
Front end stiffness/flex questions


Turbo Monkey
Apr 18, 2002
Orange County
posted thisin the dh forum, but it may be more appropriate here

well, i currently have an 02 jr t with an xt disc hub laced onto a rhyno lite.thefront is also a kujo. I've noticed when going through rocks and such that this combo is REALLY REALLy flexy.

heres my question: would getting a higher flange hub(hope big'un maybe) and another trailpimp for the front and running higher pressure curse some of this flex or merely accentuate(sp?) the flexiness of the fork?

would it be better to just get a super t or at least the 20mm/qr 20+ lowers for it? I know i can get a monster fairly cheap, but would that be over kill? and how much stiffer is a monster than a super t?