
-- Friday's Ride Thread --


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
please remember this bike only (no gym, no hop skotch, no twister or any other crap you all do)

I did TGRR (thursday's group road ride)

I'd say just under 20 people on the big boys ride, pace seemed pretty slow for the 1st few miles (in hindsight, peeps were prob just warming up). I actually was out front for a mile or 2. Due to some traffic/turns I was back just a little, at maybe 6 miles in we hit a big ass hill.......and I was dropped :dead: I was hoping to catch the lead group after the hill but they were gone.
I ended up in a group of 5. I was working pretty hard but our pace wasn't that fast (I'll blame the wind)...We slowed/stopped a couple times for the 5th guy. (not sure why they were doing that, there is a sweeper to pick up anyone that couldn't hang). I got tired of waiting for the 5th guy so I did the last 8 bymyself.

35.8 miles
17.4 mph AVG

HRM max=179
HRM avg=142


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
=[Stinky]= said:
Why did you post a thursday ride in a friday ride thread?
Urban ride after work tonight.
The daily ride thread is a place to post about rides that happened on the previous day (i.e. how they went) and rides planned for that day.

BTW - nice job douglas... way to take the initiative to start this thread yourself. I've thought from the beginning that these threads should only be started by someone who rode or is going to ride. Starting off with a "I got nothing - who's riding" is pretty weak.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
I didn't ride last night :(, pilates and laundry instead. BUT, I have 2 rides planned for today. 11am - going to get my arse kicked at Spier Falls, then 4:30-5ish gonna hit the SMBA trails.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
well, i ahvent bee riding because i've been running, but i want to contribute to bike topics sooooooooo.........

i went on my first ride in along time on monday, and it was awesome. i forgot how much i love my bike. i was still sadlle sore from it yesterday. tn needs to get a cyclocross bike so we can ride those on the road. i ahte riding my xc bike on the road. but if i take my cx bike out, i will kick his ass. hehehe. so i plan on not waiting forever to get on my bike again. hopefully i'll have a ride to report on in the monday ride thread.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I rode some trails last night. I found about 4 nice techie downhills, very short but fun. Lots of off camber roots and a couple of small drops. It was a pretty good work out. Ride down, hike up / repeat. Then I rode around this little industrial complex practicing bunny hops over median dividers and played on some stairs. I also worked on pumping on some drainage ditch trannies. I think I am doing it right but its hard to say since there was grass. I couldn't really tell if it was making me go faster or not because of all the drag. (I think I just said pump trannies in drag all in one paragraph, eeek!)

This morning on my ride to work I passed a feild where the Marine 1 helicopter was landing and saw the president hop off on his way to the Naval Academy graduation ceremony. You don't see that everyday. Tonight I probably won't ride (other than a little urban-commuting). Maybe this weekend.


Apr 4, 2002
Standard post-work road ride last night, a bit over 30 miles. Nothing planned for today beyond commuting. Driving up for an out-of-town ride that starts early tomorrow instead.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Did a little hour roadie hill repeat kind of ride yesterday. I had planned to ride the dirt but it kept raining off and on yesterday.

Not looking to good for any dirt this weekend either.


Wumpus said:
Did a little hour roadie hill repeat kind of ride yesterday. I had planned to ride the dirt but it kept raining off and on yesterday.

Not looking too good for any dirt this weekend either.
Where are we riding???