
For a guy that was AWOL for a year during Vietnam, Dubya sure is eager for war...


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
What a two faced pussy, he used his daddies influence to get an easy tour in Vietnam, then went AWOL for a year. He didn't even get court martialed. Now is is overly eager to send thousands of people to their possible demise, when he didn't even have the balls to complete his own tour.

I guess only poor people from non influential families have to die for their country.


Want fries with that?
Jan 4, 2002
Originally posted by Tenchiro
What a two faced pussy, he used his daddies influence to get an easy tour in Vietnam, then went AWOL for a year. He didn't even get court martialed. Now is is overly eager to send thousands of people to their possible demise, when he didn't even have the balls to complete his own tour.

I guess only poor people from non influential families have to die for their country.
agreed, getting worried bout i JUST turned 18 and am worried that this low life might try to possibly bring back the draft....assuming that this "war" goes on long enough. guess he'll never be happy till he gets his black gold.......


Jul 21, 2002
there are many reasons for boosh to go to war:

1. finish daddy's job (cuz he's pullin the strings)
2. make up for not really winning the election (way to go florida)
3. boost the economy (war always does that)
4. show those sand dudes that they can't mess with the west (priceless)
5. consuming a type of energy other than oil would only appease dope smokin hippies (and we definitely couldn't have that)

actually, i know someone in IRAQ right now. i really hope that nuthin happens while he's there, cuz since he's CANADIAN, there's a bomb with his name on it.


Jul 24, 2002
Glens Falls, ny
slein said "3. boost the economy (war always does that)"

How many "golden ages" have you studied that have had great advancement while the country was fighting a war" Not to many if any.

indieboy said"agreed, getting worried bout i JUST turned 18 and am worried that this low life might try to possibly bring back the draft....assuming that this "war" goes on long enough. guess he'll never be happy till he gets his black gold......."

If we really wanted his oil why not just say do whatever you want with your chemical/biological/nuclear developments and we will allow this but let us have cheap oil rates. Im sure Saddam would love that because its a win-win for him he sells more oil and stays in power. But since using those weapons on his own people probably isnt the best idea.... we try to get him out of power, now who would have thought that might be a reason to want to get him out of power...


May 9, 2002
Steve Irwins Bungalow
It could be worse. You could have a guy just like Bush in power, except he wins the election on a platform of zenophobia and propaganda based around the "threat of terrorism"; not to mention he's like the annoying little kid at school who just tried too hard to be like the big boys, sucking up to them and pandering to their demands.

No freakin more blood for oil, no more cultural imperialism, no more sponsored wars, no more stealing from the poor, death to the WTO and World Bank, refugees are not prisoners blah blah....isnt all this stuff obvious?????? How dumb do you have to be to believe any of these things are false?

Dont answer that :devil: :D Rant over.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by johnny33fb

How many "golden ages" have you studied that have had great advancement while the country was fighting a war" Not to many if any.

If we really wanted his oil why not just say do whatever you want with your chemical/biological/nuclear developments and we will allow this but let us have cheap oil rates.
See USA, circa 1920s, and 1950s. Winning a war boosts morale, high morale means high consumer confidence. High consumer confidence means good economy.

Saddam might sell us the oil, but that would never do after Bush Sr. villified him. We want Iraqi oil without seeming like we would do anything to get it. Thus we need to unseat Saddam so we can buy oil from a "good" (puppet) democratic governmment.

I'm no fan of Hussein, or what he's done to his people, but I'm also under no illusions about when and why our governement sees fit to intervene in other parts of the world.


Jun 4, 2002
bellingham WA
check out the documentary film, "Horns and Halos" if you can ever find it (doubtful).

It's about the guy who wrote the biography "Fortunate Son" about Bush during the 2000 election. He's one of the few authors who tackled the cocaine issue (that I'm aware of), and sparked the cocaine question in the media. It's a great film.

Anyway, in the film, the second or third publisher of the author's book (softskull press) was looking at Bush's National Gaurd application he obtained through the freedom of info act.... they showed it on camera... They showed the boxes you check for where you would like to be stationed, but because of censoring, the "domestic" and "international" options were both blacked out. Then, all of the choices for domestic stationing were blacked out (alaska, cali, etc)....... BUT, the choices for international stationing were completely blank (i.e., bush didn't select them, and they weren't blacked out). No big whopper, but through deductive reasoning you can logically say bush chose domestic.

Just my two sense on the whole bush/vietnam deal..... hadn't heard anything about "AWOL" though.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
If it were just about oil, after a war, wouldnt Iraq simply become a member of OPEC? I fail to see how this would greatly benefit the US. We are still subject to its decision on oil prices and availability. Its not like the US can go in and conquer the country and lay claim to its oil. That simply will not work in the world community.
I think pointing out OIL as the cause of this war is an ignorent pacifists cop out.


Jun 4, 2002
bellingham WA
Originally posted by BurlySurly
If it were just about oil, after a war, wouldnt Iraq simply become a member of OPEC? I fail to see how this would greatly benefit the US. We are still subject to its decision on oil prices and availability. Its not like the US can go in and conquer the country and lay claim to its oil. That simply will not work in the world community.
I think pointing out OIL as the cause of this war is an ignorent pacifists cop out.

Seeing as how I've called this a war for oil, I feel I must respond to the "ignorant" and "pacifists" charge.
I guess I can't defend the ignorant part, what should I say??? "No I'm not!!" But as for the pacifist charge, I think a better way to describe the anti-Iraq-war-movement (at least for me) is people who would use force and violence as a last resort........ people who would like there to be some sort of moral justification for killing..... people who would like saddam hussein out of power, but aren't buying the supposed "threat" to the US Bush says he poses as a justification for invading an entire country.........people who fear that invading a middle eastern country will only further enrage people who may dislike the US and/or it's policies, only bringing more terrorist attacks, and diminished civil rights....... people who have respect for human lives everywhere, not just Americans, it's friends, and "interests"......... people who are outraged at 9/11 but aren't so quick with the need to invade an unrelated country .......people who view this move as more american imperialism (something to be avoided).

That isn't pacifism, what it is, is not being stupid with a big gun. Think the US can't conquer a country and lay claims to it's oil? Maybe not this time, as other countries have interests there as well. Listen: http://stream.realimpact.org/rihurl.ram?file=webactive/exile/dn20011023.ra&start="10:40.2" and part 2 http://stream.realimpact.org/rihurl.ram?file=webactive/exile/dn20011024.ra&start="1:07:50.6"