
Freakiest places to ride at night


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I was spinning along at Redwood and JM tonight. When the fog rolled in, I was a little freaked.

Anywhere else which is way spooky at night?


Turbo Monkey
Aug 21, 2006
In your pants
Lots of animals when I did a Demo night ride a few months back.

Sounded like bigger animals, too. Even with a crappy little light that I had, I still pedaled faster than I think I ever have.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
i would imagine the old rail line that goes along the carson river from carson city out towards virginia city would take the cake. if there are lots of crazies firing off semi-automatic weapons during the day i can't imagine what the night time activities would be. or maybe i can imagine... and then i need to think of kittens and happy thoughts to erase those images.

i vote the old V & T railline as the ride you would most likely have your face shot off on.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 21, 2006
downtown sf, went street riding last Sat night and man there's some areas that are 100% sketch. Still had a blast just had to keep my eye moving.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
I was spinning along at Redwood and JM tonight. When the fog rolled in, I was a little freaked.

Anywhere else which is way spooky at night?
Funny, I had a similar experience on the French Trail a few weeks back. You know, when I was, uh, hiking on it. Yeah, that's it.

The headlands can be pretty spooky too, especially just after a mountain lion sighting. Lots of glowing eyes out there when you swing your light around.

A big owl tried to pick me up once on a Tam night ride (some tight singletrack in the redwoods). I felt it land on my back then saw the wing tips flapping like it was trying to fly away with me.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
A big owl tried to pick me up once on a Tam night ride (some tight singletrack in the redwoods). I felt it land on my back then saw the wing tips flapping like it was trying to fly away with me.
That is pretty cool. I dig owls…. But I can imagine if I was in the woods and one tried to swoop down at me I might just pee pee a little in my pants.

Sometimes we night ride Hawley Grade. It’s not scary because of critters or hobos, but it is scary because falling off the cliff would suck.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
Some of those spots are creepy, BUT. Anywhere out on Ft. Ord in Monterey can freak you out late at night when the fog rolls in.

You can barely see in front of you, there's lots of large animals in the bushes, and freaky moss hanging off all the trees. To top it off, one girl who was kidnapped a few years back was found dead out there, there's abandoned military buildings that people some times sleep in and we've even had a mountain lion in a very small area. People also go out that way for shady business because its more remote than most places around monterey. Siege has a great story about a random car that drove up (cars aren't allowed out there) and dropped a non-descript suitcase and then sped off.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2005
I have to agree with Rich that S.F. at night can be pretty sketchy at times , you need to watch you back .
On the other hand I have been rideing the city by myself at night since around 89 and have only hd one guy try to jack my bike , so if you have your street wits about you you ahould have no problem .
Just down go north of filmore after dark and your good .

Craziest place at night I have ridden , FALL CREEK in S.C.
We used to do drop runs starting at around 12:00-1:00am and come into S.C at around 3:30
I saw some guy staring at his thumb WAAAAY out in the middle of noplace on the Fall Creek Trail at like 2:45am on time ?
We just kept rideing and he looked even more scared after we passed him , like WTF was that freeking alein ?? He sorta ran off into the woods after that hahahahaha tweeker ? You make the call


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2005
Well, I have hiked thru those projects at 2am. With a group of Guardian Angels....
F that !
Ho about the howard johnson's in Newark spitting distance from the Newerk airport after dark ? That place has a fence around it that looks like a feeeking JAIL !
Oh and our rental car STILL got broken into :clapping: They left a soul food menue in the car , bean pie .99c a slice !!


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
F that !
Ho about the howard johnson's in Newark spitting distance from the Newerk airport after dark ? That place has a fence around it that looks like a feeeking JAIL !
Oh and our rental car STILL got broken into :clapping: They left a soul food menue in the car , bean pie .99c a slice !!
I got just slightly lost in Newark once. Fvcking SKETCH.

It's like the movie Escape From New York in some parts of that town.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
...have only hd one guy try to jack my bike..
True story: About 6-7 years ago I was riding down Market, moving along at a pretty good clip toward a green light at 6th or 7th. A scrawny, raggedy looking dude who I assume was a junkie jumped into the street, assumed a fighting stance and let out a howl. It took me about a fraction of a second to realize it was no contest. I took a couple extra pedal strokes and ran straight into him, decked him with my shoulder and arm, sent him flying on his ass, then calmly rode through the intersection and turned around to see the guy crumpled in the gutter and a couple of other guys pointing and laughing at him. This was about 8 am.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
True story: About 6-7 years ago I was riding down Market, moving along at a pretty good clip toward a green light at 6th or 7th. A scrawny, raggedy looking dude who I assume was a junkie jumped into the street, assumed a fighting stance and let out a howl. It took me about a fraction of a second to realize it was no contest. I took a couple extra pedal strokes and ran straight into him, decked him with my shoulder and arm, sent him flying on his ass, then calmly rode through the intersection and turned around to see the guy crumpled in the gutter and a couple of other guys pointing and laughing at him. This was about 8 am.
You proved what I have always been saying: if some comes at you, ride right into him!


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
You proved what I have always been saying: if some comes at you, ride right into him!
Yeah in that split second I was like: "Hmmm, let's see, my 200 pound, former hockey- and lacrosse-playing carcass plus a bike with a bunch of sharp and pointy parts moving at 20-25 mph or so vs. a strung-out junkie with no apparent weapons...I think I'll take my chances."

Obviously, dude could have pulled a knife or something, which would have been bad, but luckily that did not happen.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I was riding a borrowed bike: My buddy's full pimp Merlin ti mtb.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
So can you describe the technique you used to run this guy over? Was it sorta like a manual-ish gate start-ish sort of thing straight over him, or did you go to the side and throw a shoulder? I just want to make sure I've got good form if I ever pull it out. :D


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
So can you describe the technique you used to run this guy over? Was it sorta like a manual-ish gate start-ish sort of thing straight over him, or did you go to the side and throw a shoulder? I just want to make sure I've got good form if I ever pull it out. :D
Hahaha, well, it was the latter, more of a helmet and shoulder check to his body followed by a WWF-style lifting with my forearm as I went by/through him. I'm pretty sure I lifted him at least a foot off the ground and sent him a few feet backwards. I don't think he'll try it again!

I'm not a violent person but if it comes down to me or you...well, I hope you're ok. And for the record, although this felt pretty good - I mean, I didn't even dab! - I also know I got lucky and it easily could have been a different result. :cheers:


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
One time in the French Quarter, some drunk started running after as I rode by. My first instinct was to sprint away (which I did) but part of me wanted to circle the block and submarine him.

Thinking back, I could have done that but all that would have done is beat down a drunken idiot.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2005
I ran over a tweeker bum here in Folsom one time when he triend to pull the same S on the bike path , jumped out and got his stance on I jsut stood up sprinted my 47lb DH bike at him pulled up and rolled over him at a pretty good clip , I hvent seen that guy in Folsom since then .


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
I ran over a tweeker bum here in Folsom one time when he triend to pull the same S on the bike path , jumped out and got his stance on I jsut stood up sprinted my 47lb DH bike at him pulled up and rolled over him at a pretty good clip , I hvent seen that guy in Folsom since then .
:clapping: :clapping:


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I ran over a tweeker bum here in Folsom one time when he triend to pull the same S on the bike path , jumped out and got his stance on I jsut stood up sprinted my 47lb DH bike at him pulled up and rolled over him at a pretty good clip , I hvent seen that guy in Folsom since then .
Bunny hopped him or did your suspension soak up the 5'11" roller?


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
I ran over a tweeker bum here in Folsom one time when he triend to pull the same S on the bike path , jumped out and got his stance on I jsut stood up sprinted my 47lb DH bike at him pulled up and rolled over him at a pretty good clip , I hvent seen that guy in Folsom since then .
Hahaha, there would be nothing worse than a 2.7 minion to the nuts!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2005
Bunny hopped him or did your suspension soak up the 5'11" roller?
Suspension ... I sorta jsut stood the bike up as he tried to T bone me on the bike path with him and his tweeker bike yealling something at me that's when I pulled up into a standing wheelie / manuel and all 9in of Yeti goodness flattened that guy as I rode over him , his bike and all the crap he had stapped onto it .

( EDIT: to complete this picture with some back story , this bum had followed me from another park in Folsom then tried to "ambush" me on the bike path when saw me again , these bums used to do meth and drink in the park right behind my house all day from about 7:30 on I used to see them in the moring when I ould go ride through the prk to get doughnuts , they would try to F with me everytime I rode through the park going anywere )


Nov 14, 2002
Bay Area
I've ended many rides out of JMP when it was dark and down in those ravines it is pitch black. The owls have swooped over my head several times. They are beautiful birds with about a 5' wingspan. It's freaky to fill the blast of wind in the face from their wings. I also found the whole rear leg of a deer out there once and it was completely picked clean of any meat or fur. I don't think it got attacked by killer squirels and I don't think a bobcat could take down an adult deer. Mountain lion????:lighten: