
-- Friday's Ride Thread --


Mar 4, 2004
New York
jacksonpt said:
Nothing today, nothing tomorrow, hopefully some saddle time on Sunday.
My wife needed the car today, and the weather was supposed to be OK, so i thought that I'd ride the cross bike to work (24 mile New York City commute). I put my wife and baby in the car, watched them drive off, walked back to my place to get the bike - and realized that my helmet & gloves were in the car. :dead: :dead: :dead: :dead:

Taking the subway to work today sucked.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Did a urban park ride last night. Very fun. I rode well. Climbing was a bitch in the snow but I suppose I will have to get used to it. More coming thats for sure. All those little of-camber things that you usually don't pay attention to. Well you have to pay attention to those now. Winter riding is so different. That is all......jdcamb
I may ride today. It's really cold here right now

8:43 in the AM and it is 32 degrees here in the ATL.

I think I'll go do my laundry first. I loathe the laundromat. AT least I have my new MTB UK and Retailer mags to keep my mind off the 'internationals' and meth whores. I swear it's like a holding cell from an episode of Cops.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
I rode again a little bit after tweaking the front Avid Mech a little bit - but the damned thing still kept squeeling like a banshee last night - louder than all get out and not pleasant.

Surfed the web a bunch too looking for deals and whatnot. :devil:


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
Yo, Yo!
I might be riding Saturday morning. Whoo Hoo! It's suppose to be nice during the day 50 something. Hopefully the morning won't be too much worse, or I'll be a little freaking cold. An of course it will be a solo ride.


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
MMcG said:
I rode again a little bit after tweaking the front Avid Mech a little bit - but the damned thing still kept squeeling like a banshee last night - louder than all get out and not pleasant.

Surfed the web a bunch too looking for deals and whatnot. :devil:

Mine don't squeal like a banshee, but they do rub, and cause a little noise. Which pisses me off because my buddies are silent. It's just my front though, my back brake is good. I can't get it to shut up either. I'm hoping when I change the rotor and pads things will clear.


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
I thought about riding last night. I watched some bike porn too, does that count? The shortest day of the year is next week, so everyone rejoice that it's time for the planet to start tilting the other direction again!!!!!


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Just got back from a ride :thumb:

McGRP01, Squirrel, Brewer (non-monkey) and I went out for a rip at the SMBA trails. McGRP01 & I demonstrated what not to do on a steep, icy rock...he used his brakes and went OTB...then I proceeded to claim that it was rideable and went down hard too...no brakes, just had some difficult not turning on ice :D Brewer went OTB a little later in the ride, but Squirrel rode quite well...or he was so far ahead of the rest of us that we just didn't see him crash :devil: It was quite cold though....time for me to invest in warmer riding socks & shoes!


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
TreeSaw said:
time for me to invest in warmer riding socks & shoes!
i just bought some wool hiking socks from a local outdoor store (REI) they work really good. Plus riding with Toester Booties or similiar products make the piggies very happy.

Went for a night ride with Toshi, Black Sunshine, and his pal Downhill Dave. Good times, night riding is so surreal i love it.... Can't wait for the Green Mt. ride tomorrow morning! :)


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Yesterday's ride was a blast! (thanks for the invite Treesaw) Everything was frozen and it made for some fast trails! Suprisingly, I'm not too sore for the number of times I went down on icy patches. :)