
first race/fear of the chairlift!

Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
Dear hunnies,

Helllooooo! I did my first race ever (of any kind) this weekend--it was the Virginia State DH Championship/Mid-Atlantic Cup race #1 at Massanutten Resort in Virginia.

The thing that stands out most in my mind about the whole experience was that I've never been around so many nice and supportive people. There were approx. 100 racers, six of which were women.


The worst thing about it was the chairlift! I am afraid of heights and haven't been on a chairlift in 12 years. And at this lift, you have to put the bike on your lap and support it yourself. (And hang onto your Camelback and your big ol' helmet.) Thank God my bike only weighs about 35 pounds. Even so, it put my leg asleep because I rested it on my knee. My palms sweated so badly that my bike got wet through my gloves!

When it was time to get off the chairlift, the operator asked me if he needed to stop the lift so I could get off. (He could see the fear in my eyes.) I know how annoying stopping the lift can be since it leaves all the other riders swaying a bit, so I told him I was fine. I was not fine.

I knew to just lift the bike up and kind of roll it, but that's not what happened. I started tripping up on my bike when I tried to stand up. I knew the bike, the chair, and I were about to get in a nasty tangle, so I threw my bike straight in front of me about five feet. (I guess I've started a new sporting event called the Gemini Toss!) I just outright flung it through the air. I spend how much on a bike and then I just throw it like garbage?!!! All who saw it said they had never seen anything like that before. Well, that's what I'm here for as a beginner to the sport--I'm here to shock and amaze with my newbie talents!

I exited the chair without injury to anything besides my ego. Even my bike was fine. I only took one practice run for a couple reasons, and one of them was the chair. When I used the lift again for my race run, I made sure the rider in the chair ahead of me, MudHunny Kirstin, told the operator to stop the lift. :)

All in all, the race was super fun, I'm completely happy with how I rode and happy with my attitude towards it (not caring how fast I rode--just trying not to fall or crash, which I succeeded at), and I can't wait to race again! I hope there are more women at the next race I go to. And kudos to the women I raced with yesterday!

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
Congrats on your first race!!!

The "Gemini Toss" sounded like it was quite the interesting event, wonder if it's destined to be the next Olympic sport ;)


Aug 3, 2002
Northern, VA
Very nice! Sorry, to hear about your chairlift experience. I wonder how I would react now to one of those now that I have a few of heights after having children. I hope that doesn't hinder any future plans for racing. :)

What did you think of the course? Was it difficult for you? sounds like it was a lot of fun!
Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
Originally posted by KPicha
....What did you think of the course? Was it difficult for you? sounds like it was a lot of fun!
Yes, it was difficult for me, but not enough for me to get frustrated and down about it, like I do on some trails at the Watershed in Maryland where I ride the most. It's not like the course was so steep that once ya fell off your bike, it was difficult to get back on. The hardest parts were the rock gardens. Funny thing, I didn't know what the orange paint on particular rocks meant so I ignored the paint and chose the line I felt was best. (It means "danger".)


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
three cheers for CJS!! congratulations on the first race...and for doing it under such trecherous chairlift conditions. i like the chair for it's relaxation time...but that can't be done while you're holding on for dear life. you're a champ for making it through the gemini toss. hip hip hooray!


Dec 5, 2003
yeah, congrats on your first race!! awesome! Sorry to hear about the lift - I'm sure you'll get used to it after a while. It's much easier when they hang the bike for you and you can just chill on the chair. The Gemini toss - although probably harmful to your bike - sounds kinda fun. I played the M-1 toss game once...under different circumstances - I like the motive behind the Gemini toss better. I'm pretty sure I saw a bike-toss contest in the film "Hardi-hood"...it's a real sport!
Congrats on your first race...


Feb 26, 2003
SD Cali
Woo hoo! Congrats on making it thorugh your first race in one piece! The questions is, did your bike survive the Gemini toss in one piece, though?

Racing is incredibly habit forming and addictive...once you get that taste of competition and comraderie, it's more powerful (and probably about as expensive) as a nasty drug habit!!!

Did you happen to get any pics?

Nice work!!!:D :D :D


Feb 26, 2003
SD Cali
Originally posted by Capt. Jack Sparrow
Thanks all for your congrats. :)

The Gemini survived the toss, despite landing derailleur (sp?)-side down!!!!!

Here's a pic of me riding as if I was on my old Gary Fisher hybrid or something!

Capt. Jack racing at Massanutten
Very nice pic!:D

Man, the east coast has some of the most beautiful trails and the dirt is so good!!! I've raced a Master's World's in Bromont a few times and I'm just always so blown away about how awesome the riding is.:D


Oct 10, 2001
Congrats Sparrow on the great race! I know what you mean about that lift, though. I always get scared of that thing (and I really hate the ones that sit even higher, since I'm really short, and having to jump up onto the seat with my bike in my hands just SUCKS!!!) :eek:


May 10, 2004
Dude I hear ya on the lift thing man. I'm scared of those things when I go skiing (Ya I'm a wuss) I can't even imagine carrying a bike up with you. Congrats on making it up and on your first race.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Congrats on the race :thumb:

I too have some trouble with the lift at West Mountain (and I don't even have to hold my bike). I am too short and have to jump off at the top! They've had to stop the lift for me before and I am sure they'll have to do it for me again! ;)