
Galbraith Trailday this Sunday - Sponsored by Dropnzone


Apr 25, 2007
Hi all,

The FR crew's March build day is happening this Sunday the 14th. The plan is to meet at the upper Lake Padden parking area off Samish Hwy around 9:45 and roll out in trucks a little after 10. Keep in mind this is when daylight saving time hits so get your clock situation worked out.

We'll have some coffee and pastries in the parking area and then drive up to work on the newly machine-rebuilt Luge. The mini-ex is off the trail and now there is a ton of finishing work to do before it's opened up to riders. Specifically we'll be narrowing the trail corridor in many spots since the machine cuts a pretty wide path, revegetating disturbed areas, fixing a couple jumps that didn't turn out right, and moving lots of dirt to finish building the tables.

DNZ is sponsoring this build day and will be providing lunch and hopefully lots of skilled volunteers. The sooner the remainder of the work is complete, the sooner it'll be open to bikes. Final count: 40 jumps and 21 berms.



Apr 25, 2007
Hey all,

Just want to give a HUGE thanks to everyone that came out to throw dirt on Sunday. We ended up with 54 people (plus a couple late stragglers) that included about 10 groms and 1/2 dozen gals, plus at least 10 dogs. Big props to Chris and Allen from DNZ who not only took care of breakfast and pizza for lunch, but they brought a fair bit of killer swag and their crew of builders with them.

We split into groups of 10 and took on some really big projects. There was a lot of tweaking and revegging that went on Sunday. The goal was to make everything "caseable" and at least a handful of jumps were re-shaped. We made it about 2/3 of the way down the hill and I'm guessing we've got at least another couple of weeks before the trail is considered ready for the public, so please be patient with us as we make necessary changes. Folks will be working on it most days until it's ready to go.


Some pics from my better half.


Transplanted Ferns:

Groms and Dogs.

2nd jump got a bit wider...

Cheri was a dirt moving machine.

This section got dialed by TZ, Spence, Andrew, Hawk and a bunch of other folks. 4 jumps in a row.

Odin and Matt K. working on the old skidder road.

Looking up the old skidder.

Tyler, David, Mike and crew working in the stepdown zone.

Scuch and Mattie. These dudes with the help from Teague, Hawk, Brandon and a few others extended this a table by 6 or 7 feet. Guys were overshooting the tranny to flat....that won't be a problem now. ;)

The tranny for said jump.

Brandon and Andrew talking shop.

Josh P sampling the stepdown.