200-300 more, buy a hardtail and you will get a entry level race bike with better gearing (go anywhere), better front fork (adjustable, rebuildable), that's lighter, stronger and faster on the trail. A comparable fully suspended bike would be closer to $1000 or more.


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
The Iguana Disc is a good entry level bike, and like others said, dont go any lower in quality than that. Just to emphasize, everyone else, you probably should wait, and get a nice hardtail set up really nicely. Look at it this way..... If you go with a cheaper bike, in 3 mos, you are going to start breaking stuff and needing to upgrade. A new crankset, $80. New drivetrain, variable. New this, New that, It adds up. Its better to spend more at the beggining and get nicer componants than having to upgrade later.

Another thing to think about, where are you looking to go with the sport? Keeping it at XC, getting into DJ, Downhill, Urban, etc. If you look at what you might be doing in 6 mos, buy a bike more suited to that. (I speak from experiance, belive me. I bought a Jamis Dakar strictly XC bike, and then got into freeriding. I tore that bike up in a matter of weeks. I then had to go out and buy a whole new bike, and wasted the $600 I spent on the Dakar. Just somthing to think about)


Aug 24, 2003
thanks for the comments bro- i decided to buy a used hardtail..a haro ics 5.0..nice frickin bike...i payed 550 for it (including shipping) supposedly it was supposed to be shipped last tuesday...tueday is the 9th and no bike...i called my bank yesterday, and they're gona look into getting me my money back....do you guys think it's possible that the bike is still being shipped from d.c to AZ? Anyways, if i end up gettin the bike...great! if not, i think i'm gona buy something super cheap and crappy for some chump change....start riding till i break something and try different kinds of riding. Then i'll have a better idea what i want to get into...right now i think i'll be riding rough trails and such. I doubt i'll do any downhilling, or hardcore freeriding, drops and such...i don't really know what all the riding types are exactly :D so...yah....if ya have any imput please say so


Aug 24, 2003
Yah, bro it sounds fun...but i don't think i got the bux for a freeride bike...i'm was wondernig if anyone who had dealt with shipping a bike knew how long it took to ship.


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
It depends on where you ordered it from. Is it from an online distruibutor, a person, a bike shop.......? Whoever it is from should be able to give you a tracking number from UPS or FedEx, or however they delivered it. If you got an order number from the company you ordered from, call them up and ask for the status on the order. If you didnt get an order number, call them up and ask them why, and THEN ask them the status on the order. If you think your getting Dic*ed around, place stop payment on your check and order from somewhere reliable.

I just ordered a new fork from BeyondBikes.com, and it took about a week to get here. I just ordered somthing from 123bikes.com, and chose 3 day select shipment, and its schedualed to be delivered on Thurs, from an order placed over the weekend.

Hope this was somewhat of a help, it is afterall 2 in the morning, and I have class in 7 hours, I'm a little burned out........


Aug 24, 2003
it was from a seller on ebay, i was the highest bidder but reserve wasn't met, so i emailed him to see if we could work something out...he said yeah....i was SUPPOSED to get a tracking number...but i never did...i do think i'm getting "dic*ed" around.
I called the bank to refute the payment and they're "workin on it"



Nov 27, 2002
Sammamish, WA
Hopefully you looked into the seller rather seriously, I refuse to buy expensive stuff on ebay for just that reason. I have caught too many people in scams there, in addition to buy/sell ads on sites like MTBR.

Try getting a hold of the seller and get a phone number or some way of getting a hold of him to discuss the issue. Email now of days when it comes to selling is bogus.

If you end up getting your money back, and no bike.... let me know, I built a pretty burly hardtail for trail riding/commuting to campus/urban and even worthy of some free riding.

Hope you get it all worked out and welcome to RM!


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
I started off with a full hardtail balance bike back in the day, was something like $429 which was the cheapest aluminum frame bike I could find. That thing rocked for years. I ended upgrading the stem, brakes, and added a shock years later and it still to this day as the same fork and stem on the bike. It was a good bike for learning everything on.

I then for like 4 years got into other things (cars, girls, girls...) and the rest was history...

Now, a year ago I decided to get back into it. I didn't know what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted a bike that I could ride anywhere. Downhill, in town, up hills etc... I knew now working, and being able to afford more expensive things, that I knew from my previous bike what I wanted/liked and what I could get in my price range. I figured a 4-5" front/rear travel bike, 24-27 gears, good aluminum frame, and a strong set of wheels because I was always hard on wheels.

I contacted a local bike builder who as kids rode his bikes, and he now makes full suspension bikes and since they remembered me from being friends with his son as a child I got a good deal, from someone who hurt themselfs and needed to sell some parts used, and some new. I got a killer deal none the less.

Now that bike is bomb proof. I am looking into a full on only DH bike as I can see there is no real "do everything" bike. A bike will be good going downhill but sucks going uphill type things. I am now looking into the used market for a complete bike as they are expensive new, but not all that bad used.

If you said "I have $500 to spend" I'd tell you to save up a tad more because you will not regret it. I am not saying go spend $2,000 on a bike, but like $750-900 and you will be set. Base what you need/want on a good solid starting base. FRAME. If the frame is good then the other parts can be added around it to get what you need, but if you buy a bike based on parts only then you might be missing out on some good frame starting points.

I was told that in 2004 for the bikes comming out because "black diamond riding" or freeride bikes are going to be out in full force, and so many manufactures are going to have them in their line and mountian bike action's suggestion was to wait. There may be some really good deals comming up.

All in all I agree, check for a used bike first. Just don't buy some gimp name brand (like union or huffy etc...).

Good Luck,


Dec 19, 2003
Lake Stevens, WA
have u checked out the kona hardtails. they make a pretty decent hardtail for a pretty good price. depending on what kind of riding your going to do, i'd check out the kona, the specilized p3, or the norco 125. they all have strong frames for a good price. you'd probally only have to spend $200 more to get one of these bikes.


Jan 18, 2004
San Diego, CA
Ride SD? Used to ride ATT. (most of it) passed on some of the bigger stunts.

Looking for beginner / Intermediate DH type runs,... besides the obvious. Don't post local... PM me or email


PS. I've been to the Insurance Trail...
Calling SpeedJunkie!


Jan 31, 2004
Hey, The iguana disc is a great way to go. if you live in the seattle area, There is a great shop in ballard called bike sport, its on 56th and 24th, they have one iguana disc left, and I'm pretty sure its on sale right now. its a great bike. I think its a 17" Its a great bike for the money. I was looking at one of those for a long time. There are also a couple other bikes that are in the $500 price range and lower that would work. Giant has a new line called the STP(street trials park) that would be a great bike if you're looking to do more jumping and that sort of thing. stp1 goes for 100, stp2 goes for 600, stp3 goes for 400. any of those bikes would be good.