
Full Face required at Whistler?


President of FRONJ
Oct 17, 2001
Orange County, CA
I am packing for a trip to the East Coast and will be going to Whistler sometime on the way back. Does anyone know if Whistler has a manditory full face helmet policy. I am trying to pack light, so I would only like to bring one helmet.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
From what I've seen in pictures and on the online forums there is no requirment for a fullface at whistler. I know I'heard more than one person mention "a rider in jeans with a pisspot helmet ripping down a-line". So no, I'm positive you won't need one.

The Ito


President of FRONJ
Oct 17, 2001
Orange County, CA
ito said:
From what I've seen in pictures and on the online forums there is no requirment for a fullface at whistler. I know I'heard more than one person mention "a rider in jeans with a pisspot helmet ripping down a-line". So no, I'm positive you won't need one.

The Ito
Thanks for the info.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
CBJ said:
But not cruisers on A-line :)
Althoguh I think you can get special permission. There was a movie released where guys rode 10 speeds down a-line. Interesting technique for jumping with the handlebars flipped up even :)


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Metal said:
I am packing for a trip to the East Coast and will be going to Whistler sometime on the way back. Does anyone know if Whistler has a manditory full face helmet policy. I am trying to pack light, so I would only like to bring one helmet.
yo so you got a lift? Sweet, see you out here! :cool:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
It isn't but sometimes I think it should be. Last Sat, first run, the guy right in front of my mate eats it on the third jump in A-line. He stays with him while I beat feet down to tell the medic. This guy was f'ed up. Teeth on the trail, out cold. He would have walked away with a full face. Just something to think about. The incident kinda put a buzz kill on the whole day.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 22, 2004
vancouver eastside
is that the table under the chair? lots of carnage on that one. this sat i watched one guy get bucked at good speed - big endo to yardsale to crumpled heap. did not look like fun, though he seemed somewhat mobile afterwards. two runs later the paramedics were evacuating a girl from that jump who looked like she had broken her leg. nasty. no shortage of work for the medics up there.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
It was on the first big jump after you cross the road. The jump is bigger than it looks and you come up on it wuick out of the corner. He was rookie. We talked to the guys he was riding with. He was a friend of a friend and nobody really new his riding ability.
The should make you take a test to ride some stuff. Like they do at climbing gyms. This was this guys first run on a hardtail and he went down a-line? :confused:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 2, 2004
Take a full face and full body armor. You hardly have to ever pedal so it's not like you'll get too hot wearing all that stuff. You can take off your helmet and relax on the lift back up. It's not worth getting hurt and wasting your trip from falling down and getting busted up, or worse forcing your friends to leave early.
I know oyur a sick rider, but hte other varibles(newbs and sharp rocks and first time there) are not worht it..I watched a good friend that is a sick rider like your self eat **** and over something real little...but yo ustart hualing ass there and its worth wearing full gear...i dont mean anything against you....but there are tons of kids that will get in your way when hit a drop or just standing in a jump....

I dont wear armour..but I havent got my new Dianese stuff yet...I dont know...I guess i have seen ALOT of peps get hurt already this year and dont want to see another.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
My second time to Whistler last year without any amour and I look like Bruce Willis in "Die Hard" at the end of the weekend except for no bloody feet. This time I am going Dianese shuttle suite and full face.


Jan 15, 2002
Vancouver, BC Canada
As others have said, no a FF isn't required.

If you are doing anything other than taking the green trails down, I wouldn't chance it.

The carnage factor up there is high.

How much do you like your teeth?

If you don't want to pack a FF helmet, they do rent them.


Oct 8, 2003
Seattle, WA
It's not required, but, in my opinion, it'd be pretty dumb not to wear one. I know everyone says this, but it really does take just one crash to screw you up badly.


May 3, 2004
Santa Clara / Vashon
While you're asking about helmets, I would recommend all the armour that you can get. Even if you need to rent it. Knowing someone who cheaped out and is now paying the price with some badly bruised ribs, be sure to get a chest protector along with the usual limb protection.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2004
The 909
crashing_sux said:
Do the pro's ever wear helmets there? I think it would interfere with people recognizing them, and that just isn't acceptable.

Unless you ride a Honda Bike and wear a rainbow jersey, then everyone knows who you are :)


Jul 17, 2002
Vancouver, WA
bibs said:
All the pros, I have seen up there except Gareth always ride with a full face, but I have seen gareth wear full face ALOT! too.....they might not wear full armour..but they are full faced :D
I'm pretty sure I've seen Schley riding in just a hoodie twice in the past week, both times he was stopped though so I guess it's possible he just yanked his helmet off as soon as he stopped and was holding it in a way I didn't see it.